The food thread


Shy does not mean weak
Jan 17, 2003
It just occured to me there isn't a thread on this theme so I thought what the hell, I'll start it myself. This thread is dedicated to sharing great recipes of all kinds. If you have something that you think tastes great, by all means share it here!
great idea for a thread SSG :D

Ok heres my never fail recipe for yummy scrummy sponge buns!

4 oz flour
4 oz caster sugar
2 eggs
4 oz butter
drop of vanilla essence(optional)

Ok, sift your flour and sugar into a bowl,add the eggs and butter(or margarine) and the drop of vanilla essence and mix it together until all ingredientsare combined.

divide into bun cases in a bun tray and place in a preheated oven (180oc) for about 20 mins (or until golden brown)

et voila its done! :D
Hi SSG & English Lady,

There is a food & recipe thread, I think Emmeline started it. "Hey Good Lookin', Whatya Got Cookin" is the title. Lots of good stuff in there if you like to cook. :p

English Lady... what's caster sugar? :confused:
Arden said:
English Lady... what's caster sugar? :confused:

Hiya Arden, caster sugar is a fine sugar, usually used for dusting the top of cakes and pastries.

Dat's all..... :D
Ladybird said:
Hiya Arden, caster sugar is a fine sugar, usually used for dusting the top of cakes and pastries.

Dat's all..... :D
LOL... ok, I think that's powdered sugar here :D

Nice to see you LB! :rose:
Great thread. Like Arden said there is the other thread Hey Good looking whatcha got cooking. come on over. we already have alot of recipes on there and always looking for more. Seems there are alot of Litsters that like to cook and have lots of cook book and recipes.
Thanks for the heads up about that other thread, I didn't know about it and I'll go check that one out. :)
Better Than Sex Cake

At least that's what I've always called it.

Bake a plain old yellow cake according to the directions.
While it is still warm, use a toothpick to poke holes all in it.
Then, pour Borden's milk all over the top. Use as many cans as you'd like, I usually use 2.
Pour the juice off of several cans of crushed pineapples, and then add them on top. Use as many cans as it takes to completely cover the top.
Sometimes I use one more can of Borden's milk over all the pineapple.

This is a very sweet cake, but very good.
For the chocolate lovers

This is quick, simple and a big time favorite with all the chocolate fans in my family. :D It makes a yummy rich chocolate cake with a tunnel of fudge down the center.

Triple Chocolate Surprise

1 packaged chocolate cake mix
1 8oz. carton sour cream
1 package instant chocolate pudding
1 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup oil
4 eggs
1 cup water

Spray crockpot with non-stick cooking spray or lightly grease. Mix all ingredients by hand in a large bowl. Pour into prepared crockpot. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high 3-4 hours. Serve with whipped cream.
Re: For the chocolate lovers

missbehavin_badly said:
This is quick, simple and a big time favorite with all the chocolate fans in my family. :D It makes a yummy rich chocolate cake with a tunnel of fudge down the center.

Triple Chocolate Surprise

1 packaged chocolate cake mix
1 8oz. carton sour cream
1 package instant chocolate pudding
1 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup oil
4 eggs
1 cup water

Spray crockpot with non-stick cooking spray or lightly grease. Mix all ingredients by hand in a large bowl. Pour into prepared crockpot. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high 3-4 hours. Serve with whipped cream.

Where you bin! wicked little truant you!:rose: :rose:
Put that chocolate down and into my study, immediately!!