The China Pearl Inn---Part Six.

HSG a lot of the Areas here have to make their own snow, mother nature does not always cooperate. The local area will start making snow this coming weekend, so with a little luck and weather permitting I could be skiing by mid November. :D
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Too warm yet for snow in this area. Still in the 60s up near the ski resort. Probably be mid-November before it is cold enough for anything to stay on the ground. Still in the mid to high 70s at my house. Got some new birds into the area, little ones maybe sparrows or wrens or something similar. They don't hold still long enough for me to tell. But they have the blue jay up in arms. He/she spent the afternoon yelling at them from the sidelines. Those jays are so territorial, they think they own everything they can see. LOL As far as I can tell though, there is only one jay and there are several of the redwings and smaller birds, so he/she is totally outnumbered.

Nothing else going on around here. Puttering around in the kitchen today.
Enjoyed an amazing day - except for the result, Mr T will not be happy The Rams were 10-0 up then lost 17-10. But the best team won. I met my old uni friend and GG's former colleague. Good day, enjoyed a great meal now back at base ready for an eventful week.

CG I love the snow. Can't wait to go skiing again.

We watched the game here. It didn’t appear as there was much of a turn out of spectators. We were rooting for the Rams too, simply because the Giants are in the same division as the Cowboys. :eek:
We watched the game here. It didn’t appear as there was much of a turn out of spectators. We were rooting for the Rams too, simply because the Giants are in the same division as the Cowboys. :eek:

Good Morning CPI

Great day yesterday but the team we chose to cheer lost. Luv2bfkd my Fiancée BigRick supports the Cowboys too. When I was in Texas with him last autumn we went to the AT&T Stadium for a tour and I bought my nieces cheerleaders outfits.

SF, thanks for passing on my kisses to CG

CG, yes Rugby is much faster and tougher than Grid Iron. When I was with Rick last year in Texas he got me some training sessions with a women's team. I found the padding and head gear restricting but enjoyed it. They told me if I go back I can join in as a guest player. I'm better in defence.

Ok, it's just gone 0800 hours. We've had our 5 mile run, showered and off to breakfast. Meeting with the CO then weapon training.

Have a great day :kiss::rose::heart:
G G Thanks for the kisses it is always a good way to start the day.

So weapons training today and a meeting with your CO sounds like a busy day.;)

Thinks are quiet around here this morning patches of snow on the ground and unsettled weather this week rain and snow so it will be damp and chilly. so it will be a low fire on the hearth, just to take the chill off the house and the spirit,

I have several posts to catch up on as well. :eek:
I enter the inn feeling absolutely Jacobed! Pouring a strong coffee I sit and refresh myself. Then I notice a pile of reports, down my coffee and fade back to the real world.

Catch you later guys :rose:
Smiling I pour G G another coffee and lay out several pens, pencils, to add her in her mountainous paper work.

Just a few things to give you a hand in your less desirable duties G G. ;)
Cheers CG, I needed that. Cleared a lot of reports on supplies and medical needs and organising vaccinations for our winter exercises.

Got to get to bed. Sending love to SF.
Gald to hear that you were able to make a dent in your paper work G G .;)

Well off to bed for you young lady.......Do you need me to tuck you in for the evening? :devil:ish :D
We both need a tucking in and soothing song tonight CG. Got through a lot of work today. Must bed down now. Goodnight my friend :kiss:

Love to Ian & SF
Oh the tucking in I could manage HSG but I fear my singing would give you nightmares rather then sensual naughty dreams Miss.:eek:
Good night to the girls. Hope you sleep well.

Well the sun went away and it is overcast here. Supposed to rain tonight. I got the new knob for my lamp, so I fixed that. The old knob got broken in the move. My contractor spent his last day today doing little things like putting up a light over the stove, finishing up the driveway, and plugging up a couple of small holes. Won't see him again until I save up more money. But he did all the repairs, renovations and little things that will make me comfortable. I am hoping to get the money to winterize the back porch before winter. Right now it has screens all around and I want to put in some double plated glass windows so I can sit out there, read, do laundry and watch the snow fall. Tonight I am going to make soup for the first time. I still haven't found my crock pot, but I bought a stock pot years ago that I never used (of course that I found) so we'll see how it goes. Got the kitchen shelves and drawers lined, so I have been putting away kitchen stuff. Little by little there is space opening up on the front porch as I empty the boxes.
Sounds like your making some headway S F where your new hose is becoming your new home. I still have a ton of little things to do around my place some I can and others will save the money and then get the contractors in,;)

Here there calling for possible snow again a trace to a few inches.
Soup came out a little spicier than I thought it would. Oh well. I will add more stock when I reheat the left overs and that should take care of it. At least it was hot and filling. That is all I require of food, and the hot is usually optional.
Wanders in from a wind chilled night, pulling my shawl around my shoulders tightly. The warm glow of the fire entices me as I grab a bottle of Balvanie and a glass off the bar in my old fashion and find my usual seat in a comfy chair by the fire. I pour two fingers and down a swallow letting the warmth of the scotch warm my body. Man, I have missed this place
Good Morning Papillon24, nice to meet you. It's always good to meet new people or welcome back old guests. I can't stay, got a busy day but I hope to see you again.

SF, sounds like you're a good cook. My weakness I'm afraid but while I'm in the army food is always provided. I can cook emergency rations of course, even been shown how to catch, kill and cook a rat!

CG, thanks for the tuck in. I was exhausted last night. Off to France today to look at some hardware. Should be interesting.

Catch up later. :kiss:
Wanders in from a wind chilled night, pulling my shawl around my shoulders tightly. The warm glow of the fire entices me as I grab a bottle of Balvanie and a glass off the bar in my old fashion and find my usual seat in a comfy chair by the fire. I pour two fingers and down a swallow letting the warmth of the scotch warm my body. Man, I have missed this place

And we have missed you Pap. So are you working on any m\naughty stories Pap?

G G Enjoy your excursion to France, I take it that it will be a flying trip?
Good Morning Papillon24, nice to meet you. It's always good to meet new people or welcome back old guests. I can't stay, got a busy day but I hope to see you again.

SF, sounds like you're a good cook. My weakness I'm afraid but while I'm in the army food is always provided. I can cook emergency rations of course, even been shown how to catch, kill and cook a rat!

CG, thanks for the tuck in. I was exhausted last night. Off to France today to look at some hardware. Should be interesting.

Catch up later. :kiss:

Not what I would call a good cook, but I can follow a recipe most of the time. Have no interest in eating rat, I will leave that up to more adventurous people. Have a safe trip.

Hi Papillon24, nice to meet you.

CG, are you keeping warm. Rained last night. Lightning knocked out the power for a couple of seconds, so I decided bed and a book was the place to be. Of course, falling asleep at ten meant waking up at 2 and not being able to go back to sleep. So, I foresee a nap in my future. :)
S F a dusting of snow overnight and temps in the 30F's today and the low 30F's at that. So like the Inn their is a fire on the hearth to take the chill off the house.

G G I always prefered my rat roasted as apposed to boiled :rolleyes:
CG, I'm always up to something ;)

SF it is nice to meet you. Good to see new people in the Inn
And what are you up to at the moment Pap.

I pour the naughty young miss her favorite Balvanie single malt scotch. And I pour one for myself as well.

It is spitting snow at the moment.:)
We just returned from France. The least said the better.

So CG you prefer roasted rat. Same here, it cooks better. Obviously like us you were taught survival skills. How to eat nettles, cook rodents etc. As a nurse I've been taught how to use rotting vegetation to stop wound infection and bring body temperatures down. Old skills that still work.

SF, those Autumn storms can really damage power cables. What books do you read? I'm reading the Game of Thrones books - I'm hooked!
Well nettles can make a passable tea G G, Not quote an Earl Grey, but passable ;)

That is perhaps why I am a coffee man. :devil:ish :D

I set up a Jamison for G G and a white wine for HSG

Glad your back safe and sound
We need our beds. Big reports to write tomorrow. I down the nightcap and kiss CG on the cheek.
We just returned from France. The least said the better.

So CG you prefer roasted rat. Same here, it cooks better. Obviously like us you were taught survival skills. How to eat nettles, cook rodents etc. As a nurse I've been taught how to use rotting vegetation to stop wound infection and bring body temperatures down. Old skills that still work.

SF, those Autumn storms can really damage power cables. What books do you read? I'm reading the Game of Thrones books - I'm hooked!

I read mostly mysteries. I am currently reading The Red House Mystery by A.A. Milne. Then I am going to start the Jesse Stone series by Robert Parker. I liked the couple of movies I saw, so I am betting that, as usual, the books will be better.

A lot of those old skills work. I can remember my mother using bread soaked in warm milk to draw out an infection I had in my knee as a child. Thankfully, we never had to resort to eating rats. :)