The China Pearl Inn---Part Six.

Well S F The Romans had worked out how many door mice a host should allow for each guest at a banquet :eek:

Well stuff them with some bacon and spices and I guess anything is a delicacy. But there aren't any of them around here, so I will pass on any mice.
SF, you've given years of dedicated service to both your career and the children you taught. Right now you're getting used to a new life and a new home and you're tired. I'm just glad you continue to frequent the inn with your presence.

Both HSG, who's sitting by my side and I are proud to call you our friend and we hope you'll continue to be our friend for years to come.

Of course Ian and our fellow warrior CG are very special to us too. But there's something about having an experienced intelligent fellow woman to interact with that makes our visits to the inn special. Thank you. :rose:

That is really nice of you to say. It is odd how a person can meet a few people online and feel as if they have known them forever. Despite the mileage between us, I feel like the people at the Inn have a closeness that isn't found anywhere else here at Lit or even online. I am not sure exactly why that is, but our resident rafter dweller is pretty good with her fairy dust. That and the fact that CG brings people together in a special way.

We have a pretty darn nice group of people if I do say so myself. :)
I passively listen to the conversations that flow around me and find I have nothing to add so I pour myself a Jamison's and content myself with a touch of the Irish.
I have to agree with everything GG said. You're all very special friends and important to us.

The kids we spoke to at the school asked some very intelligent thoughtful questions and several of the took leaflets. Next week in the UK there's a week's school holiday and 16 youngsters said they want to come to our 'open day' to see how we work.

I don't think anyone had a crush on GG this time but you never know.
*Popping in for a pint before bed*

Hi, guys.

Thanks, CG. My family visit will be a very chillaxed affair (though my partner will fret about them enjoying themselves) as we haven't seen each other since New Year. A drawback of moving 300 odd miles away. :)

HSG, GG - I would have been shocked if you did glamorise war, though joining the army is great for learning skills (other than fighting)? Incidentally, what qualifications would these school leavers need to join?

I do think this is a nice intimate group here in the Inn. A nice thread to just pop in and say 'hi'.

No work search tomorrow as we are finishing prepping for our visitors.

Anyway, will catch up tomorrow.
Don't be bashful CG. You're our glue, you hold us together. I'll have a dry white wine please if you're serving.

Ian qualifications depend on what you want to do. Some join up as young as 16 but lately we try to discourage that young age. Although you don't need GCSEs or A levels it does help if you have them. GG and I both went to university and served in the reserves before joining the regulars and we're both graduates. The number one qualification is physical fitness. We have to be A1 to even be considered. The minimum requirement is to able to run for 5 miles on the flat at least 3 times a week or 3 miles uphill.

GG is on the phone to BigRick but has shouted 'hi'. O and so has he!
It's gone midnight here now and we've got an early start (0500hours). But earlier this year there was a TV show which followed a group of Girls during their 26 week induction. Here's something of what we all go through on admission to the reserves or regulars.

Goodnight all :kiss:
I pour HSG her white wine and Offer Ian a single malt.

Glue I doubt that HSG. S F, you, G G and Ian are what makes the Inn a place that folks want to visit.;)
5 miles? I would never have gotten in. Running was not even on my top hundred list of things I could do well. But I blame the camels. In middle school, I went to a school right next to the San Diego Zoo. The girls' field shared a fence with the camels. Holy cow do they stink!!! In high school, we were near the community college and shared a stadium field with them. The coaches there were big on running up and down the stairs, not a fun deal when you get vertigo on stairs. LOL My idea of physical education was badminton and bowling. LOL

But I always thought it would be fun to try to break codes. Of course now that stuff is all done with computers, probably most of it was done with computers back then come to think of it. But I like puzzles and word games. You don't have to run to do those.:rolleyes:
Okay, even if I was a runner, the idea of having to talk in front of a group would have done me in. I used to ditch school to skip oral reports. Nothing more fun that getting up in front of a group, turning bright red, breaking out in a sweat and coming close to fainting to let you know that oral speaking isn't the thing for me. I got better at it when I was older (still turned red and broke out in a sweat but I didn't come close to fainting any more), but I skipped out on finishing the assistant principal test because they added an oral section. LOL I didn't want to be an AP, but it would have been more money. I could have had a master's when I was pretty young but didn't want to do the orals. Later, I found a program where I could get the master's without having to do orals. Jumped right on that one. LOL Being in the classroom where I could be silly with my kids was more my thing. :)
'Silly with my kids ... '

That would be fine. You need a good sense of humour in the British Army, you'd be at home.
*Pokes tongue out*

See what I have to put up with? Lol

*Pokes tongue out*

But we all love her
Hay not cat fights G G and HSG,

I give them a teasing wink recognizing a service banter I know oh so well.
That's why we like you CG. You're one of us. A team member
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Good Morning All

Just got back from our run and now off to brekky. Ian, thinking of joining?
:eek: Way too old unfortunately.

I was simply interested in what was a school leaver's option when joining the army.

How's everyone and any good weekends planned?
Hope the family gathering goes well Ian. The job hunt can wait.

We've just heard our weekend plans might be cancelled.
Stand-by to Stand-by HSG. I am sure you know the routine. ;)

We use to have what they Called BRAVO Status. So if you were in BRAVO 2, you could be no more than an hour from the unit. And then there was ALPHA Status which was Stand-by to Stand-by be prepared for immediate deployment. :eek:
CG, the weather map shows you might get some white stuff this weekend. Better bring in lots of that wood you chopped over the summer. We are supposed to get a little rain early next week, but mostly warm temps. The following week is when it starts to cool down. Not very often I see a man say "no catfighting" usually they are egging the fighters on. I never really understood why males find that so exciting. I don't get that feeling when men fight. :confused:

HSG, GG Is your base near the coastline? Are you able to see the Russian ships going through the channel? What a mess this is going to be. I would like to hope your unit stays away as long as possible but since you are first responders.. sigh.. if you deploy, be very careful. Lots of people care that you come back safe.

Ian, have fun with your family. I am sure they will enjoy your upgraded garden and man cave.