The "Fuck you cancer!" thread

Thanks guys.

We all knew this was coming. Just hard to accept that there are no more bullets in the chamber for this.
Thoughts, prayers, karma, internet love and hugs go out to those who need them.

In the past, I've been a little cynical about these tenuous, ephemeral acts of internet kindness. My present, however, has opened my heart to as much kindness - wherever it comes from - as I can get.

My husband was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease last November. We've only been together a little over two years. It took me a lifetime to finally meet him (a kinky hook up site success story!) and now our love story is going to be pretty short.

I didn't know much about Lou Gehrig's disease prior to this other than Lou Gehrig was a baseball player who got this mysterious illness. Now, I see it's devastating effects every day as my guy loses his mobility, his ability to swallow, his speech.

I will say all those cliches about living life to the fullest, live each day like it's your last, yada yada... I was cynical about those too!! And now, I try to dance like no one's watching, turn my frown upside down -- it doesn't matter how tired, how sad, how tough it is - I want to make every day for him, for us, wonderful.

I know this is the cancer thread. But I'm hoping this can be a general fuck you awful, ugly, random illness post.
Last night I got a call.

My friend had been out of contact for the week, as she was starting radiotherapy, I had just assumed she was having a rough time and would contact me when she felt a little more human.
I sent regular txts, just little supportive things. On Tuesday she responded with xxx. I knew she must have not been doing too well by then.
On weds the radiotherapy was abandoned and she was admitted, the chest infection becoming pneumonia.
By friday she was slipping in and out of consciousness, with one lucid moment on sat morning.
She was placed on a vent and the doctors did everything they could, but by Sunday evening the decision was made to make her comfortable and withdraw treatment.

She slipped away at 11pm


You have taken one amazing lady, my friend.
I hate you from the core of my being.
Last night I got a call.

My friend had been out of contact for the week, as she was starting radiotherapy, I had just assumed she was having a rough time and would contact me when she felt a little more human.
I sent regular txts, just little supportive things. On Tuesday she responded with xxx. I knew she must have not been doing too well by then.
On weds the radiotherapy was abandoned and she was admitted, the chest infection becoming pneumonia.
By friday she was slipping in and out of consciousness, with one lucid moment on sat morning.
She was placed on a vent and the doctors did everything they could, but by Sunday evening the decision was made to make her comfortable and withdraw treatment.

She slipped away at 11pm


You have taken one amazing lady, my friend.
I hate you from the core of my being.

I'm so sorry Daisy!
Damn you, cancer, ALS, and all those others who are taking the friends and loved ones of my friends!We *will * beat you down and piss on your remnants. You will NOT win!
Positive thoughts, best wishes, sympathy and cyber hugs to all.x
Friend of mine has survived three years after being diagnosed with GBM and having a 6cm tumour removed from his brain. He's been planning a big "never expected to make it to 40" party, but the GBM is coming back and it looks like he may have to choose between going into surgery and maybe missing the party, or skipping the surgery and possibly still being too sick for the party. And either way, it doesn't sound as if he's likely to make it to 41.

Haven't been on here for a while so just popping in to say Sir had another colonoscopy back in May and thankfully is cancer free - FUCK YOU CANCER hope you keep on staying away!!
Has Anyone

Has anyone ever experienced low platelets from radiation or Chemo?? Low platelet count made me miss my 3rd and final chemo, but it only fell to 80 something.
I was admitted to the ICU Friday because my platelets crashed to 1 (150 being normal). Major bleeding gums, internal bleeding spots especially my feet & forearms. Also I have an enlarged spleen. Had 3 platelet transfusions which raised it up to 42 along with a ton of other stuff through the IV. I freaked when I did an urine test and it was pure blood.

MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.
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MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fough,t and are fighting ,this battlehave helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

Oh SirW... I'm struggling between "NOT.FAIR!" and wanting to support your decision. So I won't be selfish... remember when interviewing hospice places, to ask about the option to spank the nurses, as therapy. ;)

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There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

Much love and warm thoughts heading your way.

Thank you, everyone, for your love and support for SW and me.

MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

Yes, from what I've seen there is such a time. I just wish you wouldn't have to face it just yet.
But as you said, it's still very much a part of FYC.

I'll be thinking of you and your loved ones!
MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

You are right, of course, there comes a time to focus on those that love you.

Your thoughtful, insightful commentary are one of the reasons I joined the board. Thank you. :rose:

MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

As ever, showing the rest of us how it SHOULD be done. :heart:

All love, positive thoughts and good wishes winging their way from this side of the water.

MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

Sending you and YK much love.
I am humbled by the way you have faced this decision with your familiar rationality and inherent common sense. You have my highest respect.

Find one with a sympathetic pain relief program and a beautiful view from the windows.
Hugs to you my friend

MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

I don't know you but you and your loved ones are in my thoughts.
MRI today - 1st one since March - This one had too much bright shiny stuff. Chemo & rads are done for; any repeats or new stuffs would almost certainly create more problems than they might resolve. Therefore, steps are being taken to get into a desirable hospice program. There comes a time, in my mind, when one ceases using one's finanvial, physical and emotional capital in an unwinnable battle, and saves them for a better purpose - to give and show love.

All of us who have fought, and are fighting ,this battle have helped others to the day when they WIN it.

So listen up, cancer, FUCK YOU!

Thank you all for being here and sharing your love.

Lately I've come to see pretty clearly that there's only one certainty in life and much of our pain is wrapped up in being uncertain about it or afraid of it. Walk fearlessly, my friend. You have made many lives better by your presence, your gifts, and your candor. No one could ask for more of themselves.
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