The end of the CCP?


Literotica Guru
Oct 22, 2017
Anyone with any sense of history knew that the CCP was going to die out sooner or later. But by golly it just might be sooner.............a lot sooner. All the signs are there. I just depends on how ruthless they want to get with their citizens to maintain power.

China is getting hit with floods of Biblical proportions. So much so that that 3 gorges dam has moved on it's foundations. There are many hydrologists out there that believe a collapse of the dam is a very real possibility. Throw into the mix a plague of locusts (ironically the CCP may have brought the locust plague on themselves, more on that later). Severe food shortages are being forecast in the near future. The combination is like seeing the plagues of Egypt in real time.

The CCP is behaving like the nouveau rich, like the dirt poor guy that hit the big lotto prize. Their arrogance doesn't seem to have any boundaries. Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy. They are basically threatening anyone, and everyone, that doesn't agree with them or offers the slightest criticism. So much so that even those nations that have benefited from their "checkbook diplomacy" are NOT speaking up in support of China. The bottom line is that they've managed to piss off every nation in the region and by threatening the trade routes in the S. China Sea they pissed off the Western nations as well.

Re. the locusts. China has shut off the water supply flowing down the Mekong River. This has caused drought conditions in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Extortion diplomacy at it's finest.

The people are restless and very much less inclined to swallow the CCP's propaganda. And Xi is beginning to feel the political pressure within the party itself. His "president for life" status is in jeopardy. Because there are no elections in China per se' the only way to achieve power is to purge the other guy. His position is not unlike old Julius's position just before he took that stroll in the forum.

The CCP, which includes the military, is corrupt to it's core. Advancement in the party and the military is purchased at the lower and mid levels with Yuan, and at the higher levels by deft backstabbing. Very few administrators, especially at the regional levels, are competent in their position. And yes, this includes the military.

So all of that begs the question, "Will Xi go so far as to start a war so as to try to hold on to power?" And if he does, can he prevail?
Anyone with any sense of history knew that the CCP was going to die out sooner or later. But by golly it just might be sooner.............a lot sooner. All the signs are there. I just depends on how ruthless they want to get with their citizens to maintain power.

China is getting hit with floods of Biblical proportions. So much so that that 3 gorges dam has moved on it's foundations. There are many hydrologists out there that believe a collapse of the dam is a very real possibility. Throw into the mix a plague of locusts (ironically the CCP may have brought the locust plague on themselves, more on that later). Severe food shortages are being forecast in the near future. The combination is like seeing the plagues of Egypt in real time.

The CCP is behaving like the nouveau rich, like the dirt poor guy that hit the big lotto prize. Their arrogance doesn't seem to have any boundaries. Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy. They are basically threatening anyone, and everyone, that doesn't agree with them or offers the slightest criticism. So much so that even those nations that have benefited from their "checkbook diplomacy" are NOT speaking up in support of China. The bottom line is that they've managed to piss off every nation in the region and by threatening the trade routes in the S. China Sea they pissed off the Western nations as well.

Re. the locusts. China has shut off the water supply flowing down the Mekong River. This has caused drought conditions in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Extortion diplomacy at it's finest.

The people are restless and very much less inclined to swallow the CCP's propaganda. And Xi is beginning to feel the political pressure within the party itself. His "president for life" status is in jeopardy. Because there are no elections in China per se' the only way to achieve power is to purge the other guy. His position is not unlike old Julius's position just before he took that stroll in the forum.

The CCP, which includes the military, is corrupt to it's core. Advancement in the party and the military is purchased at the lower and mid levels with Yuan, and at the higher levels by deft backstabbing. Very few administrators, especially at the regional levels, are competent in their position. And yes, this includes the military.

So all of that begs the question, "Will Xi go so far as to start a war so as to try to hold on to power?" And if he does, can he prevail?

If you change CCP to RNC and China to USA and Xi to Trump in your post, it still works.

The CCP is behaving like the nouveau rich, like the dirt poor guy that hit the big lotto prize. Their arrogance doesn't seem to have any boundaries. Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy. They are basically threatening anyone, and everyone, that doesn't agree with them or offers the slightest criticism. So much so that even those nations that have benefited from their "checkbook diplomacy" are NOT speaking up in support of China. The bottom line is that they've managed to piss off every nation in the region and by threatening the trade routes in the S. China Sea they pissed off the Western nations as well.

Just like have to be blind not to see the ideological and behavioral similarities.

(D)'s are the US arm of the CCP.

The people are restless and very much less inclined to swallow the CCP's propaganda. And Xi is beginning to feel the political pressure within the party itself. His "president for life" status is in jeopardy. Because there are no elections in China per se' the only way to achieve power is to purge the other guy. His position is not unlike old Julius's position just before he took that stroll in the forum.

Same in the US...

So all of that begs the question, "Will Xi go so far as to start a war so as to try to hold on to power?" And if he does, can he prevail?

Will he? IDK...he sure is flirting with the idea.

As far as his ability to project force? I'm afraid on land? He could take significant territory if he decided to expand China. Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia, India and the smaller SE nations would all be at high risk and there wouldn't be much anyone could to to stop them just short of a global coalition/mobilization to go all in on kicking Chinas ass.

Probably couldn't take Japan, Taiwan or AU/NZ.
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The US is the world's biggest debtor, and China is the world's biggest lender. Chew on that for a bit.


The Russians stutter more.

C-C-Communist Party.

It's like Roger Daltry versus Randy Bachman.
The US is the world's biggest debtor, and China is the world's biggest lender. Chew on that for a bit.

Anyone with any sense of history knew that the CCP was going to die out sooner or later. But by golly it just might be sooner.............a lot sooner. All the signs are there. I just depends on how ruthless they want to get with their citizens to maintain power.

China is getting hit with floods of Biblical proportions. So much so that that 3 gorges dam has moved on it's foundations. There are many hydrologists out there that believe a collapse of the dam is a very real possibility. Throw into the mix a plague of locusts (ironically the CCP may have brought the locust plague on themselves, more on that later). Severe food shortages are being forecast in the near future. The combination is like seeing the plagues of Egypt in real time.

The CCP is behaving like the nouveau rich, like the dirt poor guy that hit the big lotto prize. Their arrogance doesn't seem to have any boundaries. Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy. They are basically threatening anyone, and everyone, that doesn't agree with them or offers the slightest criticism. So much so that even those nations that have benefited from their "checkbook diplomacy" are NOT speaking up in support of China. The bottom line is that they've managed to piss off every nation in the region and by threatening the trade routes in the S. China Sea they pissed off the Western nations as well.

Re. the locusts. China has shut off the water supply flowing down the Mekong River. This has caused drought conditions in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Extortion diplomacy at it's finest.

The people are restless and very much less inclined to swallow the CCP's propaganda. And Xi is beginning to feel the political pressure within the party itself. His "president for life" status is in jeopardy. Because there are no elections in China per se' the only way to achieve power is to purge the other guy. His position is not unlike old Julius's position just before he took that stroll in the forum.

We're living exciting times when we're being given insights into History.
And I wish that the outcome you're hoping for were true, bellisarius.
But I seriously doubt it.

I''m drawing parallels to 2008, when Wall Street & cronies were caught with their pants down. Have the insight we all gained then & our collective anger changed things? No, we're still in the same system.

And make no mistake, communism fell in Eastern Europe in 1989-1990 -- not because people were fed up with it. Laypeople have been fed up with it for decades, but they ended up in Siberia.
It only fell because powerbrokers decided that the experiment failed.
Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy.

Re. the locusts. China has shut off the water supply flowing down the Mekong River. This has caused drought conditions in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Extortion diplomacy at it's finest.

Interesting. I don't know politics but I read RT, and until some time ago it used to be awash with pro-China propaganda.

So all of that begs the question, "Will Xi go so far as to start a war so as to try to hold on to power?" And if he does, can he prevail?
What do you mean?
Far better to swallow the Falun Gong propaganda, like The Epoch Times and Qanon, the way Republicans do.
Anyone with any sense of history knew that the CCP was going to die out sooner or later. But by golly it just might be sooner.............a lot sooner. All the signs are there. I just depends on how ruthless they want to get with their citizens to maintain power.

China is getting hit with floods of Biblical proportions. So much so that that 3 gorges dam has moved on it's foundations. There are many hydrologists out there that believe a collapse of the dam is a very real possibility. Throw into the mix a plague of locusts (ironically the CCP may have brought the locust plague on themselves, more on that later). Severe food shortages are being forecast in the near future. The combination is like seeing the plagues of Egypt in real time.

The CCP is behaving like the nouveau rich, like the dirt poor guy that hit the big lotto prize. Their arrogance doesn't seem to have any boundaries. Russia is refusing, diplomatically, to deliver new weapon systems to China. It's not just that the CCP clones those systems without paying royalties (and poorly at that), but Russia is beginning to see China as an enemy. They are basically threatening anyone, and everyone, that doesn't agree with them or offers the slightest criticism. So much so that even those nations that have benefited from their "checkbook diplomacy" are NOT speaking up in support of China. The bottom line is that they've managed to piss off every nation in the region and by threatening the trade routes in the S. China Sea they pissed off the Western nations as well.

Re. the locusts. China has shut off the water supply flowing down the Mekong River. This has caused drought conditions in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Extortion diplomacy at it's finest.

The people are restless and very much less inclined to swallow the CCP's propaganda. And Xi is beginning to feel the political pressure within the party itself. His "president for life" status is in jeopardy. Because there are no elections in China per se' the only way to achieve power is to purge the other guy. His position is not unlike old Julius's position just before he took that stroll in the forum.

The CCP, which includes the military, is corrupt to it's core. Advancement in the party and the military is purchased at the lower and mid levels with Yuan, and at the higher levels by deft backstabbing. Very few administrators, especially at the regional levels, are competent in their position. And yes, this includes the military.

So all of that begs the question, "Will Xi go so far as to start a war so as to try to hold on to power?" And if he does, can he prevail?

I mentioned something about this the other day. The massive floods, over 30 million people displaced, billions in property damage and loss of infrastructure, no real safety nets for those impacted. Add the crumbling economy, the corruption and monetary theft of the party elite, mass defections from the CCP, the movement of stolen wealth being shuttled into offshore banks, and things don't look good.

Little press coverage here was given to that banking debacle a few weeks ago when it was discovered that 4% of Chinese gold reserves were fake. It was discovered that 83 tons of its gold reserves were gold plated copper bars. That "gold" was backing 16 billion yuan in loans, and would be equivalent to 22 per cent of China's annual gold production and 4.2 per cent of the state gold reserve as of 2019.

Read more at:

China has alienated the countries around it. It needs a diversion. These are dangerous times. The Chinese people themselves may put an end to the CCP.
I mentioned something about this the other day. The massive floods, over 30 million people displaced, billions in property damage and loss of infrastructure, no real safety nets for those impacted. Add the crumbling economy, the corruption and monetary theft of the party elite, mass defections from the CCP, the movement of stolen wealth being shuttled into offshore banks, and things don't look good.

Little press coverage here was given to that banking debacle a few weeks ago when it was discovered that 4% of Chinese gold reserves were fake. It was discovered that 83 tons of its gold reserves were gold plated copper bars. That "gold" was backing 16 billion yuan in loans, and would be equivalent to 22 per cent of China's annual gold production and 4.2 per cent of the state gold reserve as of 2019.

Read more at:

China has alienated the countries around it. It needs a diversion. These are dangerous times. The Chinese people themselves may put an end to the CCP.

Seriously? Copper? I don't know whether using Copper speaks to ignorance or arrogance. If you're going to fake Gold like that you use Tungsten.
I wonder how much time Rightguard has spent in China.

(fleeting thought)
Seriously? Copper? I don't know whether using Copper speaks to ignorance or arrogance. If you're going to fake Gold like that you use Tungsten.

Think of it, 83 tons of copper coated in gold used to secure loans equivalent to 2.8 billion in US dollars. It's the reason why we are attempting to throw them out of Wall Street financial markets. It's a good excuse for Trump to deny them access to US Dollar banking transactions, which would effectively shut down their economy and sink the criminal aspirations of their Party elite who are hoarding billions in US Dollars in their personal accounts they've stolen from the Chinese people.
I wonder how much time Rightguard has spent in China.

(fleeting thought)

I read the Asia Times, Gordon G. Chang, Michael Pillsbury, The Epoch Times, WION, and other foreign press, all as part of a desire to be accurately informed on foreign issues completely ignored in the useless American press.
I read the Asia Times, Gordon G. Chang, Michael Pillsbury, The Epoch Times, WION, and other foreign press, all as part of a desire to be accurately informed on foreign issues completely ignored in the useless American press.
That may change after China has to pay for ruining the planet.

I laughed. That sounds sooo much like the naïve "Mexico is going to pay for the wall."

That said, the CCP has morphed into something else so entirely it might as well change its name.
The President hints at usurping the election process and, right on cue, Lit.'s right-wing brigade pivots to a discussion of China's future.

I'm guessing there's a playbook involved.