The China Pearl Inn part 10

*Walks in groggily, weary and tired from the week already, finds his drink and settles in*

Hey all, how are you guys? GG glad your and Xena made progress in the Church. Wishing you all the best.

CG, SF, stop making it rain in VA, keep it on your side of the country. :D

Hey! I got nothing to do with anyone's weather. By the time the clouds cross those California mountains and desert, not much is left for me. I sure am not passing it on. That happens north of me, where it blows from the west coast to the east coast down I-40. :D

Twenty inches? Good grief. I can't imagine getting that much here. We had a quarter of an inch in the last storm. There are still some tiny patches here and there despite the warmer temperatures. I have to take the trash down, how much you want to bet there is a patch right in front of the trash can? LOL
As they do not plow the side streets hear S F it dose make life interesting.;)

I did get out to the store today and picked up some previsions. We will be just warm enough that we could have rain or snow , or even a mix of both till next Monday.
As they do not plow the side streets hear S F it dose make life interesting.;)

I did get out to the store today and picked up some previsions. We will be just warm enough that we could have rain or snow , or even a mix of both till next Monday.

I would rather have one or the other, a mix just means lots of ice building up under the snow.
You keep saying such nice things about snow and ice and I keep thinking maybe, then it gets cold and I'm reminded lol

Being snowed in with a fireplace isn't the worse thing tho
What about an old lady? We like fireplaces too. :D

There are no old ladies in the inn. We have some wise women and we have some mature women but we’re all beautiful and full of va va voom! There are also the handsome hunks, the men of the Inn who keep our engines running!
What a privilege it was to be little Xena’s godmother, she was as good as gold throughout the ceremony and did her parents proud. It’s hard to believe that my friend, my warrior sister is now a Mum and has other things on her mind apart from the army. I’ve never seen her looking so feminine.

So good to be back in the Inn and to walk the floor walked by so many in the past. I send my greetings to SF, LF, Shiva, Uggg, Kama and the others. But I send a very special message to our patron, CPO CG Raven who embodies everything that’s so good about this place.

Thank you for keeping the home fires burning while we were deployed. We found it difficult to post but we knew you were supporting us while we were away. On behalf of all the Lions/Lionesses I want to record how important you are in our lives. God bless you all.
There are no old ladies in the inn. We have some wise women and we have some mature women but we’re all beautiful and full of va va voom! There are also the handsome hunks, the men of the Inn who keep our engines running!

You are so right G G you are each and everyone vivacious and gorgeous women.

HSG it is so good to have you back safe and sound. :rose::kiss::rose:
But young lady you will make me blush with such complements, and that would never do for my roughish reputation. :devil:ish :D
There are no old ladies in the inn. We have some wise women and we have some mature women but we’re all beautiful and full of va va voom! There are also the handsome hunks, the men of the Inn who keep our engines running!

Exactly G G each and every one of you is a vivacious beauty.;)

HSG it is so good to have you back safe and sound.:rose::kiss::rose:

Thank you for your complement but I fear it shall ruin my roughish reputation of being a bounder and a seducer of young innocent women. :devil:ish :D

Seriously I enjoy talking and teasing all you lionesses, and hopefully being able to make things just a little bit better knowing there are those that care deeply for you gals.
There are no old ladies in the inn. We have some wise women and we have some mature women but we’re all beautiful and full of va va voom! There are also the handsome hunks, the men of the Inn who keep our engines running!

We do have some wise women and mature, beautiful women and some young ladies. There are also handsome hunks.

But for me, being old is practically a badge of honor. There are only three people in my family that are older than I am. My relatives are not known for long lives, so yeah, being old is a good thing. Well, except for the aches and pains. LOL
I’m back to my pre pregnancy size and fitness while Xena is beginning to show signs of ‘knowing’, she responds to my voice and her eyes are focusing. Expect the first smile within a week or so. She loves Rick, a real Daddy’s girl. And Rick worships her! I’m really blessed.
That's great news G G. I am glad that your little family is doing so well. You will have lots of adventures as Xena grows and a world of "Firsts". ;)
I’m back to my pre pregnancy size and fitness while Xena is beginning to show signs of ‘knowing’, she responds to my voice and her eyes are focusing. Expect the first smile within a week or so. She loves Rick, a real Daddy’s girl. And Rick worships her! I’m really blessed.

:D That's awesome GG. With you two and the rest of the girls around her she's gonna have a awesome life
Kama how are you this chilly overcast morn?

My bones are wishing it was bright and sunny but not much chance of that till ;late April.:(

On a brighter note it is good to have the gals back from deployment. :p
I’m back to my pre pregnancy size and fitness while Xena is beginning to show signs of ‘knowing’, she responds to my voice and her eyes are focusing. Expect the first smile within a week or so. She loves Rick, a real Daddy’s girl. And Rick worships her! I’m really blessed.

That is great. :) Sounds like she is pretty lucky in her parents also. :)

It is a Seattle day here, overcast, gloomy, rainy with some pretty heavy gusts thrown in occasionally. I would still be in bed but I finished my book and my stomach started screaming at me. Guess I will have some soup, anything else sounds like too much trouble. :rolleyes:
Kama how are you this chilly overcast morn?

My bones are wishing it was bright and sunny but not much chance of that till ;late April.:(

On a brighter note it is good to have the gals back from deployment. :p

I've got a weighted blanket in the cart for my legs, need the extra pressure and weight to keep my knee from moving around to much at night. Keep waking up swollen from the stress and cold.
Awe a sunny Seattle day for you S F. A big bowl of steaming soup sounds good.

Kama you sound pretty banged up. What ever did you do to your knee?
Awe a sunny Seattle day for you S F. A big bowl of steaming soup sounds good.

Kama you sound pretty banged up. What ever did you do to your knee?

Over an inch in about 18 hours of constant raining. We are supposed to have one or two overcast, but dry days before more moisture. Guess I better get to the store while the getting is good.
This is going to be tough! Rick and Tom and several of their colleagues are packed and ready for action ‘somewhere over there’. Little Xena and I are left behind and I am so anxious! Now I know what it’s like to be left behind and I hate it.
This is going to be tough! Rick and Tom and several of their colleagues are packed and ready for action ‘somewhere over there’. Little Xena and I are left behind and I am so anxious! Now I know what it’s like to be left behind and I hate it.

I have always believed that those that stay behind have a much more difficult time than those that go. You are strong. The guys and gals going are very well trained. Those going and those at home have our prayers and wishes for a safe and quick return home. hugs
This is going to be tough! Rick and Tom and several of their colleagues are packed and ready for action ‘somewhere over there’. Little Xena and I are left behind and I am so anxious! Now I know what it’s like to be left behind and I hate it.

G G it is the hardest part being left behind. Xena needs you and you will be strong for her.;)

Morning S F and how are you doing this morning?

My attention is caught by the young lady in the corner who yells Wow 10! 👏👏👏.

Morning my name is C G raven but just call me C G . So what brings you to our little corner of Lit?.