The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Totally random, off-topic, and outta left field.

I used to be able to post gifts from giphy, but can’t do anymore. How and from where do you post gifs.

Sure to post by copy link and paste it.

But here’s what I get now. )and I’ve tried all kindsa variations.

It might not work either because it goes thru my device
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Morning... damp and dreary in jersey... rain off and on through sunday.🌧🌦⛈☔☁️
I didn't realize you were here in Jersey as well. I only knew of one other living here so now that's the three of us 🙂

As nice as it's been with sun and warm days, this week will be blaaag with clouds and rain for the most part. Guess we cannot complain or is that just a habit of being old haaaaa 🤣