The 2015 Literotica Awards Discussion Thread

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I was going to sit out this argument because I just don't need the drama in my life at this time, but after realizing through another post that PBL's in the running for best author having written one story last year? I'm done with this.

Who are you kidding? You live for this stuff, hence the novel length rant.

The "salt" is strong with this one.
The alt is strong in this one.

You meant "the Force", right? Then we can have another Star Wars episode right here on this forum. :D I was hoping to call it "Star Wars: The Bashing of the Jedi". :eek:

Hehe... Never mind me. Please carry on with... whatever you all were doing. :D:)
You meant "the Force", right? Then we can have another Star Wars episode right here on this forum. :D I was hoping to call it "Star Wars: The Bashing of the Jedi". :eek:

Hehe... Never mind me. Please carry on with... whatever you all were doing. :D:)

It has potential, plenty of 'saber swallowing' or saber fights in someone's mouth and the whole Jedi mind control thing would excite all the Star wars nerds who could only get laid of they could control a woman to do it.

Sorry, I owned a comic book store for five years and have done trade shows for twenty five years. Star Wars and Star Trek geeks make me twitch after all that.
It has potential, plenty of 'saber swallowing' or saber fights in someone's mouth and the whole Jedi mind control thing would excite all the Star wars nerds who could only get laid of they could control a woman to do it.

Sorry, I owned a comic book store for five years and have done trade shows for twenty five years. Star Wars and Star Trek geeks make me twitch after all that.

I don't actually like the Star Wars franchise. But I love to crack jokes at its expense. :cool:

Anyway, since Star Wars geeks makes you twitch, I'll try this:

Star Wars
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Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars

Hope that solves your twitching. :rose:

I don't actually like the Star Wars franchise. But I love to crack jokes at its expense. :cool:

Anyway, since Star Wars geeks makes you twitch, I'll try this:

Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
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Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
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Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars

Hope that solves your twitching. :rose:


How childish. Do you need a spanking young lady?
How childish. Do you need a spanking young lady?

Lmao. That's how I roll these days. :D:cool:

On the other hand, I'm feeling a bit off today. Maybe I need some rest to clear my head. :eek:

Anyway, good luck with all the nominations you have in the contest. I hope you win one or two of these. :rose:
Lmao. That's how I roll these days. :D:cool:

On the other hand, I'm feeling a bit off today. Maybe I need some rest to clear my head. :eek:

Anyway, good luck with all the nominations you have in the contest. I hope you win one or two of these. :rose:

I am off today, took the day out of work. First day I've taken that wasn't vacation in a long time. Feeling pretty crappy, but a day out of work is a good day:D

And thank you.
I am off today, took the day out of work. First day I've taken that wasn't vacation in a long time. Feeling pretty crappy, but a day out of work is a good day:D

And thank you.

Hey with benefits sins of the past chapter three? Maybe? :rose:
The alt is strong in this one.

Hardly. I'm an avid reader on this site and have been for quite some time now. It is rare for me to cone to these boards. The link to the Reader's Choice Awards on the front page lead me to vote, which in turn lead me here.

Despite voting for "Abigail" as best story in Erotic Horror, I find your demeanor here childish, disrespectful, and appalling. Not the first time I've seen it either. You really should take your nomination for "Most Influential Writer" with a bit of grace instead of acting like a tool.

By the way, did you bother to read Etaski's nomination? That "chapter" is 18 pages long.
Hardly. I'm an avid reader on this site and have been for quite some time now. It is rare for me to cone to these boards. The link to the Reader's Choice Awards on the front page lead me to vote, which in turn lead me here.

Despite voting for "Abigail" as best story in Erotic Horror, I find your demeanor here childish, disrespectful, and appalling. Not the first time I've seen it either. You really should take your nomination for "Most Influential Writer" with a bit of grace instead of acting like a tool.

By the way, did you bother to read Etaski's nomination? That "chapter" is 18 pages long.

Actually its PBL that only has one story for 2015 which is 16 pages long. Sorry if you think I'm being a tool when I think its a sin that someone who wrote one single story for the entire year of 2015 should be up for that award, but that's on the readers and also on the site for not looking at something like that and kicking it out.

Author of the year for one story is a slap to other author's nominated, but not with enough to get to the final five.

And length doesn't impress me. You read Abigail-thank for the vote-and that was 22 pages to go along with a couple dozen other stories.

Etaski had ten chapters posted last year all in the same series, my only point with her is showing exactly how long running series get way to much advantage all across the board all year long and now here as well. Again that is aimed more at the site for seeing the issue-which has been brought up many times for many years and ignoring it. Its a site issue that continues to favor the same type of story.

You don't have to agree.
I really do think that those voting on "Most Influential" should have to include justification for doing so. What would make a writer here influential? It would need to be, I think, something (lots of something for the "most influential") in their writing, advice on writing on the forum, and demonstrated support for other writers here that had a describable impact on the writing development of others here or the lives of the readers participating in the vote.

Do I think having a handful or fewer stories (or, more damning, less than stories--chapters of a story not completed in 2015) posted here during the year and practically nothing in the way of discussion on erotica writing craft on the forum or forum posts from those who have gotten demonstrated help in their writing or from their reading of that author's work--and no justification given for voting someone as the "most influential"--cut it? Of course not; that's laughable.

So, what's the justification for voting as folks have? Who on the list has given both general and specific writing advice on the forum for folks during 2015, for instance? There are a whole bunch of folks who did that consistently throughout 2015 but who aren't on this list. There are authors here with running threads on helping folks with their writing development in erotica. That's largely a different list from the one given, though--which seems to have been constructed out of thin air.

But as far as Arngrim's "you live for this stuff" comment, that seems justified. Has anyone else (at all) put a "vote for me for most influential writer" plea on a story as LC68 did on his April Fools contest entry? Maybe so. I didn't check, but I'd be surprised if they did. That said, of those on the list, LC68 seems to be the only one who could be justified (on the criteria I noted) being on the list without doing so with an embarrassed laugh.

Point of order, by the way. PBL didn't post any "stories" in 2015. PBL posted a single chapter. A chapter isn't a story. For that matter, I don't see that Etaski has a completed story posted in 2015--just chapters of an interminably running story. And I've never even heard of a couple of the others nominated or seen any justification for them to have been "most" of anything--other than maybe part of a voting block. I guess "most influential" can be silent on Lit.(?)

The whole business is laughable and unrelated to any form of reality.

Those who have voted--justify why you did so in terms of why the author you supported would be influential. I'll have to say that LC68 is the only one on the list that I could say had a good argument for being on the list as far as what can be seen this year in forum posts and comments from anyone who said another had influence on them (which would certainly be seen as highly significant coming from me in the view of authors who actually contributed a lot--and were being supportive to other writers and influential--across the board on Literotica)--and that there are a whole lot of other writers here who deserve to be on a legitimate list who aren't.
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I think influential is out the window and what we really have is 'popular' author.

I agree with a lot of what you said Pilot(didn't quote you as it was such a long post) except for people don't have to be on the forums to be helpful. People reach out to authors via private feedback looking for help all the time, I'm sure you get that quite often. So who is to say these other authors haven't been helpful? maybe they have, maybe not.

And yes, I noted on a couple of stories that I'm nominated for something and I'd appreciate the support. My reason? It's the readers awards and I'm putting it out there to the readers and keeping it within the boundaries of lit.

PBL is broadcasting their nomination all over social media and has friends doing it for them. And let's face it that will lead to people following the link and voting just to do it. At least by placing my comment on one of my stories, odds are a reader has at least read my work to see it.

In addition I want to see what I get for support. It has nothing to do with winning anything here. When one is up against a sci fi and NH author, there is no chance. It's about noting for myself how few readers will actually support me and for that matter how many will vote for any author nominated for any thing here.

Lit has tens of thousands of regular readers, yet there will only be handfuls of votes on most categories and that's sad. Not just sad, but honestly more than a little frustrating consider all of us who write here get the constant

"When is you r next story, when is the next chapter, you should write this, you shoudl write faster." we see threads here all the time, readers griping they are not getting their fix fast enough and mad someone had the nerve to not finish something they are not paying a dime for.

But yet when it comes time to take a few seconds to vote and show support? very few will. That's too bad.

back to influential author my suggestion is the authors should nominate for that award and vote.

Going by all your criteria, I would have loved to see Ogg up there, he's an amazing asset to this site. Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, writes quite a bit, writes well. To me he is someone influential.

This is a popularity contest and a crap shoot on what authors have enough fans to actually speak up. The sci fi and NH categories have the best fan base. They are die hards and support their favorite authors, shame most other categories don't.

And I'll agree once more with what has been said repeatedly for years, a chapter is not a story and shouldn't be allowed in these. That has fallen on deaf ears and won't change and the people who write or prefer to read long endless series will always be pissed off when that is brought up.

As for the other two nominees blackrandl1968 and yogakay, I can see at least their popularity, both wrote a good chunk of stories last year and in multiple categories with blackrandl1958 picking up a contest win so at least they have a nice body of work and some success with actual stand alone stories for 2015.

I put in a plug for myself on a story, but I consider it tacky to vote for myself so voted for Blackrandl, I read a couple of their stories and enjoyed them.
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People reach out to authors via private feedback looking for help all the time,

That's where the need to justify your nomination/vote comes in. That is, if you didn't fully know it was all a sham.

Yes, a legitimate list would have Ogg on it.
voted for Blackrandl, I read a couple of their stories and enjoyed them.

OK, I'm game. So this qualifies Blackrandl over all others to be the most influential Lit. author for 2015?

I haven't voted for any of these, because there's a whole bunch of Lit. authors who have publicly shown themselves as more worthy of the title than the list given here. It's possible the nominations could be backed up with acceptable reasoning, but they haven't been. I think a couple here should have seen the farce value and declined the nomination to maintain their reputation. That's happened in the past and both shown and garnered respect.
I'm trying so fucking hard not to wrestle this pig....

Congratulations to all of the nominees, particularly those nominated for most influential author, for affecting readers enough to garner the nominations to qualify. Whether you wrote one story or dozens, you touched people enough with your writing that they went out of their way to vote and support you. To me, that's influence.

OK, I'm game. So this qualifies Blackrandl over all others to be the most influential Lit. author for 2015?

I haven't voted for any of these, because there's a whole bunch of Lit. authors who have publicly shown themselves as more worthy of the title than the list given here. It's possible the nominations could be backed up with acceptable reasoning, but they haven't been. I think a couple here should have seen the farce value and declined the nomination to maintain their reputation. That's happened in the past and both shown and garnered respect.

Ok, I'll play.

Again, to me influential is out the window. This contest is what it is and its popularity rather than influential. But will add we don't know if these authors influenced others or not because so few people come out and say anything.

So what I did to support the contest, and more importantly reward authors for hard work-was to vote in all the categories relevant to me, leaving out genres I don't read of course.

So of the four other nominees I voted for Blackrandl over Yogakay because out of the couple of stories I read from each they appealed to me more.

But this contest-again its a good idea with good intentions-is the ultimate in vote blocking and 'friends' coming through and personal feelings being voted with rather than who is the best.

For me? Never a chance for IA. The second I saw a sci fi and NH author everyone knows that is a foregone conclusion. between the fact they have legitimately the best most supportive fanbase and that they chase votes all over social media makes them unbeatable.

As for other categories? You mentioned vote blocking, I'll second it. We know of the cabin. Two of their members are nominated. Those 15-20 back pocket votes they are coming in with shouldn't matter because there are so many readers here.

But a pathetic few amount of readers vote so they do mean something. They are both winning and easily and one with an entry that is ch 22 of another endless series.

Personal feelings and knee jerk reactions are a big part as well. Since I posted my take on the unfairness of chapter stories and a one shot wonder being up for top author, the nominations I was neck and neck in I am now down several votes over night.

People read my opinion, got jerked off and voted for the other person.

I knew it would happen when I posted, but did it anyway because GP's are worth more to me than popularity. I won't win any of the four I'm up for because I speak my mind.

That and being up against the vote blockers who both picked up the exact same number of votes overnight in their stories that are against mine. Coincidence I'm sure.

But I'll take that over a win, jealousy and people out to get you is a sincere form of flattery. Maybe in that regard I am influential.

Meanwhile we have the site doing what it always does, ignoring complaints and issues and playing favorites with posters who say what they want them to.

That's why you and I are trolls Pilot.
Thank you. I see. have been, and still am deeply touched by the honor my readers have given me.

Lovecraft68, truly: My sincere congratulations. I saw the nominations only after I'd received enough to qualify. None of my readers ever told me, I stumbled on it in my bi-weekly visits to the forum.

It was one of the best surprises I have ever received.

I was also genuinely glad to see your nominations as well; that you receive similar recognition from your readers speaks well for you. I do see you as a person, and I would ask you to remind yourself that I am one, too. You and I have spoken some, and you have done a few good things by others that I know about, one of them very recently that I have not forgotten. You are a person of strong conviction with a desire for justice, fairness, and a fire to protect the innocent. I am sorry that the world cannot accommodate and reward this same human feeling in everyone as often as I wish it could, and I am sorry that my accomplishments have brought you to think I am not one of those innocents and undeserving of recognition in the current system.

Please don't assign for me my motivations for writing, why I am here, why I post the way I do, or what I do to engage my readers and earn their loyalty. If you think I deserve it less than you or many others, deeming me "creatively stagnant and lazy" based on some public numbers, you only have two pieces of a puzzle that has thousands and you judge harshly based on those two pieces.

I do agree with the flaws in the system. I do not feel pride and satisfaction that I'm nudging a lot of stories off the Top Lists as I finish my story (because I must finish it to my satisfaction). I am embarrassed when the occasional reader brings it up and usually don't reply.

I do feel pride and satisfaction in what I have accomplished despite many obstacles and some sacrifice to my health, in the right I am doing by myself and my readers. I have to finish my story. I have had an end-point in mind for a long time. Barring disease, accident, or other disruptions, it will happen in later 2016. Wish me luck.

I am glad to hear from Laurel that Series will be sorted out and scored as whole works and that a series will only be represented once in the Top Lists. This is very pleasing news and I hope it comes to be. :rose:

Thank you to my readers who know what I'm doing and "get" it. Thank you for the recognition. Congratulations to all.
How many of the suggested people would even accept a nomination, considering everyone who gets a nod is consistently shamed into dropping out of the contest and sneered at if they don't?

People either don't know or don't remember that it wasn't all that long ago when the year-end awards were decried as the "AH Awards". The very people who are being pointed to as better candidates would have been shamed into dropping out because their nomination was "unfairly inflated by the evil AH cabal".
How many of the suggested people would even accept a nomination, considering everyone who gets a nod is consistently shamed into dropping out of the contest and sneered at if they don't?

People either don't know or don't remember that it wasn't all that long ago when the year-end awards were decried as the "AH Awards". The very people who are being pointed to as better candidates would have been shamed into dropping out because their nomination was "unfairly inflated by the evil AH cabal".

It probably was inflated or deflated by a 'cabal'. For some reason you seem to think this is a false claim, yet it was you for years filled the boards with how scouries all by himself seemed to manipulate everything from contests(although he never won one) to top lists to pretty much everything.

But when someone else points out other obvious things? You get on a box about how it's just false claims.

The simple-and obvious- point I'm making is these things are as full of the same vote stuffing as the contests. Except here instead of giving someone they don't like a one, they bomb them by voting for people and stories they have never read to pump them up against someone they don't like.

How many remember the last one that actually had winners-because the last attempt at this never even had a conclusion just fell away into oblivion like so much else does-was a joke with one author winning everything to the point nominees the following year said screw it? Which may have led to the following one going into limbo.

Furthermore the reaction here for the most part is based on people sick and fucking tired of watching series that run for years at a clip getting every advantage possible here.

You yourself have called out the chapter series advantage in the monthlies many times so you can't deny it. The advantage in top lists is there for anyone to see in pretty much every category.

The top lists are an advantage to gaining new readers, a lot of people head there assuming they will find the best stories. Instead they find 10 installments of the same series in the top 50

The monthlies? Money is involved there. As in the example I gave one author has already won five W's with the same series and each chapter is a chance to win another. Now author and story of the year is in the mix for it.

They are unfair in these things because they have a fan base built over four years that is vested in the series to come running and support. As opposed to a stand alone.

There have been countless posts and threads about the chapter advantage. All the site has to do is say sine, they no longer qualify for monthlies, but they won't. They could make it so each series only gets one chapter represented in a top list, but they don't.

Now I'm not saying people who write long series do it for that edge, I'm sure they are simply telling the story they want to tell the way they want to.

So for the last time although it may seem like it, I"m not targeting authors personally I'm targeting the way the site continues to reward them and refuses to evolve to take that advantage away.

And although everyone seems to be jumping my bones, TX rad and Pilot and Devilus have also called out the simple fact that


Last point is no AH or lit splinter group cabal should be able to affect these things. There are thousands of daily readers here.

Yet there will be a tiny handful of votes on every category here, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of readers will come and vote here and that's a shame. A shame because as I posted before those same readers have no issue pushing us about writing more and complaining they're not getting monies worth in a free site.

This contest is meant as a way for readers to pay it forward and say "So and so entertains me and I love their stuff/story, let me take twenty seconds to follow a link and vote.

Yeah. Silkstockinglover is on over 13k fav pages so assuming even half of them are still active on the site that's still over 6k readers who enjoy her work. She will be lucky to see 100 votes on the story she has up in incest and that goes for everyone here.

Now obviously if you are a reader and reading this you know you are exempt from that rant because you are obviously here reading and voting to support your favs so kudos to you, you're the rare loyal minority.
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I was also genuinely glad to see your nominations as well; that you receive similar recognition from your readers speaks well for you. I do see you as a person, and I would ask you to remind yourself that I am one, too. You and I have spoken some, and you have done a few good things by others that I know about, one of them very recently that I have not forgotten. You are a person of strong conviction with a desire for justice, fairness, and a fire to protect the innocent.

If you'll see this in my next post as far as judging motivations.

Now I'm not saying people who write long series do it for that edge, I'm sure they are simply telling the story they want to tell the way they want to.

And as for the rest? Let's not ruin my rep as site asshole, I work hard on the bad doggie routine. Telling people I'm really nice behind the scenes is not cool.;)
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Welcome to the "I can fool myself" world of the Internet. :rolleyes:

Gotta love it. People who point things out get crapped on for talking about things that are wrong here then its posted that the suggestions we made will be made into actual changes.:rolleyes:

Coming soon of course.

I have to adopt my younger daughter's philosophy of simply sighing and saying 'whatever' instead of arguing.

In addition to all the extra votes my competitors received during these posts I was bombed up and down my story list today.

I love how some argue their points publicly and some simply sneak and snipe behind the numbers. Cyber jackals at their finest.
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These stories and Writers were nominated and voted on by the readers. The votes were giving to the ones they liked.
So you don't like a writer or a story, simple thing don't vote for it, vote for what you like.
I don't vote for stories I don't like or haven't read, I voted for the ones I knew, liked and read.
The site admin. was told about a mistake, they said they are fixing it, votes were removed for those areas and now the readers have to come back and revote. Mistakes are made everyday, get over it already. But if you all keep up this shit slinging the site will stop running the contest and no one wins if that happens. :eek:
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You sound clueless about what the issues are here, but I like your idea of stopping this type of lamebrain contest, so I'll give you a big :). The contest is bogus and brings forth all of the fakeness in how the site users view reality and in the world that is the Internet, so, yes, driving a spike in its heart is the best remedy I see. The results are meaningless in terms of anything to do with comparative writing achievement/ability and insult the intelligence of writers. Just another "let's game the system" Internet game. :rolleyes: And, guess, what, I think that is the grown-up response to this sort of program. Your post actually sounded more than a bit "young" to me.
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