Telling Wife You Take Viagra

Sometimes we lead busy lives with work, the kids, running a household etc and it isn't always easy keeping the sexxxy side of things going as regularly as both partners might like.

When our kids were little we used to make shower dates so mum and dad were in the locked bathroom grabbing a few minutes of privacy and reconnecting on a physical level.

There are things you can do but sometimes being tired all the time with a crying baby or sick kids or the boss up your bum to work more hours or to meet a deadline can kill the mood or you fall into bed, hold hands and think dirty sexy thoughts.
The harder you "have to work at it" simply shows how little natural love and honest respect there is in your marriage in the first place.

But, hey: go work out even more, take more Viagra, get all that eye-candy meaningless shit down and lust-appeal crap covered if your dumbass is convinced that's what a relationship depends upon...

'Cause, eventually, reality is still going to bite you in the actual ass - when Viagra no longer works, when the gym doesn't help, when the libido completely disappears - and you'll simply be left with what you've been trying so artificially all along to avoid addressing the obvious lack of now: the natural love and equal respect for each other two human beings meant to be married just as naturally share.

Then, you'll be made fully and remorsefully aware that you totally misled your bride about marriage when a "mutually satisfying sexual relationship" was all you were really looking for.

Dear eyer has spoken.

^^^ Hasn't been married. Still pining for Graciepoo.
Is this street Viagra or from your doctor?

If it's from your doctor what is wrong with you that you need viagra, ED is not usually an isolated thing..

Allow me to respectfully disagree. Most men have diminished testosterone levels as they age, which can mean difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection. There's nothing inherently "wrong" about aging.

There are over 200 drugs that have been known to facilitate erectile dysfunction. I've been taking Celebrex for over six years now for arthritis, and taking Viagra for nearly that long because it causes ED for me.

I've been very upfront about taking Viagra, and I've fielded literally dozens of questions from men and women via PMs about various Viagra-related issues.

Some guys here seem to think of Viagra usage as a sign of weakness and/or lack of "manliness" and use it as a pejorative, especially in political threads.

I don't particularly like guys using viagra unless there is a good medical reason, since it gives them headaches and they tend to get grumpy easier and that is not sexy.

You have a valid point about headaches. I first started taking 25mg tablets, which was good for 1 to 2 romps a night. My doctor upped me to 100mg tablets once he determined I tolerated it well, and could easily go 4 to 6 romps a night (which my GF jokingly refers to me "getting in touch with my inner 18-year-old") but I'd occasionally get blinding headaches afterwards (Viagra seems to localize to dilating blood vessels in my cock and my retinas).

I use a pill splitter on the 100mg tablets with great results.

One odd side effect: I shave my head now, I have for the last three to four years. When I take viagra, I have an artery "pop up" on the left side of my head noticeably for several hours.

Let the "limp dick Rob" comments begin!!
Allow me to respectfully disagree. Most men have diminished testosterone levels as they age, which can mean difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection. There's nothing inherently "wrong" about aging.

There are over 200 drugs that have been known to facilitate erectile dysfunction. I've been taking Celebrex for over six years now for arthritis, and taking Viagra for nearly that long because it causes ED for me.

I've been very upfront about taking Viagra, and I've fielded literally dozens of questions from men and women via PMs about various Viagra-related issues.

Some guys here seem to think of Viagra usage as a sign of weakness and/or lack of "manliness" and use it as a pejorative, especially in political threads.

You have a valid point about headaches. I first started taking 25mg tablets, which was good for 1 to 2 romps a night. My doctor upped me to 100mg tablets once he determined I tolerated it well, and could easily go 4 to 6 romps a night (which my GF jokingly refers to me "getting in touch with my inner 18-year-old") but I'd occasionally get blinding headaches afterwards (Viagra seems to localize to dilating blood vessels in my cock and my retinas).

I use a pill splitter on the 100mg tablets with great results.

One odd side effect: I shave my head now, I have for the last three to four years. When I take viagra, I have an artery "pop up" on the left side of my head noticeably for several hours.

Let the "limp dick Rob" comments begin!!

Too easy....:D

I tried it once and didn't get a headache. But my vision did get blurry and my face got flush. Add that to the fact the wife passed out hours later and I was still at attention and I pray to god it doesn't become necessary.

My wife found out and was upset. She assumed it had something to do with her.
I assume this is a common reaction for some women.

My wife found out and was upset. She assumed it had something to do with her.
I assume this is a common reaction for some women.

I encountered the same reaction. "You need viagra!? I guess you don't find me sexually exciting enough anymore!"
Based on some of these posts, I sometimes I wonder if the only woman on this board who actively initiates sex with their partner. Wings excepted, of course.

Just to be clear, if I want sex and my lover arrives, they know it in no uncertain terms. If I am feeling lukewarm about it but willing to be convinced, they also know it.

You know, I used to think I was a nympho. Due to lovely familial defects I've gone though a lot of therapy only to find out that sex isn't a craving for me, it's another way to communicate. I'm a very blunt person, I don't shy away from tough subjects and I'm aware enough to have conversations early with my partners. Sex and more importantly...intimacy is an integral part of a relationship.

I'm amused as hell at KillSwitch1's manufactured outrage at the perceived man bashing that the women on this thread did. I find it funny because they were just being honest.

I have no sympathy for Ramone here, none. If you choose to come onto Lit to discuss how your wife isn't turning you on and it's all her fault for sitting in jeans and a Tshirt instead of a sexy negligee instead of ACTUALLY TALKING TO HER then you deserve a bit of bashing.

If there's something physically wrong with Good Old Ramone then so be it. But his implication that the reason he can't get hard is because of her jeans then that is a cop out and I hope she cheats on him.
Let's get real kiddies
A lot of young guys are carrying viagra cuz booze and erections don't mix.
And the porn guys with rock hard wood, but it takes the girl 40min to get him off?

And do you really think older women who have gone through menopause aren't using helpful supplements and artificial lubrication?
Give me a break.
If you wanna know a legit site that sells the real deal cheap, pm me.
Easy order, arrives in a week from bangkok in an unmarked package.
They even have 24/7 cust service and it's american women answering.
Let's get real kiddies
A lot of young guys are carrying viagra cuz booze and erections don't mix.
And the porn guys with rock hard wood, but it takes the girl 40min to get him off?

And do you really think older women who have gone through menopause aren't using helpful supplements and artificial lubrication?
Give me a break.
If you wanna know a legit site that sells the real deal cheap, pm me.
Easy order, arrives in a week from bangkok in an unmarked package.
They even have 24/7 cust service and it's american women answering.

I've been through menopause and I don't require artificial lubrication. If I get older and I do need it because my hormone levels aren't high enough you bet your sweet ass I'll use it because that's not me being turned off my by husband's sweatpants, it's my body's natural reaction to losing hormones. I would NEVER blame that situation on him, never.
You know, I used to think I was a nympho. Due to lovely familial defects I've gone though a lot of therapy only to find out that sex isn't a craving for me, it's another way to communicate. I'm a very blunt person, I don't shy away from tough subjects and I'm aware enough to have conversations early with my partners. Sex and more importantly...intimacy is an integral part of a relationship.

I'm amused as hell at KillSwitch1's manufactured outrage at the perceived man bashing that the women on this thread did. I find it funny because they were just being honest.

I have no sympathy for Ramone here, none. If you choose to come onto Lit to discuss how your wife isn't turning you on and it's all her fault for sitting in jeans and a Tshirt instead of a sexy negligee instead of ACTUALLY TALKING TO HER then you deserve a bit of bashing.

If there's something physically wrong with Good Old Ramone then so be it. But his implication that the reason he can't get hard is because of her jeans then that is a cop out and I hope she cheats on him.

I find KS's poutrage humorous. I have trouble imagining the guy having a healthy relationship with his "girlfriend."
You might suggest that he think about baseball.

Well, suggesting hockey sure wouldn't work. :p

Based on some of these posts, I sometimes I wonder if the only woman on this board who actively initiates sex with their partner. Wings excepted, of course.

Just to be clear, if I want sex and my lover arrives, they know it in no uncertain terms. If I am feeling lukewarm about it but willing to be convinced, they also know it.

Why would you say that? You sound a little like swishy. The OP said his wife asks if he wants to fool around when he gets home from work. If I had to guess, I would say I probably initiate sex more than my fella does.

I think from the OP's original and subsequent posts his attraction to his wife is not the problem. So, he needs viagra and also wants to spice up their sex life. Both of those things he should discuss openly with her.
You know, I used to think I was a nympho. Due to lovely familial defects I've gone though a lot of therapy only to find out that sex isn't a craving for me, it's another way to communicate. I'm a very blunt person, I don't shy away from tough subjects and I'm aware enough to have conversations early with my partners. Sex and more importantly...intimacy is an integral part of a relationship.

I agreed for me sex is an intimate form of communication. Intimacy and communication in whatever form are essential in a relationship.
You know, I used to think I was a nympho. Due to lovely familial defects I've gone though a lot of therapy only to find out that sex isn't a craving for me, it's another way to communicate. I'm a very blunt person, I don't shy away from tough subjects and I'm aware enough to have conversations early with my partners. Sex and more importantly...intimacy is an integral part of a relationship.

I'm amused as hell at KillSwitch1's manufactured outrage at the perceived man bashing that the women on this thread did. I find it funny because they were just being honest.

I have no sympathy for Ramone here, none. If you choose to come onto Lit to discuss how your wife isn't turning you on and it's all her fault for sitting in jeans and a Tshirt instead of a sexy negligee instead of ACTUALLY TALKING TO HER then you deserve a bit of bashing.

If there's something physically wrong with Good Old Ramone then so be it. But his implication that the reason he can't get hard is because of her jeans then that is a cop out and I hope she cheats on him.

I've been through menopause and I don't require artificial lubrication. If I get older and I do need it because my hormone levels aren't high enough you bet your sweet ass I'll use it because that's not me being turned off my by husband's sweatpants, it's my body's natural reaction to losing hormones. I would NEVER blame that situation on him, never.

Let's get real kiddies
A lot of young guys are carrying viagra cuz booze and erections don't mix.
And the porn guys with rock hard wood, but it takes the girl 40min to get him off?

And do you really think older women who have gone through menopause aren't using helpful supplements and artificial lubrication?
Give me a break.
If you wanna know a legit site that sells the real deal cheap, pm me.
Easy order, arrives in a week from bangkok in an unmarked package.
They even have 24/7 cust service and it's american women answering.

I really hope you're being sarcastic on this thread. That was my impression from the beginning. Now I am not so sure.
And the porn guys with rock hard wood, but it takes the girl 40min to get him off?

Bad example. Mainstream and most pro-am porn performers go through deliberate and scripted routines in order to make at least thirty minute long clips designed to get the viewer off. They have to last long for the editing. There's always a person right over your shoulder getting that third-person viewpoint while you pound away and you're doing positions for the camera's sake. Constant stopping and starting. Cramping breaks. Lens issues. Unexpected bloopers that never make the cut, like vomiting during blowjobs, possible bleeding and impromptu shitting during anal sessions. Your dick don't wanna stay hard for all that mess.

The nature of the porn hustle is that male performers looking to make good bank and maintain a rep of consistency and reliability might have two to three scenes to shoot during a day with maybe two good nut pops in them...and in order to do that, they need to be able to perform under all that duress. Pills are popped in that industry like tic tacs.

That's a business, not reality under regular intimacy.
I really hope you're being sarcastic on this thread. That was my impression from the beginning. Now I am not so sure.

Neither am I
I don't give a rats ass what the op said and frankly, don't remember.
But I know the question was to husbands asking about telling their wives they need viagra.
Not asking women if they thought he's an asshole.
But carry on.
Pesky women folk offering their unsolicited opinions. What is this the GB or something?!?!?!
You know, I used to think I was a nympho. Due to lovely familial defects I've gone though a lot of therapy only to find out that sex isn't a craving for me, it's another way to communicate. I'm a very blunt person, I don't shy away from tough subjects and I'm aware enough to have conversations early with my partners. Sex and more importantly...intimacy is an integral part of a relationship.

I'm amused as hell at KillSwitch1's manufactured outrage at the perceived man bashing that the women on this thread did. I find it funny because they were just being honest.

I have no sympathy for Ramone here, none. If you choose to come onto Lit to discuss how your wife isn't turning you on and it's all her fault for sitting in jeans and a Tshirt instead of a sexy negligee instead of ACTUALLY TALKING TO HER then you deserve a bit of bashing.

If there's something physically wrong with Good Old Ramone then so be it. But his implication that the reason he can't get hard is because of her jeans then that is a cop out and I hope she cheats on him.
You're so nasty. Woof. But I appreciate you are behind a keyboard, just like me.
I think it's common that there are men who are in committed long term relationships where some of the sexual spark may not be intense as it was. It's normal, or common, at least. I recognized I was having an issue, and I thought I knew the reasons for my problem. I brought it up with my doctor and she felt an Rx was indicated. I wanted to solve this problem because I wanted to function well for my wife. The simple truth is that sex is more important to me than it is to her. I know I'm not perfect, but the facts are the facts. I still love her and respect her but I'm just being truthful about her sex drive. We have discussed it and we did go to counseling a long time ago and it was not effective.
Oh fuck me!
That's right, this is the GB!
For a moment I thought it was "The View"
I have not told her, but I'm almost certain she knows because she has probably seen the bottle. I noticed I was having a harder time getting an erection when it was automatic in the past. I thought it was a possible result of a type of exercise activity that I do, age, stress, fatigue or any combination of those factors.

One truth that I have not addressed is the fact that my wife is neglecting the sexual aspect of our relationship. A common scenario is that I will come home from work, she'll be curled up on the couch in the jeans and T-shirt that she's worn all day, and she'll ask in a sleepy voice if I want to fool around.

I find her super-hot, and I let her know it. But she just doesn't put a lot of effort into her sex life. She does stuff to please me, but she puts no self motivated effort into it. I think there are things she could do that would reduce my reliance on Viagra. Certainly, I know there are things I can do also, such as getting more rest and not stressing so much.

For husbands taking Viagra, have you told your wives?

I wish my husband went to the doc to get Viagra but he is too prideful !
Is your wife open minded? Do you think that she'd have a problem if you did tell her that you take it? If my husband told me that he got a prescription for it and was going to start taking it.. I'd jump for joy! lol

I think the easiest way to get your wife to dress more sexy is to talk about what clothes that you like on her.. maybe start with colors.. something like "You've always looked good in red" .. how about buying her some lingerie and plan an overnight trip somewhere?

Being married, most of us do get stuck in a rut at times. We need to spice things up. We need to go back before we were married and do some of the things that we did when we dated.

Hopefully you can sit down and talk to your wife and express your feelings. I hope the both of you can agree to spice things up soon.
Many of my friends (women) do not have sex drives, yes it's very sad. A few of them said that they can go without sex the rest of their lives. I think that they must have never had a real orgasm.. if they did, who the heck would want to go without an orgasm for the rest of their lives????

Most women won't talk to their husbands about what really arouses them, they are shy in that aspect. Women are not brought up to be so open about sex. Also, a woman will not have sex with her husband if she is mad at him for any reason. Maybe there is an underlying issue as to why some women aren't in the mood.

As for me, I'm very open about what arouses me, etc. Yet, I have a husband who should be taking Viagra but he is too full of pride to talk to a doc about it. It's due to his blood pressure meds most likely. Most men complain that their wives have no sex drive.. I have a husband who has no sex drive for the most part. I can understand where you men are coming from, it's very, very frustrating! I have a high sex drive for a woman and here I suffer :(

For the people arguing over the wife not looking sexy etc.. it is each person's responsibility to look good for their spouse. You don't have to dress up every day but even a few times a week to look sexy for them. As a woman, I do not think it's sexist if a man asks a woman to dress sexier. That is a turn on to me.
Progressive GB women actually fantasizing they represent women in general is just as hilarious as progressive GB blacks imaging they represent anyone else but themselves, either.

The collective is never inclusive enough for these prototypical socialists who natively long for power which is never theirs.
I'm guessing that if the op goes back and tells wifey he's taking viagra because her t-shirt is killing his erection, he's in for way bigger trouble.


Seriously.... it's a pill for a physical issue!
Would it be the same if you were taking a pill for blood pressure? Or cholesterol?

Go home, and tell the wife you've decided to try viagra because she turns you on like nothing else and you want to make absolutely sure you can give her the sexual satisfaction she deserves....
You're so nasty. Woof. But I appreciate you are behind a keyboard, just like me.
I think it's common that there are men who are in committed long term relationships where some of the sexual spark may not be intense as it was. It's normal, or common, at least. I recognized I was having an issue, and I thought I knew the reasons for my problem. I brought it up with my doctor and she felt an Rx was indicated. I wanted to solve this problem because I wanted to function well for my wife. The simple truth is that sex is more important to me than it is to her. I know I'm not perfect, but the facts are the facts. I still love her and respect her but I'm just being truthful about her sex drive. We have discussed it and we did go to counseling a long time ago and it was not effective.

Wings is nasty? Pfft. Why? She's absolutely right. This is the General Board. If you think a woman having an opinion is "man bashing" then you should just go. Just go now because you are not going to last here. These bitches will chew you up and spit you out, and most of the men here will not say a thing because Wings is correct. Just because you think she's nasty doesn't mean she's wrong. KIllswitch is the nasty one. You want to get upset about nasty go pick on that guy.
Oh fuck me!
That's right, this is the GB!
For a moment I thought it was "The View"

You seem really angry for some reason. :confused:

Yeah. You should probably just leave or log out for a bit because you aren't going to have many friends here at this rate.