The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

I burned out my vodka and rum cylinders in college

Friend of my sister's had a bad breakup years ago. BF was from Jamaica and had several bottles of cheap rum at their place that he didn't pick up when he took the rest of his stuff.

I took it all off her hands and proceeded to make the most kick 🫏 rum balls for the next several years!! Might have been a bit rough for drinking but was perfect for that rum ball recipe. 😁
Perfect! Good use for it!
The first time I ever threw up from drinking was from pounding vodka tonics all night at a party in high school. I only drank maybe three times in high school, so I was really hammered, but having a blast. But the party ran out of vodka, so someone started making me gin and tonics. I lost my lunch, tossed my cookies, and saw a couple things in the toilet that I still swear were organs.

Took 30 years before I could even take a sniff of gin and not turn green.
That was me and vodka!