The "Fuck you cancer!" thread

I went in for my final results yesterday. They say I'm all clear but are giving me a PET scan in 2 weeks just to confirm my regressed lymph node is truly dead.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you,Yank. Your antenna is powered full-up and unbelievably overclocked. My eternal best wishes to one of the posters here I admire and respect most.

Extremely good to see you on here! Antenna has been set to 11 the last few days :rose: xxx

My friend has acquired a chest infection, so treatment cannot commence. She is getting hit from all sides :( she has been told it's stage 3 and one of the more common varieties of lung cancer. I am still so shocked it had gotten this far without any symptoms, and I mean none!
Huge hugs xx

I'm so sorry this is happening to you,Yank. Your antenna is powered full-up and unbelievably overclocked. My eternal best wishes to one of the posters here I admire and respect most.

Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.
Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.

Take care, Yank!
Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.

Listen to your body, if it is telling you to sleep, for the moment at least, go with it. It knows what it needs :)

I hope it gets easier xx
Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.

I'm sorry to hear this MWY. I was on the GB today because I was contacted about Byron and popped over here to see if anything had changed and it has --- you. I hope you get through whatever cancer you're suffering from.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.

Well, fuck. That certainly sucks. I'm glad y'all are okay.

Five-hour energy beam, to you, Yank.
Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.

I know I'm not on here nearly as much as SW but he does update me on everyone and I care for all of you. Thinking of you, Yank, and all who are going through this right now.

My sister in law has just been diagnosed with stage three liver cancer. Very sad and unlucky time, She never drinks as her dad died of liver failure when she was a teen. Poor girl is a widow with two little kiddies to care for.
Cancer needs to fuck off!!!!
Thanks much. the cogency problem seems to be partly connected to rest, so I may have to increase my sleep time even further. Yesterday, after what seemed like a sufficient 3--hour nap, I ran a red light while driving with my wife to the grocery store. We didn't hit anyone or suffer any damage, but it was one of those moments that makes you question how much you should be doing on your own and how much you should delegate. Scary stuff, sometimes.


Consider that your final warning.

*stares sternly*


Consider that your final warning.

*stares sternly*


Thanks. I've cut back even further on my driving, which is easy for now as both boys are staying at home while looking for jobs and, of course, the wifely one is home on summer break from school. With luck, this mental fuzziness will recede once the treatments end in a few weeks. If not, I may have to take up writing science fiction for a living. :p
Putting treatment on hold for a couple weeks.
Taking a much needed sanity break and spending time with family and friends.
Heading to Nova Scotia. Ocean surf and lobster( before my taste buds change)

Powerful healing thoughts to all. And a of course a big

Deeege...I'm so sorry to hear this about your Mom. Pointing all of the Positive Mom Vibes in your direction!

My pm box is always open.