The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

not sure if there is a "theme" one should post about? Or if one can go off piste?
I think anything on your mind is fair game except politics. There are many political forums where you can voice your opinion. People can get a little frisky and playful. Sometimes we just post about our day and concerns.

For example, today the weather in my Great Lakes state is cool and sunny. I am going to love it. Later, I will pick up my lovely granddaughter from day care. I consider myself my grandchildren’s taxi.
I'm used to the Lenten Delight concocted by some well-meaning Catholics that is comprised of canned tuna, Campbell's canned cheese sauce, and egg noodles.
Not. A. Fan.
But I have several siblings that still make some version of this dish (aka food crime) to this day.
(For some reason, my calendar tends to be really busy on Ash Wednesday and most Fridays in Lent :rolleyes: )

I hope you didn't burn anything important! Use a cool cloth on your burn. Never butter! It makes the burn worse!
Is whipped cream ok?

Oh wait that’s for something else, never mind. Carry on.