The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 03: Come On In

A fresh pot of coffee and a fresh kettle for the evening crew is now available. Please, help yourself.

I got my morning writing done early but the rest of the day has been one interruption after another.
It's humid tonight, I keep thinking it will storm but probably not until tomorrow.
Been too hot for coffee the past few days which is crazy for me, I usually love coffee all year around.

Tomorrow I will take my mother ut shopping. I take her out once or twice a month, get her out of her apartment for a few hours. It's trying to say the least, we've had a difficult relationship pretty much since my birth. She even assaulted me twice, but must be the good little daughter and do what's right.

Also I have another kid. He's 17, I think. Parents were deported, the people he was staying with found out they're going to have a baby so they kicked him out.
So kid #4 living with me because he has nowhere else to go. 2 of them are 20 and have been with me off and on since 17, the other one is 17, will turn 18 this month.
It's sad that so many teens have no place to go.

Trying to finish a chapter on my post apocalyptic story to get it submitted tonight. Wanted it finished last week, but it keeps growing longer and longer...

Made roast with all the veggies tonight for dinner, hopefully there will be some left for me!

Oh and last night I made cinnamon rolls with fried apples on top. Yummy! I want to start cooking with my Amelia in the kitchen with me so she can learn to cook. Her other grandma doesn't cook, like at all ever, so I need to make sure she knows how!
It's humid tonight, I keep thinking it will storm but probably not until tomorrow.
Been too hot for coffee the past few days which is crazy for me, I usually love coffee all year around.

Let the coffee cool and then ice it -- usually with milk or cream and sugar. It's good.

Tomorrow I will take my mother ut shopping. I take her out once or twice a month, get her out of her apartment for a few hours. It's trying to say the least, we've had a difficult relationship pretty much since my birth. She even assaulted me twice, but must be the good little daughter and do what's right.

Also I have another kid. He's 17, I think. Parents were deported, the people he was staying with found out they're going to have a baby so they kicked him out.
So kid #4 living with me because he has nowhere else to go. 2 of them are 20 and have been with me off and on since 17, the other one is 17, will turn 18 this month.
It's sad that so many teens have no place to go.

Trying to finish a chapter on my post apocalyptic story to get it submitted tonight. Wanted it finished last week, but it keeps growing longer and longer...

Made roast with all the veggies tonight for dinner, hopefully there will be some left for me!

Oh and last night I made cinnamon rolls with fried apples on top. Yummy! I want to start cooking with my Amelia in the kitchen with me so she can learn to cook. Her other grandma doesn't cook, like at all ever, so I need to make sure she knows how!

So you're the good daughter, and the good Mom, and the good Grandmom!
Oh god I love iced coffee. Fell in love while I was in Seattle. MMMM I went to ne place, Cherry something, Cherry Street, Cherry Hill, something, anyway I got something called the Milky Way and it was coffee and chocolate and caramel and cold and creamy and had whipped cream on it and OMG it was so good. I wanted to go back the next day but we wanted to check out a few different places so the next day we went to Bedlam Coffee and it was pretty good too.

I try to be good by everyone, except myself which is probably why I'm suicidal 90% of the time.
Come next summer (if it's good and hot), I might try iced coffee, (or even tea).

Meanwhile, I'll settle for a nice mug-full of something nice, if you please.
First day back to work for almost 7 weeks (been on an enforced holiday due to racking up almost 500 unauthorised, unwanted, unavoidable overtime hours in July/August), I've been here since 7 this morning, it's now 15:00 and I still haven't had a cup of the black, tarry, spoon-melting stuff they call coffee around here yet; it's like the region's been saving up every idiotic accident and minor ailment just for me for weeks, because they all showed up 0.0002 seconds after I picked up my stethoscope; right now the N'espresso machine and an IV line are starting to look tempting...
First day back to work for almost 7 weeks (been on an enforced holiday due to racking up almost 500 unauthorised, unwanted, unavoidable overtime hours in July/August), I've been here since 7 this morning, it's now 15:00 and I still haven't had a cup of the black, tarry, spoon-melting stuff they call coffee around here yet; it's like the region's been saving up every idiotic accident and minor ailment just for me for weeks, because they all showed up 0.0002 seconds after I picked up my stethoscope; right now the N'espresso machine and an IV line are starting to look tempting...

Now there is the way to work. Two months on and two months off. Of course it confuses the patients all to hell and back. I never have understood why they put the biggest sadist in the cafeteria in charge of the coffee. I feel for ya, BB.

I guess I need to make a fresh pot of the good stuff for the mid morning Hump Day crew.

Yeah, I'm late this morning. Got caught up in so good writing and lost track of the time. Another two days, maybe three, and the new novel will be finished. :)
First day back to work for almost 7 weeks (been on an enforced holiday due to racking up almost 500 unauthorised, unwanted, unavoidable overtime hours in July/August), I've been here since 7 this morning, it's now 15:00 and I still haven't had a cup of the black, tarry, spoon-melting stuff they call coffee around here yet; it's like the region's been saving up every idiotic accident and minor ailment just for me for weeks, because they all showed up 0.0002 seconds after I picked up my stethoscope; right now the N'espresso machine and an IV line are starting to look tempting...

In my past experience, it wasn't the hours of overtime, but whether the overtime payments had been made at the right rate. . .

Now there is the way to work. Two months on and two months off. Of course it confuses the patients all to hell and back. I never have understood why they put the biggest sadist in the cafeteria in charge of the coffee. I feel for ya, BB.

I guess I need to make a fresh pot of the good stuff for the mid morning Hump Day crew.

And very nice it is, too.
The 'idiot' at one of my past locations, who was responsible for making tea & coffee, reckoned to stick rigidly to the instructions laid down in writing.
What she forgot was that the water is NOT the same all over Europe.
It was ghastly. . . .

Oh yes please
Hi HP;

I'm still unsure whether they're going to pay either Lori or I anything anyway; the excessive overtime was entirely their fault, caused by their inability to arrange any kind of surgical locum cover for either of us, cardiac in Lori's case, and ortho/general surgery for me, so instead of my contracted 36-hour week, we ended-up doing 7x16 hour shifts for sodding weeks, and then got suspended for contravening the EU Working Time Directive, which is the stick they're using to beat us over the unauthorised overtime; they didn't authorise it, it was against EU Working Practices Law, so they don't think they should pay for it.

We work for the Alpes-Maritimes Health Region, but we live in The Var, which has been trying to poach us for months, I'm quite prepared to jump ship and take Lori with me, because their attitude sucks and their coffee is absolutely vile, like how I imagine rhinoceros bile would taste...

You know, I thought that the UK was the only place where this sort of cock-up took place.
I'm rather glad that it ain't.

I have this image of a cartoon:
On a trolley lies an injured party, complete with attending Nurse, Lawyer and so on.
Lawyer to Surgeon: "But you MUST help my client; he's badly injured and needs to rejoin the sports centre ASAP."
Surgeon: " Ah, sorry, cannot help you. EU Working Time directive; I cannot work over the time. . .If you could come back next week ?"
Oh god I love iced coffee. Fell in love while I was in Seattle. MMMM I went to ne place, Cherry something, Cherry Street, Cherry Hill, something, anyway I got something called the Milky Way and it was coffee and chocolate and caramel and cold and creamy and had whipped cream on it and OMG it was so good. I wanted to go back the next day but we wanted to check out a few different places so the next day we went to Bedlam Coffee and it was pretty good too.

I try to be good by everyone, except myself which is probably why I'm suicidal 90% of the time.

That sounds absolutely amazing

That sounds very typical of a state run medical system if I may be so bold as to say so. Sometimes there's something to be said for how it works here. And the coffee is excellent coz I have my own stash.

And now, back to frantic cleaning. Aussie cousins arrive tonite. Must clean. Must make house spotless. Must .. ... oh never mind. The ribs are cooking and there's enough wine to sink an Australian. We're good.
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That sounds very typical of a state run medical system if I may be so bold as to say so. Sometimes there's something to be said for how it works here.

Wanna bet it couldn't happen there? Frankly, it sounds like any large bureaucracy, regardless of location or purpose. Remember Bob's job in The Incredibles? Any significantly large set of office drones will forget its purpose and begin to think it exists simply to exist. A pox on all of them and the three-wheelers they rode in on!
Wanna bet it couldn't happen there? Frankly, it sounds like any large bureaucracy, regardless of location or purpose. Remember Bob's job in The Incredibles? Any significantly large set of office drones will forget its purpose and begin to think it exists simply to exist. A pox on all of them and the three-wheelers they rode in on!

No bets on that one. Bureaucracy is amazing. And when you throw healthcare costs in the mind just boggles.
The ribs are cooking and there's enough wine to sink an Australian. We're good.

Oh you poor naive little fool there is no such thing as 'enough' when it comes to Australians and piss*

Stacey x

*Piss- Australian generic slang for all types of alcohol;

"lets drink this carton of piss"
"We need more piss"
"Fucking hell, Chloe didn't buy nearly enough piss"
"I'm off to buy more piss"

It always makes me smile the way the use it, must confess I try to use it as often as possible LOL
Oh you poor naive little fool there is no such thing as 'enough' when it comes to Australians and piss*

Stacey x

*Piss- Australian generic slang for all types of alcohol;

It always makes me smile the way the use it, must confess I try to use it as often as possible LOL

I suspect that this had a reflection upon the perceived quality of the booze:
"this horse had something wrong with its kidneys," etc..

But I forget myself, ma'am. You're in the leeches-and-imbalanced-humor world yourself, are you not?

And don't forget the dedications to the deity of choice in whatever manner is prescribed.
It the patient was not cured, there was a visible lack of appropriate devotion.

Time, I think for a coffee.
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I suspect that this had a reflection upon the perceived quality of the booze:
"this horse had something wrong with its kidneys," etc...

That's actually an interesting point, in the UK we used to say 'going out on the piss' (bite me, I ain't posh) but finding it applied much more broadly made me wonder which came first? Did it originate in the UK then get more widely applied in Australia? or vice versa?

Frankly if anyone wants to fund this research I am more than happy to undertake the work, a good A$200k should see it done.

Don't all crowd at once!

Stacey x
The temperature in the house was 64F when I got up, and it was 44F outside when I went out shirtless to pick up the newspaper.

I broke down. The swamp cooler is now off and the furnace is on. I might even break out a sweater.
The temperature in the house was 64F when I got up, and it was 44F outside when I went out shirtless to pick up the newspaper.

I broke down. The swamp cooler is now off and the furnace is on. I might even break out a sweater.

I feel your pain, good sir. Try to hold on.
We'll be fighting off the giant cave bears pretty soon.

Our caves get flooded often enough that the bears have all moved out and on.

Fresh coffee for the mid morning crew.

Low 60's this morning early. Mid 60's now. mid 70's by this afternoon. Fall has finally fell.