The China Pearl Inn---Part Six.

You forget I read these posts most days and can't let you get away with that. You cheated lol! We were in Wales and you were in a hell hole calling out points with a referee's arm band on your arm. Next thing you've changed it to blue and I have a gun pointing at my head! And what did you say? "Alls fair in love and war!" Ok, I've marked you well for this time. So be on your guard Ma'm!

CG, SF, Ian - hi. Thanks for taking care of my girl!
Always a pleasure Rick. ;)

I will not give you my thoughts on rules of engagement as they might be to much even for Lit.:eek:

Ian good to see you I trust the job hunt goes well. Still in your garden or has the weather driven you to your man cave?
You forget I read these posts most days and can't let you get away with that. You cheated lol! We were in Wales and you were in a hell hole calling out points with a referee's arm band on your arm. Next thing you've changed it to blue and I have a gun pointing at my head! And what did you say? "Alls fair in love and war!" Ok, I've marked you well for this time. So be on your guard Ma'm!

CG, SF, Ian - hi. Thanks for taking care of my girl!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Just so the others know this is what happened:/

We were on an exercise with NRR just 16 on each side. I was given his photograph (my CO had a sense of humour - although we weren't engaged then) and told to capture him. There were no ground rules so I nicked an umpire's armband from the stores. BigRick saw me and said something about not knowing I'd been made a judge. He turned round and I did my duty. And yes 'all IS fair in love & war.' *pokes tongue out*

I know CG will agree.
I read a book a while back that included a scene of American soldiers training with Brits. So the Americans stole the Brit's plans the night before the exercises and then they pretended that one of the guys was really hurt. When the Brit's medics came into help the "honest I really am wounded" soldier, the Americans captured the medics and used them as hostages to take down the rest of the Brit crew. I don't know if that could happen in real life, but it was funny to read.

If I had seen the American marines fooled by a Brit nurse, I would have laughed like crazy. I am sure the Americans spent a couple of days complaining about the Brit's cheating. LOL

But in reality, you have to be ready for anything and anyone. There are no rules in war. The sneakier both sides act during these exercises, the better chances people have of surviving the real thing. The Americans won't fall for that again, so you Brits, need to come up with something sneakier. :devil:
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Just so the others know this is what happened:/

We were on an exercise with NRR just 16 on each side. I was given his photograph (my CO had a sense of humour - although we weren't engaged then) and told to capture him. There were no ground rules so I nicked an umpire's armband from the stores. BigRick saw me and said something about not knowing I'd been made a judge. He turned round and I did my duty. And yes 'all IS fair in love & war.' *pokes tongue out*

I know CG will agree.

That I do G G. I have been known to, shall we say, bend the rules every now and then. :rolleyes:
OMG, are we facing a domestic in the inn? Wish I had seen that happen but it was before GG & I were fast tracked to OTS. This time it will be a lot more serious and the likelihood of GG & BigRick coming face to face is probably not going to happen. It's going to involve hundreds of us and a lot of equipment. But GG is very resourceful and I'm glad she's on my side.
I declare, I am driving myself literally insane today. It is actually pretty nice outside, but chilly inside. So I open the windows to let in the heat, but decide the wind is too cool, so I close the windows and turn on the heater. But then it gets so hot I can't breathe so I turn the heater down and then I am too cool. I am hungry but can't decide what I want to eat, nothing sounds good. So I dither around trying to decide if I should eat something that I have to cook or something cold. Nothing sounds good either way. Now I am so hungry that I want the easiest and fast thing to grab, but that is something cold. So now I turn up the heat again.

Good lord, save me from myself!!

Final result, the heater is running way too hot and I am eating cottage cheese out of the carton. :rolleyes:
Hi, SF, GG, CG, BigRick. Almost bedtime for me but thought I would pop in for a wee nightcap.

GG, HSG, I don't think I have to say how glad I'm that the two you are together and I'm so surprised that you don't like Mr Clarkson, GG. He's such a nice gent ;). Seriously though I may not be a fan of the man, I do like his show and am looking forward to his new one from Amazon.

Job hunting is going slowly but it is still early days and it doesn't help that I'm easily distracted. In this case, family is coming to stay for the first time in new house this weekend and I'm doing some last minute touching up.

*Yawn*. Time for bed methinks before those 15 army girls get me. :devil:
SF This where we're so lucky in the army. Our food is supplied, our heating etc taken care of and we all do each other favours.

Ian, time I was in bed too. Sleep well my friend and good luck with the job.
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Good Morning All

SF I sympathise with you, it's hard when the weather turns not knowing what to do, wear or eat. Here in the UK they mess with the clocks on the 29th and somehow it seems to bring winter on.

CG, let's keep that fire burning today.

Here it's nearly 0530 hours HSG and I are off for our run then we have a mountain of paperwork to tackle while our W/Os begin their work with the troops. Hope you have a good day. :rose:
I would like to blame it on the weather, but it has been pretty much the same for a couple of weeks. I was just in a contrary mood and feeling contrary about being contrary.

Oh, I know how excited you are about doing paperwork. :rolleyes:
Just back from brekky and now off to my office. I cannot contain my excitement. We all go through those contrary moods from time to time. I'm having one today about the pile of shit I've got to go through.

This afternoon HSG and I are off to a local school all dolled up in our army skirts to tell teenagers about army life and to try to encourage them to think of it as a career. We did this in the West Country earlier as part of our training. One 17 year old boy got a crush on me and started sending love letters! I had to gently, very gently calm him down.

Ok, into battle with the paperwork.
Just back from brekky and now off to my office. I cannot contain my excitement. We all go through those contrary moods from time to time. I'm having one today about the pile of shit I've got to go through.

This afternoon HSG and I are off to a local school all dolled up in our army skirts to tell teenagers about army life and to try to encourage them to think of it as a career. We did this in the West Country earlier as part of our training. One 17 year old boy got a crush on me and started sending love letters! I had to gently, very gently calm him down.

Ok, into battle with the paperwork.

Too bad Big Rick wasn't there to stand just behind you. That would settle the boy down quickly enough. :)

I think trying to talk someone into joining the military is tricky. We need people to do that obviously. and it is an honorable and brave career choice. But it is hard to talk someone into doing something that could get them killed. I don't envy you this part of the job.

I hope you made a dent in your paperwork. Do you have a clerk type person that can help you keep all that stuff organized?
Good morning, everyone.

Well I scored a major victory. :cattail: The garden waste bin men came earlier than usual last time and I missed them. But not today. :devil:

Busy today doing job stuff and a bit of eBaying (selling).

Oh the weather's crap. I hope it gets better for the weekend.

GG, HSG. Do you know if you have any luck in your recruiting at schools? Apart from odd love-struck teenager?
Heeding G G advice and the fact that it is almost but not quite 30F outside it is time to lay a fire on the hearth to take the chill off the Inn this morning.

Morning G G HSG time to sharpen your pencils and do battle with your mountain's of paper. I trust you have issued your W?O with their own pencils. ;)

S F we are calling for snow this weekend and it can be anything from a laughable dusting to a couple of inches.

Ian it is good to see you back, and good to hear that family is coming to visit. I trust it will be a relaxing occasion.
SF I do have a clerk, a young girl who is very good but HSG and I share her with two other lieutenants. We've applied to have our own and wait the response.

Ian & SF, the first thing we say at schools is we're not glamourising war. We always say no one hates wat more than a soldier. We've seen the results and it's not pretty. As far as I know only HSG joined up as a result of a school visit but after our last talk in Bristol 3 girls and 1 boy applied to be considered.

CG, some paperwork tackled. Now off to school in my pretty army skirt!
G G a well turned ankle has always been a very effective recruiting tool ;)

It sounds like it did work at your last school visit.:rolleyes:

Things are slow hear and the weather is changing I do believe winter may be around the corner.
Nothing much happening here today. Supposed to rain on Monday, we shall have to wait to see. For now we are still having 70s. So fall hasn't arrived yet. Going to start cooling down eventually, I am sure. Lots of blue sky with no clouds. The sky here is so much bluer than California. Lots less garbage in the air. Today is one of those know nothing days. My brain seems to be ridiculously empty of any thoughts.

Perhaps all my wishy-washy dithering yesterday has given me a frontal lobotomy. :rolleyes:

Hope the weather improves in England and that everyone has/had a good day.
Things are going well here in New England S F.;)

Sometimes it is relaxing just to Veg out S F.
Yes, but vegging out is infinitely better when one makes the mental decision to do so. Vegging out from a frontal lobotomy just doesn't have the same feel. :)

I suppose I should eat something, that might improve the working ability of my brain. I would like to know why humans have to eat every day, snakes have it much better. ;)

The fact that I am even typing this silly stuff is evidence of my lack of mental activity. LOL
A flow of consciousness writing S F or just ramblings of a tiered mind? We all do it from time to time.;)

A snake:rolleyes: Mo would not like crawling around on my beelly looking at animals hoofs or others heels.
A flow of consciousness writing S F or just ramblings of a tiered mind? We all do it from time to time.;)

A snake:rolleyes: Mo would not like crawling around on my beelly looking at animals hoofs or others heels.

yeah, that wouldn't be so fun. Not sure I want to eat mice anyway.
SF, you've given years of dedicated service to both your career and the children you taught. Right now you're getting used to a new life and a new home and you're tired. I'm just glad you continue to frequent the inn with your presence.

Both HSG, who's sitting by my side and I are proud to call you our friend and we hope you'll continue to be our friend for years to come.

Of course Ian and our fellow warrior CG are very special to us too. But there's something about having an experienced intelligent fellow woman to interact with that makes our visits to the inn special. Thank you. :rose: