The big day!!


Tight Jeans
Jun 22, 2001
Today is the day you take your son to his first ballgame.
Leading up to the big day you have told him about game day, the smell of fresh cut grass, the hot dogs that taste better at the ball park than anywhere else, the roar of the crowd!!

You tell him all about the wonderful sites & sounds he'll see on that wonderful day!

But the only thing he'll remember about the big day is.........
now his father will have to explain to him that those boobs arent "totally real" :rolleyes:
must be a falsified pic done by a male growup who did wish when he was young that something like that could really happen!
plasticman33 said:
Today is the day you take your son to his first ballgame.
Leading up to the big day you have told him about game day, the smell of fresh cut grass, the hot dogs that taste better at the ball park than anywhere else, the roar of the crowd!!

You tell him all about the wonderful sites & sounds he'll see on that wonderful day!

But the only thing he'll remember about the big day is.........


I so needed a laugh
Thank you
thank you
thank you
DéjàNu said:
must be a falsified pic done by a male growup who did wish when he was young that something like that could really happen!

It's real, hon, why else do you think that kid is smiling so big!!:D
I think some of the kids I know in that "ew - - girls" age would be quite terrified.
plasticman33 said:
It's real, hon, why else do you think that kid is smiling so big!!:D

at this age he could smile that big for almost anything maybe his dad was bringing him a big Hotdog, who knows?!?!?!
DéjàNu said:
at this age he could smile that big for almost anything maybe his dad was bringing him a big Hotdog, who knows?!?!?!

Heh, heh, don't let little boys fool you! I was one once!;)
plasticman33 said:
Hey! :mad: Age is all in the mind!;)

Then I am older then God

I always say
it is not the year of the modle
it is the milage on the odometer