The Disposable Penis


Literotica Guru
Dec 5, 2001
Don't you wish you had one?

When it comes to kinky sex, nature has quite the imagination. Some animals devour their suitors after doing the deed, while others attach themselves, in a parasitic fashion, to their mates in order to reproduce.

But a new study finds that the ostentatious sea slug, or nudibranch, may take the cake—one species of this marine invertebrate cuts its own penis off after mating and regrows a new reproductive organ within 24 hours, whereupon it’s ready to mate again.


They are rather pretty little things:




If you had a disposable penis, where would you leave it? In a one-night-stand? An ex?
Give me 10 mins and I'm ready to go again.

I don't even need to chew off my wang.
But what if we LIKED the original one?

Does it come EXACTLY like it was before?
Clean is happy......

Indeed. Almost makes my toes curl just thinking about being....clean.


I can't do this. Not tonight...I need sleep. Somebody needs to hit me upside the head with a 2x4 so I can get some rest.
Indeed. Almost makes my toes curl just thinking about being....clean.


I can't do this. Not tonight...I need sleep. Somebody needs to hit me upside the head with a 2x4 so I can get some rest.

You'll have to find someone else to do that. I won't do that.
I wonder what it uses to cut it off with. I bet it has to bite it off. That really kind of sucks...the least it could do is just fall off so the poor guy doesn't have to gnaw his dick off