The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

More rain today, but at least there aren't tornadoes. Tuesday there were at least four that touched down and caused serious damage less than two hours from me. They've been labeled EF3's and possibly even an EF4, which is unusual here.

Seadog's daughter is 19. My oldest is 50. Now I feel super old.

The continued silence from Tx is worrisome, but I know he's dealing with serious medical issues. Maybe tomorrow.
my oldest is 63 (so yes, I am 'old', (ancient in fact)
Pink is unusual. They usually have a green tint.
Very unusual!
I've seen some awesome aurora borealis stretching from horizon to horizon and dancing. They were green but every now and then they would have a splash of light pink. The coolest I ever saw was from underneath. Our northern Lit members like @TarnishedPenny have probably seen that too. You look up and see the Northern Lights laid out like a circle above you

Or was that the UFO landing?

I hope they brought their own coffee

On a slightly related note, Here's the coolest eclipse pic I've ever seen. It was taken in New Mexico but I don't know when

New Mexico Eclipse.png
According to the TV weatherfolk yesterday evening, we were supposedly on track for a repeat. We were, sort of, but it turned out the peak happened during twilight for our location. So we saw nothing.

For the next one - you know, climate change - the go-to is . It took me a little bit to figure out what everything meant, but eventually the graphics made sense, and I quickly determined the "4 a.m. to sunrise" the TV people were talking about was nonsense. There is some discussion about another plasma ejection event due to arrive tomorrow (5/13), though no indication of what time.

For you antipodes, here's the graphic for conditions at your end of the earth:

EDIT: I screwed-up, and I apologize. The first link should've been a .gov (corrected now).
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Sadly I couldn't get outside as the Northern Lights were visiting London - saw a faint greenish smudge. Which might have been the lights from a train. But it's perfect weather during this merry month of May. Had a picnic yesterday with excellent cheeses, followed by meeting several goslings and cygnets, by the local pond. The swans' nests haven't survived for a few years, so it was great to see six hatchlings.

Had to miss Eurovision, too, though it's not the same when you can't drink for every square on your bingo card.
It's a lawn and garden day, then we go to the daughter's house for a Mothers Day dinner.

No Northern Lights here, that I know of, except the photos in the paper and the photo sent by my niece in the Detroit area.

It's an idyllic spring day (unlike yesterday), and I need to get back out into it.
I discovered that the Alt Sex Stories Text Repository is back! It went down a couple of years ago taking decades of the original internet sex stories with it. I was searching on an old time author (Lust4Life) hoping for some inspiration, and a story link for ASSTR came up in the search. I gave it a click and found that ASSTR is back with most of the old school stories.

Most of it is crap, it was written 30 years ago and it was unstylish back then, there's a lot of rape, beast, pedo, etc, but there are some gems and a lot of the stories are tagged with their perversions. Part of ASSTR, The Kristen Archives was a favorite place for late night reading before I found Lit.
I got into the truck after dinner and caught the beginning of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra program. I got home in time to hear the entirety of Camille Saint Saens 3rd Sympony -- the Organ Symphony -- on better speakers. The tension builds and builds, then the tension breaks, and the sound washes over you in waves -- floor-shaking waves.

sitting here awaiting the predicted rain storm. . . . .

Now, where's that coffee ?
We're doing the same thing her in North Florida - It's supposed to rain all week and the Mrs. and her mom are heading out on a road trip tomorrow. I'll have the whole house to myself and I have a ton of writing to do.

Coffee is on!
Aiiiyaaaaaaaah. Facebuchenwald nuked my Facebook account this weekend for transgressing community guidelines! Actually I'm surprised it took them so long. LOL. Mucho coffee drunk! Appeal opened. MeWe account resurrected. Not just a prisoner of Facebook now. Facing the Facebook Firing squad. If I survive this I shall be a hardcore veteran! And now, more coffee and work!
Aiiiyaaaaaaaah. Facebuchenwald nuked my Facebook account this weekend for transgressing community guidelines! Actually I'm surprised it took them so long. LOL. Mucho coffee drunk! Appeal opened. MeWe account resurrected. Not just a prisoner of Facebook now. Facing the Facebook Firing squad. If I survive this I shall be a hardcore veteran! And now, more coffee and work!
View attachment 2347273
Welcome to the realms of the hardened warriors. I accidentally said "Orange Man Good" and did three weeks in Casa del Zuckerburg. What happened, did you mention Ivermectin? Post some lost laptop videos? Tell someone "You sound so much smarter than you look?"

Instead of tears tattooed under our eyes we get little lower case F's tattooed there.

I didn't know MeWe still existed. Interesting.
Welcome to the realms of the hardened warriors. I accidentally said "Orange Man Good" and did three weeks in Casa del Zuckerburg. What happened, did you mention Ivermectin? Post some lost laptop videos? Tell someone "You sound so much smarter than you look?"

Instead of tears tattooed under our eyes we get little lower case F's tattooed there.

I didn't know MeWe still existed. Interesting.
MeWe is going steady. It's a good fallback. Needs a bigger base tho and its hard to peel people away from Facebuchenwald.

What happened? LOL. The AI got me on an image that transgressed guidelines. Which it didn't, but we'll see.
I got into the truck after dinner and caught the beginning of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra program. I got home in time to hear the entirety of Camille Saint Saens 3rd Sympony -- the Organ Symphony -- on better speakers. The tension builds and builds, then the tension breaks, and the sound washes over you in waves -- floor-shaking waves.


Gawd. CSO? I would have loved to have been there in person. That huge chord opening the 4th movement gets me in my gut every time.

As a symphonic musician and erstwhile organist, Saint Saens' 3rd has my seal of approval. I think I have four recordings of it. There's one in particular that's my fave - Philadelphia SO, I think - where they did a complicated dual-venue recording for the best acoustics for organ and orchestra where the coda is a true test of electronic reproduction.

I take it with me for speaker and amp shopping. "Did you hear the distortion with the bass drum right there?" I ask the salesperson. Their answer is usually, "WHAT??!!"
I got into the truck after dinner and caught the beginning of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra program. I got home in time to hear the entirety of Camille Saint Saens 3rd Sympony -- the Organ Symphony -- on better speakers. The tension builds and builds, then the tension breaks, and the sound washes over you in waves -- floor-shaking waves.

I normally don't like organ music, it's like someone was saying, "listen to the weird sounds I can make!" but this was good, I found it on Spotify. The Organ becomes a team player with the orchestra rather than demanding to be the whole enchilada.
I need Coffee. We went to the game in Minnesota yesterday and didn't get back until late last night. While I'm pleased we beat their butts two games in a row in their house, I'm unhappy about the lack of punishment handed out to Jamal Murray. He should have, or should be, suspended for at least one game. No, I don't want to be in the playoffs. But they should either increase his fine to 400,000 (or more) or make his ass sit out several games (without pay) next season.

It was a childish reaction and dangerous to all the players on the court.

Now that I have that out of my system, coffee please.
Didn't see the game. What did Jamal Murray do?

I think I wore myself out yesterday. I slept well enough, but I've been in an exhausted mental fog all day.