The China Pearl Inn part 10

Well cheer up Kama it might be just a cold rain by the time it gets to you in two or three days from Friday.;)

Out here we went from Spring in January to hard winter in February. Mother nature has been a fickle bitch this winter.:rolleyes:

That's the truth, she keeps flipping her moods this year. Cold, HOT, cold, chilly, cold, warm, HOT, cold
My prayers go out to both of them. It is always had when tragedy hits close to home.
Well it is 14:30 and snowing here. I am told that it will snow for about 24 or so hours and then more snow Monday and Tuesday. I am watching big wet snow flakes falling. I think another log or two for the fire.;)
Ah I now it well Caitlin the state of New Hampshire and I had an on going battle come winter I would clearer the driveway and then they would plow it in. I didn't really mind to much if it was just 2 to 4 inches but when it got up to a foot or more I was a might mind you miffed. ;)

The snow you are getting was our storm and there is another snow even coming here for the weekend. Possibly a foot and if it is we will be closed down for the better part of next week.

*Curling out of my hammock, sending Shifu scurrying into the rafters looking for nymphs to annoy. Walking into the main room, looking for some food and drink*

"Evening all, how goes your travels today? CG Hope your reading is going well."

*Simply fades in. On her rafter. Stretching out.*

Good Evening All. I hope you all had a decent week.

*snaps her fingers and a cup of coffee appears on her chest just as Shifu appears. Her eyes narrow dangerously as she watches the critter*

Shifu... don't you even think about it. No pouncing. I mean it. *she throws him a banana and settles her attention on her coffee*

I got stuck yesterday, CG. Part way in my driveway and the road. Called Dryfter to come out and dig me out. He was joined by my neighbor. (I have awesome neighbors) He finally got my car into the garage. Thank goodness. Hehehe. My cousin lives in Oregon and he mentioned the snow. He couldn't believe it. I told him I'd show him snow. He declined. Now. we're dealing with temps again then more snow. I'm so over winter already except that it's only February. Ugh. Next week Friday is my birthday. Nothing but another day. Okay, maybe I'll get myself some tequila. *grin*

Okay, enough chatting. I'm off to write a little.
Well it is 14:30 and snowing here. I am told that it will snow for about 24 or so hours and then more snow Monday and Tuesday. I am watching big wet snow flakes falling. I think another log or two for the fire.;)

I enjoy watching snow fall as long as I am inside. :) We had a slight dusting the other night but it is no longer on the ground. Might see some next week. Meanwhile it is a cloudless day and almost 50 degrees outside. :)
Obviously I cannot comment on the tragedy that has hit us all so hard but we are all re examining ourselves. I wish I wasn’t going on leave next week, I really don’t feel like. Meanwhile we’ve got little Xena’s Christening on Sunday.

CG, I will post in our thread soon but right now I can’t get the buzz. I know you’ll understand.
Big day ahead, my reconciliation with the Church followed by Xena’s Christening. Managed to encourage Robyn and Sal to attend and to take their leave. What happened this week, tragic as it was, wasn’t their fault. Thanks CG for encouraging them.
Big day ahead, my reconciliation with the Church followed by Xena’s Christening. Managed to encourage Robyn and Sal to attend and to take their leave. What happened this week, tragic as it was, wasn’t their fault. Thanks CG for encouraging them.

I am glad you and CG were able to help the girls. I hope, despite what happened earlier this week, that you all have a good time at the christening. hugs to everyone.
GG, Robynn, everyone else stay strong, look toward the good of the world that is in front of you in the form of baby Xena, sometimes that is all that we have and they make it worth it.

I hope everyone else is having a good weekend, the temps are down, the year is moving quickly, and soon we will see new life and enjoy the worlds rebirth once more. For now, lets all recoup from the world, enjoy our drinks and the company of the Inn. *Raises my sake gourd* sláinte
Big day ahead, my reconciliation with the Church followed by Xena’s Christening. Managed to encourage Robyn and Sal to attend and to take their leave. What happened this week, tragic as it was, wasn’t their fault. Thanks CG for encouraging them.

My thoughts will be with you tomorrow for your reconciliation and Xena’s Christening G G. I am sure that Rick will be bursting wit pride. :rose::kiss::rose:

S F, Kama I had to laugh today. We got about seven to eight inches of snow here in the Pudget sound area so the governor of the state of Washington declared Seattle and the surrounding area a disaster zone. Coming from the mountains of New Hampshire I was beside my self laughing. But then again they have the same idea as the tide water of Virginia………"God put it there...….God can take it away" ;)
My thoughts will be with you tomorrow for your reconciliation and Xena’s Christening G G. I am sure that Rick will be bursting wit pride. :rose::kiss::rose:

S F, Kama I had to laugh today. We got about seven to eight inches of snow here in the Pudget sound area so the governor of the state of Washington declared Seattle and the surrounding area a disaster zone. Coming from the mountains of New Hampshire I was beside my self laughing. But then again they have the same idea as the tide water of Virginia………"God put it there...….God can take it away" ;)

LOL It used to drive me nuts when the principal would call it a rainy day and cancel recess because there was water on the playground. It wasn't even raining!!!
Lol Virginia gets the west coast rain, North East snow, South's heat waves, and the deserts droughts. But we don't get any credit for handling them because we don't always get them every year. It's not fair lol
Kama Nature runs in cycles and we should now by now we need to deal with them. You just don't get rid of a snow budget or plows because it didn't snow last year.;)

S F there is no accounting for politicians and their decisions.:rolleyes:
Got dusted with snow last night. Enough to cover the car and ground with maybe a quarter or half an inch of snow. I am ready for the temps to rise to the sixties, just not the eighties.

Apparently, the lizard that came in last December stayed in as I saw it a couple of days ago. I suggested it wait a day or two before going outside as there was a dusting of snow on the ground that day also. Haven't seen it since, so I guess it took me at my word.

Finished my federal taxes, they charged me a little more money and changed my deductions so that my tax refund is a lot less than last year. Still have to do the state taxes and who knows what I will have to pay them. I miss the old days when I got refunds from both the feds and the state, oh well, I don't miss them enough to come out of retirement. :)
S F every time they have a tax cut it seems I end up paying more money in taxes. ;)

Last night we had about 4" of snow and they are predicting a snow ? rain mix off and on for the next five days. All total they say we will get another 7" of snow.

I am glad to here that Lenny is alright and weathering the winter well S F. :D
S F every time they have a tax cut it seems I end up paying more money in taxes. ;)

Last night we had about 4" of snow and they are predicting a snow ? rain mix off and on for the next five days. All total they say we will get another 7" of snow.

I am glad to here that Lenny is alright and weathering the winter well S F. :D

Tax cuts costing us more is never a surprise. :rolleyes:

We have rain predicted for several days later in the week. My knee is screaming "Yuck!! OUCH!!" :D
O what a great weekend, I was received back into the Church, Xena was baptised and I persuaded Robyn & Sal to take their leave. Great to have the Texans over for the festivities and they are staying until the end of the month. But ... Rick is going off on deployment very soon and I wish I was going with him.

Boy I feel like any other military wife.
I am glad everything went well this weekend and that so many of both families could be there for Xena Christening.

Sorry to hear Rick will be deploying soon I know waiting is harder that being there G G .

S F it seems the average guy or gal always get the short end of the stick.:(
O what a great weekend, I was received back into the Church, Xena was baptised and I persuaded Robyn & Sal to take their leave. Great to have the Texans over for the festivities and they are staying until the end of the month. But ... Rick is going off on deployment very soon and I wish I was going with him.

Boy I feel like any other military wife.

I am glad you had a good weekend with family and friends. It is a shame that Rick has to go back again so soon, but it was fantastic that he could be there for the baby's birth and christening.
*Walks in groggily, weary and tired from the week already, finds his drink and settles in*

Hey all, how are you guys? GG glad your and Xena made progress in the Church. Wishing you all the best.

CG, SF, stop making it rain in VA, keep it on your side of the country. :D
Kama it maybe rain in Virginia but it is 20inches of snow here in Puget Sound. now mind you for New England that is a decent snow storm but for this area is nearly 3 years worth of snow. Now I know how to drive in heavy snow but these folks have not the slightest Idea on how to drive in snow. To say the least the roads are dangerous.