The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Good to know. I tend to just not order anything with items to which I'm allergic. I also pointedly ask if they have an AED on the premises when I say I'm allergic.

I told one place I was allergic but the food still came with the allergen on it. I sent it back and it was returned to me with the allergen just scraped off. I asked the manager if I needed to alert my friends in the Health Department. 😳😱

I'm not usually a drama queen but if you're trying to KILL me, I'll bring you a side of drama! 😤😤
I'm completely with you on that.
Shocking but not everyone in the food industry understands the difference between "Ick" and "If I eat this, call 911".
If they're receptive and nice about it, I'll try to approach it as a teachable moment. If not, I just stick with my water and dip into my "emergency food items" in my car/purse to tide me if needed.
Over time I've gotten bolder - but sometimes it's just easier to dodge the whole thing.
oops, my bad...
different team... different dream *whistles innocently while heading toward the exit*)

I've been gone just a few hours and been a half dozen pages or more behind! Cool kids are also the fast crowd :ROFLMAO:

I'm have a feeling that may have been on purpose??
It's a nice place to hang.

Best I can do - silly emojis

Similar for me. 15 years for 🍷 and a little over 10 for 🍺 🥃

🍵 🫖 for you

we've had this discussion before, haven't we?
Girl u crack me up..ty
What’s a day!

Mowed and weed whacked four lawns
Fixed a flat tire on my lawn tractor
Put out seedlings at the farmstand
Put drain holes in some of my wife’s planters.

And my wife took me out for a beer and a burger at our local old man bar.

Fitbit sez 26,400 steps.

Now playing: House of Frankenstein…(1944)
Frankie, Dracula AND the wolfman!!

After escaping from prison, the evil Dr. Niemann (Boris Karloff) and his hunchbacked assistant, Daniel (J. Carrol Naish), plot their revenge against those who imprisoned them. For this, they recruit the powerful Wolf Man (Lon Chaney), Frankenstein's monster (Glenn Strange) and even Dracula himself (John Carradine). Niemann pursues those who wrong him, sending each monster out to do his dirty work. But his control on the monsters is weak at best and may prove to be his downfall.
Well I am packing in early tonight, it’s been 13 straight days of work and it’s kicked my ass a bit

Have an awesome, sexy, fun and relaxing night everyone! Ty for the giggles and chats and entertainment today - this is such a great group, love you all, even the one that likes sharp pointy objects 😛

Good night everyone 😊
Now I am concerned about my upcoming cataracts surgery. .
Not at all. She's thrilled! The only time she needs any additional help is up close when she's eating. So she pops on a pair of cheaters when she eats and otherwise her vision is very clear. More a "wait and see" before you toss any cheaters out. Unless you don't like yours and want an excuse to throw them away?

Also - her case was a bit unusual. So IDK if her experience is "textbook". 🤷‍♀️
Not at all. She's thrilled! The only time she needs any additional help is up close when she's eating. So she pops on a pair of cheaters when she eats and otherwise her vision is very clear. More a "wait and see" before you toss any cheaters out. Unless you don't like yours and want an excuse to throw them away?

Also - her case was a bit unusual. So IDK if her experience is "textbook". 🤷‍♀️
Thanks. That helps.
Directions please. I prefer particularly sweet jammy ones I can sink my teeth into! I was directed to Horsings in Canada when visiting!
I've never been there. It looks great!

If you ever go to Oahu, Hawaii, you MUST go to Ted's Bakery on the North Shore! We make several trips every time we go visit our kids. They make seriously yummy stuff! 😋