The Bachelorette


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
I had to watch it, like I watched episodes of the Bachelor. I had to watch it to see how TV is butchering our society yet again. It is such an interesting commentary on our society - but it makes me feel fucking ill.

First of all The Bachelor was sorta cute, not gorgeous, they never treated him like a piece of meat. They treated all the women like pieces of meat. The bachelor was successful in his career and he was financially well off. The girls were all fairly pretty in decent careers for the most part.

But, the bachelorette is a physical therapist (that is all well and good) who is also a dancer for a professional sports team. Instead of making her look successful and dignified, they like to show her non stop in bikinis, scantily clad, where you can see the outline of her breasts at a massage parlor and dressed sexily in high heels and nothing more than a football jersey. It's all about her sex appeal. She has ZERO personality. She's fucking idiotic and she's drunk all the fucking time.

It's really sad to see that this is the "dream woman" for these guys to sift through. She's not even all that pretty. She looks kinda trashy to me. She has a good body - but that's about it.
We should have all turned our TV's off for good after the "Glutton Bowl".
I'd love to see a bachelorette that was something like a physist or a rocket scientist and she just grilled the fuck out of the men. And she ends up choosing the one guy that is either a) the dumbest, or b) the one that can keep up with her mentally.

Course, I think the ratings for the show would be in the toilet because 2/3rds of America wouldn't understand half the shit they are talking about. ANd not to mention, how exciting would it be watching a them discuss why they think universe is expanding and not contracting?

It's all about the ratings.

Indigo.Rose said:
The show that bugs me is Joe Millionaire. Apparently they take some construction worker from nowhere and put him in a suit or two, then convince a bunch of women he's worth millions and watch them scramble to get with him.

That's why it's popular because we all know those type of money grubbing whores that will do anything to latch onto a man they think is richer than shit. I had to laugh when I heard about that show. And then I caught a clip of it and saw how snitty and chatty they were. I don't feel sorry for a single one of those bitches. Perfect idea for a show if you ask me.

NOTE: This is not a statement about all women. So don't go there.

Her taste in men isn't the best either.
I like Bob though.
Indigo.Rose said:
The show that bugs me is Joe Millionaire. Apparently they take some construction worker from nowhere and put him in a suit or two, then convince a bunch of women he's worth millions and watch them scramble to get with him.

Does anyone else see the fallacy of implying that a construction worker only makes $19K a year? If my sources are correct, even the guy who stands in the road holding the stop sign makes more than $20 an hour. And Joe Millionare works the backhoe! He's got to be raking in the dough!

For $19K I thought he would be working at the 7/11 or something.
She only got the show beasue she cried after she lost the first bachelor show. they felt so bad they developed a show for her.
medjay said:
Does anyone else see the fallacy of implying that a construction worker only makes $19K a year? If my sources are correct, even the guy who stands in the road holding the stop sign makes more than $20 an hour. And Joe Millionare works the backhoe! He's got to be raking in the dough!

At first, I thought he would be working at the 7/11 or something.

I heard he works a toll booth actually
Phoenyx said:
I heard he works a toll booth actually

I guess that wouldn't have made for good on-the-job footage.

Maybe the real question is blue-collar vs. white collar. I bet there are plenty of women who would diss a well-paid, hard-working backhoe operator for a guy in a suit who just might make less.

At least, the women on this show strike me as the types who would. :D
lavender said:

It's really sad to see that this is the "dream woman" for these guys to sift through. She's not even all that pretty. She looks kinda trashy to me. She has a good body - but that's about it.

I haven't seen this show but I saw a picture of her. Kinda Plain Jane-ish to me.

If I'm expected to compete for a woman she'd better have . . . well . . . Something.
lavender said:
I had to watch it, like I watched episodes of the Bachelor. I had to watch it to see how TV is butchering our society yet again. It is such an interesting commentary on our society - but it makes me feel fucking ill.

First of all The Bachelor was sorta cute, not gorgeous, they never treated him like a piece of meat. They treated all the women like pieces of meat. The bachelor was successful in his career and he was financially well off. The girls were all fairly pretty in decent careers for the most part.

But, the bachelorette is a physical therapist (that is all well and good) who is also a dancer for a professional sports team. Instead of making her look successful and dignified, they like to show her non stop in bikinis, scantily clad, where you can see the outline of her breasts at a massage parlor and dressed sexily in high heels and nothing more than a football jersey. It's all about her sex appeal. She has ZERO personality. She's fucking idiotic and she's drunk all the fucking time.

It's really sad to see that this is the "dream woman" for these guys to sift through. She's not even all that pretty. She looks kinda trashy to me. She has a good body - but that's about it.

I think the Bachelor was perceived by the women watching, you included, as a successful investment banker when in fact he was quite junior at a money his career was really just starting and he I recall him telling Amanda near the end that the limos and swanky house were a far toss from his apartment life with no car.

Likewise, being a physical therapist and professional cheerleader, while not as "superior" as your coming career as a lawyer, is an honourable way to make a living and quite interesting....arguably more interesting than pushing paper like Greg.

So, you've elevated His career.....and downgraded Hers.

Why? You sound sexist, elitest and anti-woman to me, though you say you are a feminist egalitarian.

As I recall, he was in a swimsuit in every episode I saw....

The ads I've seen for this year's version shows lots of ManFlesh...more boyskin than grrlskin.

Greg's personality wasn't exactly sparkling either...but he did get his mitts on most of the grrls. (except the brunette)

I see both shows as being roughly equivalent.

And both are equally as fuck-me fluffy.

I think you're jealous of Trista Rehn.

Me? I liked the brunette last year better....the one who had the anxiety attack when Greg cut her loose.

She was a bit intense, but it struck me that she hat her cap set for him from the first show and she really wanted him as opposed to simply wanting to be on the show. She hated the cameras. She just wanted the guy. And she refused to sleep with him without a commitment.

Bachelorette goes to Oz

Quite frankly, I would like to see ABC team up with HBO and send that drama queen ho to prison for a week. Hey, I'm from Illinois and our old Guv just commuted all death row sentances. Tossing in crybarbiebimbobachelorette to them is just icing on the cake!
i just wandered in here to see dr b's av

but since i'm here, i think the show is stupid.
I tried watching but it was lowering my IQ so I stopped.

Had the same problem with Celebrity Mole.
I haven't seen it, I hate the people on those shows. It's sick what they are saying about the meaning of love and marriage in this day and age.

The only reason I watched the first episode (and I'll watch the last) is to see said people get totally fucked over on national television.