Thank you all contributors to safe sex thread!


Honourable Slut
Jul 10, 2012
Rather than annoy Pilot and Lovecraft simultaneously! what a feat, by resuscitating the Safe Sex thread, I'm starting this new one to thank you all for your invaluable contributions to it.


My latest werewolf chapter has just gone live, in which a cub and MILF put all that advice to good use. The dancing squid which first appeared in the thread, makes a cameo appearance. (I was completely unable to resist popping him in - although not actually on as it were ;). When I tried out an extract on my FB writers' group, they loved him! I'd like to say they ate him up, but poor thing - after all he'd been through.)

Just to reiterate - I wrote it totally out of my imagination, guys! No more practical research on that chapter than on my three gay werewolves in an alleyway one, in spite of the suspicious number of builder cubs who have been drinking cups of tea here lately ;).

(BTW here's the link if you actually want to go back to the Safe Sex thread.)
Were-wolfs and a queer one at that?

I haven't read any before but the first chapter and it was too weird to catch me, but #7 caught my attention and I went back to read the others in series and now I'm hooked. :)

Mrs Robinson, really. *shakes head* Are you a Dustin Hoffman fan? :rolleyes:
I think I'm going to write a femdom style story.

The man is going to put on a rubber and the woman is going to force him to take it off and

ride her bareback:eek:

The entire time he is committing the heinous act of unprotected sex that irresponsible wildcat will be shouting

This is porn, not real life you fucking asshole!

And it is annoying to see a high horse soap box thread preaching sex ed on a porn site.

So that was mine, we'll see if Pilot can top it.

FWIW I wouldn't have responded at all if you didn't call me out.

After all, you know the expression "Speak of the devil and...
LOL, thank you JackLuis!

And thank you, too, Lovecraft. I do like your writing a lot, even if it is a bit risqué at times. ;)