The Everything Music Thread!


May 21, 2002
Ok Lit...This is the thread for ALL you music lovers. Whatever you want to talk about music related goes. Any genre, any subject...anything at all. New artists, old artists, underated, overated, dissappointed, overjoyed, good albums, bad albums...Are you a musician?...Tell us about it...Do you have any music related memories you want to share? Have you seen a concert that blew you away...or made you go to sleep? TELL US ABOUT IT!
...Okay, got the idea?:D
Okay...The Conting of my all time faves...These guys just keep getting better...yet, their new stuff is virtually ignored when it comes to airplay...they are criticaly acclaimed...I never really hear anyone with bad things to say about them...but they get no stinking is for that reason that I really don't listen to the radio anymore...even if I request something, I never get to hear sucks...:(

...Okay so this post started out with the CRows and went to radio what it's my thread. :p

...Any opinions?
Musical memories...

Isn't it amazing how music can trigger so many memories...Here's a few...

Toad the Wet Sprocket...wnet to see them in concert with the firstr girl I ever loved...can't listen to them now without thinking of her even though I have not seen nor talked to her for years...I worked at a convienence store at the time to...makes me remember that too...

Sara Maclachlan...I got dumped just after I bought "Surfacing"...album still makes me sad...

...Any memories from you Lit?
so...WILCO...bought a couple of used cd's...I like them, gonna buy more...anybody got any recommendations?

...Please...don't make me reply to myself cuz I can have some very fucked up conversations...:rolleyes:
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you will find alot of good reviews and insights from tortoises threads. the new music impressions being my favorite.

but to have the conversation anyhow. counting crows are absolutely fantastic. i saw them in the u.k on their august....tour and was absolutely blown away. i also had the opportunity to meet them afterwards.

their newer stuff is not as good as august in my opinions but there are classic tracks that stand out from the recovering the .... and this deset life including goodnight elizabeth,millers angels,hanging around and amy hit the atmosphere.

raining in baltimore and omaha are 2 of the nicest tracks ever written in my opinion

if you like counting crows you might be interested to hear some of the work by Blues traveller especially the straight on till morning lp. (felicia being my fav)

look forward to correspomdence kidthor
Hey Wizbit...I do read Tortise's threads and obviously there are a lot of music lovers on Lit...I was thinking it would be nice if we had a place we could all hang out and talk about anything music related...

...I have seen Counting Crows three times...they are a live bad to be sure...I agree that I enjoy their earlier stuff more, but every album they have done has grown on me like a fungus...My band plays three counting Crows covers...Rain King, Murder of One and Speedway...I would like to do more but we are only a three piece and that makes it difficult to pull off some of the more textural pieces they do...:rolleyes: Have you purchased Hard Candy yet? There are some really unexpected moments on that Butterfly in Reverse and New Frontier...

...As far as Blues Traveler, for some reason, they never really did much for me...don't know why though I nust admit I have only heard the singles and they are often not the best representation of a band's work...

...So, my veiw of the UK scene is fairly Americanized...Oasis, Robbie Williams and such...Who is big over there right now?...

kidthor said:

...So, my veiw of the UK scene is fairly Americanized...Oasis, Robbie Williams and such...Who is big over there right now?...


i dont really do the british music scene as our charts are full of pop rubbish. manufactured bands of no significance.

bewarned Robbie is about to demolish america as he is in talks with emi at the mo to secure his £80million 4 record deal which insure domination of the usa.
personally i hope coldplay do better as they have more feeling in them (a bit drab some might say but still not bad)

in bristol (a part of england there is a really good scene with many good acts coming from it. some you might have heard of some not) Morcheeba, massive attack, portished, tricky, turin brakes

other british acts that i can recommed are Kathryn williams, ms dynamite (just about to enter the us charts) groove armada, gomez

if you want some good music sites with good message boards try
these 2 u.k music press sites
I'm a huge Stone Roses fan.... probably my favorite band of all-time...

St. Etienne, Ride, Black Grape, Erasure... lots of late 80's early 90's brit-pop type stuff...

Parklife said:
I'm a huge Stone Roses fan.... probably my favorite band of all-time...

St. Etienne, Ride, Black Grape, Erasure... lots of late 80's early 90's brit-pop type stuff...


not a huge fan of the roses but john squire one of the most underated gutarists of our generation
...Who in the USA has not heard Yellow by Coldplay...liked the song...interested in the band...also Travis much music, so little time...

...what a bout Wilco...any fans?...Any recommendations for their best stuff...

Have Mermaid Ave. Vol. II...and a double live them both...but want to get more by them...
kidthor said:
...Who in the USA has not heard Yellow by Coldplay...liked the song...interested in the band...also Travis much music, so little time...

the amusing thing is that us brits have been aware of these 2 for easily 3 yrs before you lot heard them.

the tables are turning