Telling Wife You Take Viagra

It's not the clothes that are the turn on, it's the person wearing them.

I agree with this. :)

If I've had a bad day I might put on my fav t shirt and a pair of slouchy pants. Or If I've just come in from the garden I might still have a leaf or a twig stuck to the bum of my sweat pants with the odd hole and splash of paint.

I'm not sexy 24 hours a day. I love my husband and we make an effort to look after and love each other. :heart:

But let's be real.

Right now I'm wearing stilletos, a slutty black mini dress and a come fuck me smile (aka a wool jumper, jeggings, warm fuzzy sox and possibly some jam from my toast or flour from the baking I did earlier) :)
I have not told her, but I'm almost certain she knows because she has probably seen the bottle. I noticed I was having a harder time getting an erection when it was automatic in the past. I thought it was a possible result of a type of exercise activity that I do, age, stress, fatigue or any combination of those factors.

One truth that I have not addressed is the fact that my wife is neglecting the sexual aspect of our relationship. A common scenario is that I will come home from work, she'll be curled up on the couch in the jeans and T-shirt that she's worn all day, and she'll ask in a sleepy voice if I want to fool around.

I find her super-hot, and I let her know it. But she just doesn't put a lot of effort into her sex life. She does stuff to please me, but she puts no self motivated effort into it. I think there are things she could do that would reduce my reliance on Viagra. Certainly, I know there are things I can do also, such as getting more rest and not stressing so much.

For husbands taking Viagra, have you told your wives?

No wonder you spend your time attacking women and their bodies, you can't even get that limp noodle up for your wife.

Even your own wife doesn't want to fuck you.

Typical bitter old white man.
No wonder you spend your time attacking women and their bodies, you can't even get that limp noodle up for your wife.

Even your own wife doesn't want to fuck you.

Typical bitter old white man.

LOL. You're triggered because I attacked that fat chick for spending child support money on her fat ass and neglecting her child.
LOL. You're triggered because I attacked that fat chick for spending child support money on her fat ass and neglecting her child.

And in saying that, if she looked like a supermodel, with the standardized skinny ass, waist and tummy, you wouldn't be talking this shit, would you?

You'd be triggered because you'd be jonesing to fuck her. Right?

No wonder you spend your time attacking women and their bodies, you can't even get that limp noodle up for your wife.

Even your own wife doesn't want to fuck you.

Typical bitter old white man.

There's a lot you can criticize Ramone45 for, and God knows I have an extensive history of showing him the error of his ways (see also: any thread mentioning gun control).

His erectile dysfunction, however, is a circumstance beyond his control.
And in saying that, if she looked like a supermodel, with the standardized skinny ass, waist and tummy, you wouldn't be talking this shit, would you?

You'd be triggered because you'd be jonesing to fuck her. Right?


No. I'm simply pointing out that even if she spent all $800. of the child support on herself,instead of the $700 she cops to, she'd still have a fat ass.
No. I'm simply pointing out that even if she spent all $800. of the child support on herself,instead of the $700 she cops to, she'd still have a fat ass.

Wait, the person you quoted alluded to a post of yours. The opening post where it's essentially your lament of not getting enough sex because your wife ain't feeling it so much...?

Don't think you have much berth here in talking about fat asses of women and child support or whatever. :confused:
Wait, the person you quoted alluded to a post of yours. The opening post where it's essentially your lament of not getting enough sex because your wife ain't feeling it so much...?

Don't think you have much berth here in talking about fat asses of women and child support or whatever. :confused:
So, you're saying I touched the third rail?