This is my first time posting to this site. I've been reading for a while just never really had anything to say. Now I do unfortunately. This past weekend, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I have always been a good girl...always. I lost my virginity at 21 and I met my husband when I was 22 years old. We dated for 6 years before we were married. I weathered a storm at home because my father didn't like him. No reason, just not good enough for his little girl. I was determined not to let him diminish my husband's worth so I fought with everything I had for our relationship. We didn't live together beforehand, so when we could see each other, sex was exciting although not very frequent. I was sure this would change when we got married. I was wrong. Most people look at us and think we have the perfect thing going. He is the kindest, most affectionate man on earth. He works unbelievably hard. Coming up on 4 years, we live more like roommates than partners and lovers. And the sad thing is is that it's been that way since 6 months after we were married. I have tried everything, initiating sex constantly only to be turned down more often than not, sexy lingerie, romantic getaways, shock of shocks...talking about it. He clams up. He can't give any other reason other than he's tired all the time. I go for weeks at a time with nothing but rejection. And even after talking this subject to death, he remains selfish when it comes to my physical needs. Feeling worn down and hopeless, I turned to the internet for comfort and now I find myself in a world of self hatred. I justified the friendships I was making as "harmless". I justified the feelings that grew as "imaginary". I have no way to justify the fact that I met my "imaginary" and "harmless" friend in Las Vegas and had really mediocre sex with him. I've wanted a time machine for lots of reasons in life, but never more than I do right now. Even though mistakes have been made on both my husband's part as well as my own in our relationship, the emptiness I feel now is overwhelming. The sadness is the worst. I feel like the most worthless, selfish idiot on Earth. It took this horrible, unforgiveable act to make me realize what a truly precious thing I have at home but I can't go back and change the permanent damage I've done. He hugs me and instead of warmth, I feel a chill run down my spine. I can't justify hurting my husband by telling him only to clear my conscience. I don't know what to do. I came to this site looking for a way to help me understand why I did what I did. Hopefully if anyone else reads this that's in the same boat, it will serve as a warning before you make the single worst decision of your life. Don't do it. It WON'T be everything you hoped for and you will lose so much more in the aftermath. I know some of you will dismiss me as a cheat and a liar, but hopefully one of you will help me understand myself and this truly stupid thing I've done. I feel like I'm in the darkest hole with no way out. Thanks for listening. Any advice is greatly appreciated.