The forum member GoFuckYourself makes me nauseous


Really Experienced
Feb 2, 2013

The person posts useless pictures one right after another day after day.

Please, give me a fucking break...

Take a day or two off...
It's about the only pic thread I don't have on iggy, he posts some good stuff. I am, however, going to iggy the tedious thread starter just as I did with all his other names.
I like them too. A lot, in fact.

If you don't like him/her, then just add them to your ignore list and their threads will no longer show up for you.
GFY posts great pics in every category.

As opposed to a poster like loquere that posts every video he looks at
I think you are right. (Another one is Ticking.) The multiple personality disorder is getting worse!

Ooh. Do you think maybe KarlC is jealous of GFY? Perhaps he feels like GFY is hogging all the attention and should be squished immediately with a giant potato masher. ;)
Ooh. Do you think maybe KarlC is jealous of GFY? Perhaps he feels like GFY is hogging all the attention and should be squished immediately with a giant potato masher. ;)

Attention Whore Deficit Disorder is a bitch.

The person posts useless pictures one right after another day after day.

Please, give me a fucking break...

Take a day or two off...

GFY posts some of the best photos on the board.

However, if you don't like them, you could use the ignore option. Or just not log on....
Reminds me of my adolescent holidays in France, my mother's native country. (My father was Lebanese.)