The beginning of the end of identity politics


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Until recently, Gay would have been immune to criticism. The fact that she is charged with 50 plagiarism offenses on the back of only 11 published journal articles, all of them about race and racism, should tell you all you need to know about her qualifications.

What changed? People came to understand how dangerous identity politics could be. The reaction on campuses to the barbarities of Oct. 7 opened many eyes, including those of academics on the soft Left. It was no longer possible to pretend that “woke” values were about treating people fairly or dialing down offensive language. In the aftermath of Hamas’s abominations, we saw students and academics justifying what the perverse values of identity politics had taught them to see as legitimate anti-colonial resistance.

In recent years, everything was viewed through the prism of race. Free speech? Not if it meant that someone could offend a designated victim group. Free contract? Not if it meant too many white men being hired. Academic rigor? Not if it meant arbitrary quotas going unfilled. Those who truly believed these things were few, but they were obsessive, aggressive, and ready to destroy anyone who crossed them.

The Hamas attack of 2023 may come to be remembered, like the crushing of the Prague Spring in 1968, the moment when the scales fell off leftists’ eyes, including those of Summers. Gay is the first casualty of this new mood. She won’t be the last.
^^^you're wrong. Republican and democratic leadership care about identity politics. Look at how they defend against criticism of the piss poor job kamala and mayor Pete are doing. You criticize them it's because you are racist or sexist or homophobic. Its the best way they have to deflect the subject away from their apparent incompetence.

Of course the right is just as if not more obsessed with identity politics. Observe how they attack anyone who has legitimate criticisms of how Isreal is prosecuting their war in Gaza. To them you're just an antisemite.
Gay being forced to resign has nothing to do with a broad rejection of identity politics. It has to do with Deplorables embracing identity politics as they attempt to pit Jews against other minorities.
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It’s about time. Now the pendulum will swing the other way. This will certainly be a crazy time for the history books to reflect upon. A dementia ridden President, unapologetic racism (Israeli war), gender madness, illegals up the ying yang…maybe covid really did drive us mad. We are living in history right now and I think that’s pretty cool.
Unapologetic racism (YOURS) and bigotry (YOUR OWN).

The arc towards justice bends slowly, but nonetheless it bends... and you, my dear, are being left behind in the dustbin of history.