The end of the CCP?

No one thinks you are smart, regardless of how often you demean the intelligence of others.


Yes, we know you prefer Communist propaganda. It's been apparent in your posting. Go ahead and stay dumb, I don't care.

You comprehend almost as well as Connie. Epoch is funded by commies, ya nutter.
You comprehend almost as well as Connie. Epoch is funded by commies, ya nutter.

No it isn't, numb nuts. It's anti-Communist. That's why commie thugs burned their offices down in Hong Kong and kicked their reporters out of China. Seems there is no limit to your general ignorance of reality.
No it isn't, numb nuts. It's anti-Communist. That's why commie thugs burned their offices down in Hong Kong and kicked their reporters out of China. Seems there is no limit to your general ignorance of reality.

The founder is a new shittier version of L. Ron Hubbard. You choose the strangest hills to die on.
"Gravitas" is the name of a youtube channel from India which sticks the boot into China very effectively. I haven't ascertained who might be behind these stories/channel but they and their presenter are very effective.

I'll check that out.
Sure. When America was founded most of the founders owned and traded slaves (about 700,000 slaves in America when the sacred Constitution was penned), the average life expectancy was around 35 years old, and only about 6% of the population (white adult males) were allowed to vote.

"Buh buh 250 years ago!!!" Doesn't change the values and structure of the USA.....M'erica is Right wing, leftist are anti-American, that's why you want to change the USA into the EXACT OPPOSITE of everything it's ever stood for.

Take away here is that societies and people evolve and change.

Yet somehow the more they change the more they stay the same.

The battle between those who support individual liberty and collective authority the USA is going through now is anything but new.

Ironically, most of the changes came about when folks, mostly oppressed peoples of the times, protested and brought about change.

Yes, protest.

Ironic, given the current BLM protests, ironically lost on you and your narrow, undeveloped ideology.

When you use destruction, violence and threats of more destruction and violence to push your politics, you're not longer a protester, you're a terrorist.

BLM burns shit down, shoots cops, kills people who disagree with them and threaten people with that same violence into complying with their anti-American politics.

They're fucking terrorist.

Shit’s different than it was 230+ years ago. Catch up, soldier boy.

That does nothing to change the fact that the USA is founded on a set of ideals we still hold institutionally today and to go against those ideals (as you and the left do) is definitively anti-US of A.
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Another lie. Why do you do it?

Lying through your teeth is all part of the "progressive" playbook. You read "Rules for Radicals" didn't you?

Let's review, dumb fucks...

The Epoch Times is known to promote far-right politicians in Europe,[9][10] and it backs President Donald Trump in the U.S.; a 2019 report showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[11][12][13] The group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccination propaganda.[7][14][15] The organization frequently promotes other Falun Gong extensions, such as its performing arts company, Shen Yun.[4]

Falun Gong was founded by its leader Li Hongzhi in China in the early 1990s.

Organ harvesting

Further information: Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China and Organ transplantation in China
In 2006, allegations emerged that a large number of Falun Gong practitioners had been killed to supply China's organ transplant industry. These allegations prompted an investigation by former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas.

The Kilgour-Matas report[191][194][195] was published in July 2006, and concluded that "the government of China and its agencies in numerous parts of the country, in particular hospitals but also detention centers and 'people's courts', since 1999 have put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience." The report, which was based mainly on circumstantial evidence, called attention to the extremely short wait times for organs in China—one to two weeks for a liver compared with 32.5 months in Canada—implying it was indicative of organs being procured on demand. It also tracked a significant increase in the number of annual organ transplants in China beginning in 1999, corresponding with the onset of the persecution of Falun Gong. Despite very low levels of voluntary organ donation, China performs the second-highest number of transplants per year. Kilgour and Matas also presented self-accusatory material from Chinese transplant center web sites[196] advertising the immediate availability of organs from living donors, and transcripts of interviews in which hospitals told prospective transplant recipients that they could obtain Falun Gong organs.[191]

That is some hero you have there. Fucking clowns. :rolleyes:
That doesn't make the "Progressive" leftist desire to shit can the individual pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, along with all our civil rights any less anti-American.

If they want it, they should have to bleed for it like our forefathers had to do to preserve it.
Oh look, DeluxAuto shilling for the a good Democrat.

You get dumber by the day. I point out that Epoch is run by religious scam artists and right-wing conspiracy theorists and you say I'm shilling for the CCP. :rolleyes:

Why not laugh at Reichguide for being such a partisan dupe? Never mind, too hard to call out one of your own :cool:
Let's review, dumb fucks...

Falun Gong was founded by its leader Li Hongzhi in China in the early 1990s.

Organ harvesting

That is some hero you have there. Fucking clowns. :rolleyes:

Here's what you need to learn about Falun Gong:

The Truth about China’s Persecution of Falun Gong
By Ethan Gutmann

April 1, 2019 1:06 PM

Here's you should know about the Epoch Times:

Associated Press reporter Nahal Toosi wrote in 2006 that it is "technically inaccurate" to say that Falun Gong owns The Epoch Times, although many of the newspaper's staffers are Falun Gong practitioners.[35] Toosi noted "many observers" have said Falun Gong uses the newspaper for its public relations campaigns, and the paper is connected with the group and carries sympathetic coverage of it.[35][36][37][30][38]

The English Epoch Times chair Stephen Gregory said in 2006: "It's not a Falun Gong newspaper. Falun Gong is a question of an individual's belief. The paper's not owned by Falun Gong, it doesn't speak for Falun Gong, it doesn't represent Falun Gong. It does cover the persecution of Falun Gong in China."[35]

In 2003 sociologist Yuezhi Zhao wrote that the paper "displays an indisputable ideological and organizational affinity with Falun Gong" and that it strongly emphasizes negative portrayals of the Chinese government and positive portrayals of Falun Gong. Per Zhao, Epoch portrays itself as neutral, independent, and public-interest oriented.[20]

Nick Couldry and James Curran wrote in 2003 that the paper represents a "major step in the evolution of Falun Gong-related alternative media", and may be part of a de facto media alliance with democracy activists in exile.

This is why you're opposed to the Epoch Times:

The editorial stance of The Epoch Times is generally considered anti-communist, specifically opposing the Communist Party of China.[3] In recent years, the newspaper has also been noted for favorable coverage of the Trump administration,[7][11] the German far-right,[9][50] and the French far-right.[10]

The Epoch Times picks up mainstream newswire stories and in some places can resemble a community newspaper.[51] According to sociologist Zhao Yuezhi, "While mainstream newspapers typically treat Web versions as an extension of the already-existing print version, The Epoch Times website serves as the master for all its worldwide papers."[20]

The newspaper counters what it considers to be Chinese Communist Party propaganda through its own opinion pieces and reporting. It covers causes and groups opposed to the CCP, including Falun Gong, dissidents, activists, and supporters of the Tibetan government-in-exile. The paper also reports on Falun Gong-related news, including the group's attempt to sue former Communist Party general secretary Jiang Zemin under civil legislation for "genocide", not covered by most other overseas Chinese-language newspaper
Anyone with any sense of history knew that the CCP was going to die out sooner or later. But by golly it just might be sooner.............a lot sooner. All the signs are there. I just depends on how ruthless they want to get with their citizens to maintain power.

China is getting hit with floods of Biblical proportions. So much so that that 3 gorges dam has moved on it's foundations. There are many hydrologists out there that believe a collapse of the dam is a very real possibility. Throw into the mix a plague of locusts (ironically the CCP may have brought the locust plague on themselves, more on that later). Severe food shortages are being forecast in the near future. The combination is like seeing the plagues of Egypt in real time.

The CCP is behaving like the nouveau rich, like the dirt poor guy that hit the big lotto prize. Their arrogance doesn't seem to have any boundaries. Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy. They are basically threatening anyone, and everyone, that doesn't agree with them or offers the slightest criticism. So much so that even those nations that have benefited from their "checkbook diplomacy" are NOT speaking up in support of China. The bottom line is that they've managed to piss off every nation in the region and by threatening the trade routes in the S. China Sea they pissed off the Western nations as well.

Re. the locusts. China has shut off the water supply flowing down the Mekong River. This has caused drought conditions in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Extortion diplomacy at it's finest.

The people are restless and very much less inclined to swallow the CCP's propaganda. And Xi is beginning to feel the political pressure within the party itself. His "president for life" status is in jeopardy. Because there are no elections in China per se' the only way to achieve power is to purge the other guy. His position is not unlike old Julius's position just before he took that stroll in the forum.

The CCP, which includes the military, is corrupt to it's core. Advancement in the party and the military is purchased at the lower and mid levels with Yuan, and at the higher levels by deft backstabbing. Very few administrators, especially at the regional levels, are competent in their position. And yes, this includes the military.

So all of that begs the question, "Will Xi go so far as to start a war so as to try to hold on to power?" And if he does, can he prevail?
Present your evidence from reputable, non-bias sources that support your accusations.

Why is it that trump and trumpettes just assume people will believe accusations simply because they state them?
You get dumber by the day. I point out that Epoch is run by religious scam artists and right-wing conspiracy theorists and you say I'm shilling for the CCP. :rolleyes:

Why not laugh at Reichguide for being such a partisan dupe? Never mind, too hard to call out one of your own :cool:

You are the dupe, stupid. All you do is lie and repeat CCP propaganda.
Present your evidence from reputable, non-bias sources that support your accusations.

Why is it that trump and trumpettes just assume people will believe accusations simply because they state them?

Get an education.:rolleyes:
You get dumber by the day. I point out that Epoch is run by religious scam artists and right-wing conspiracy theorists and you say I'm shilling for the CCP. :rolleyes:

Why not laugh at Reichguide for being such a partisan dupe? Never mind, too hard to call out one of your own :cool:

Childish insults and whattaboutism.

Classic Delux....standard issue leftist.
You mean like stating without proof that BLM is a terrorist organization?

Or that anyone who disagrees with him is a neo-Maoist, Nazi, Commie, Liberal Fascist? Or that he constantly insults people and then whines when someone claps back at him?