Ted Cruz Gets the Last Laugh


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Ted Cruz Gets the Last Laugh After COVID-19 Origin Report​

By Bonchie | 1:30 PM on February 26, 2023

As RedState reported, new classified intelligence from the US Department of Energy reportedly shows that a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the most likely cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. That comes after years of censorship of the theory under the guise of policing “misinformation.”

In the wake of that, the bill is coming due for some in the press who rushed to vehemently defend China and push the farcical notion that the virus originated naturally and spread via a wet market. One of those people is The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, who is ostensibly their top “fact-checker.”

Back in mid-2020, there was a desperate attempt to blame COVID-19 on Donald Trump, and part of that gambit was the dismissal of the lab leak theory. Why? Because if the virus was created in a lab via otherwise banned gain-of-function research, China would hold full moral responsibility for its spread. The orange man was bad, though, so Kessler and others just couldn’t allow that to be the narrative.

More here: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/0...st-laugh-after-covid-19-origin-report-n708785
did he receive the news after sneaking off to cancun as his state was in shambles?
The right is going nuts over a report made "with low confidence" that still confirms natural transmission.
It was not clear if the "low confidence" assessment by the Department of Energy reflected weak data or the quantity of information, but it has nevertheless rekindled an ongoing debate that continues to roil the political, scientific and intelligence communities.

Other researchers say evidence points to a Wuhan market where live animals were sold as the early epicenter of the outbreak, with the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, likely spilling over from bats into people, either directly or through another animal host. No confirmed animal source has been identified.


That "low confidence" was probably added to save those liars in the media, big tech, and the government, who have been trying to harm and discredit people who have said this all along.
It was not clear if the "low confidence" assessment by the Department of Energy reflected weak data or the quantity of information, but it has nevertheless rekindled an ongoing debate that continues to roil the political, scientific and intelligence communities.

Other researchers say evidence points to a Wuhan market where live animals were sold as the early epicenter of the outbreak, with the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, likely spilling over from bats into people, either directly or through another animal host. No confirmed animal source has been identified.


That "low confidence" was probably added to save those liars in the media, big tech, and the government, who have been trying to harm and discredit people who have said this all along.
The report supports natural transmission....meaning even if it did come from a lab, it was.likely from an animal. And the low confidence means they have little confidence in their assessment.

Keep trying to make it something it isn't.
Does this absolve Trump from painfully mismanaging the pandemic?

Ted Cruz Gets the Last Laugh After COVID-19 Origin Report​

By Bonchie | 1:30 PM on February 26, 2023

As RedState reported, new classified intelligence from the US Department of Energy reportedly shows that a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the most likely cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. That comes after years of censorship of the theory under the guise of policing “misinformation.”

In the wake of that, the bill is coming due for some in the press who rushed to vehemently defend China and push the farcical notion that the virus originated naturally and spread via a wet market. One of those people is The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, who is ostensibly their top “fact-checker.”

Back in mid-2020, there was a desperate attempt to blame COVID-19 on Donald Trump, and part of that gambit was the dismissal of the lab leak theory. Why? Because if the virus was created in a lab via otherwise banned gain-of-function research, China would hold full moral responsibility for its spread. The orange man was bad, though, so Kessler and others just couldn’t allow that to be the narrative.

More here: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/0...st-laugh-after-covid-19-origin-report-n708785
Retarded post from a retard. Who tried to blame covid on trump?

People criticized how he handled it and downplayed it.

How are you soo stupid?

Please answer all my questions.
Yes, it's necessary to try to pin the source down to try to prevent it from happening again. But it's just as necessary not to let this overshadow the total failure of the Trump administration to respond to it, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. That needs to be kept in the forefront so that it doesn't happen again either, which it surely would/will if a Trumper administration gets in power again.

Ted Cruz Gets the Last Laugh After COVID-19 Origin Report​

By Bonchie | 1:30 PM on February 26, 2023

As RedState reported, new classified intelligence from the US Department of Energy reportedly shows that a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the most likely cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. That comes after years of censorship of the theory under the guise of policing “misinformation.”

In the wake of that, the bill is coming due for some in the press who rushed to vehemently defend China and push the farcical notion that the virus originated naturally and spread via a wet market. One of those people is The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, who is ostensibly their top “fact-checker.”

Back in mid-2020, there was a desperate attempt to blame COVID-19 on Donald Trump, and part of that gambit was the dismissal of the lab leak theory. Why? Because if the virus was created in a lab via otherwise banned gain-of-function research, China would hold full moral responsibility for its spread. The orange man was bad, though, so Kessler and others just couldn’t allow that to be the narrative.

More here: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/0...st-laugh-after-covid-19-origin-report-n708785
I think that it's funny that Ted grew a beard to look more manly in response to people taking his portrait pics and tweaking them to make him look feminine gay.
Because China went to great lengths to withhold information, we’ll probably never get a unanimous consensus on the origins of the virus. None of the US agencies have reached conclusions with high confidence. The FBI concluded it was a lab leak with “moderate confidence.” The DOE reached the same conclusion with “low confidence.” Agencies that concluded it originated from natural transmission from an animal did so with “low confidence.”

Per the WSJ which broke the DOE story:

“The Energy Department made its judgment with “low confidence,” according to people who have read the classified report.

“The FBI previously came to the conclusion that the pandemic was likely the result of a lab leak in 2021 with “moderate confidence” and still holds to this view.

“The National Intelligence Council, which conducts long-term strategic analysis, and four agencies, which officials declined to identify, still assess with “low confidence” that the virus came about through natural transmission from an infected animal, according to the updated report.”

The significance of the latest news is that the lab leak assessment is as credible or more credible than the natural transmission assessment. Yet when Senator Cotton raised the possibility of a lab leak in 2020, the notion was widely criticized by as fringe theory. The Washington Post claimed it had been “debunked.” We now know that two of the most qualified agencies within the US government maintains the lab leak assessment is the most likely origin of the Covid virus.
Because China went to great lengths to withhold information, we’ll probably never get a unanimous consensus on the origins of the virus. None of the US agencies have reached conclusions with high confidence. The FBI concluded it was a lab leak with “moderate confidence.” The DOE reached the same conclusion with “low confidence.” Agencies that concluded it originated from natural transmission from an animal did so with “low confidence.”

Per the WSJ which broke the DOE story:

“The Energy Department made its judgment with “low confidence,” according to people who have read the classified report.

“The FBI previously came to the conclusion that the pandemic was likely the result of a lab leak in 2021 with “moderate confidence” and still holds to this view.

“The National Intelligence Council, which conducts long-term strategic analysis, and four agencies, which officials declined to identify, still assess with “low confidence” that the virus came about through natural transmission from an infected animal, according to the updated report.”

The significance of the latest news is that the lab leak assessment is as credible or more credible than the natural transmission assessment. Yet when Senator Cotton raised the possibility of a lab leak in 2020, the notion was widely criticized by as fringe theory. The Washington Post claimed it had been “debunked.” We now know that two of the most qualified agencies within the US government maintains the lab leak assessment is the most likely origin of the Covid virus.
And four of them maintain natural origins.

None have concluded that it was created in a lab....which is what most people who celebrated this recent announcement seem to believe.
And four of them maintain natural origins.

None have concluded that it was created in a lab....which is what most people who celebrated this recent announcement seem to believe.
Like the DOE’s lab leak assessment, the four natural transmission assessments are with “low confidence.” The FBI lab leak assessment is with “moderate confidence.” The lab leak assessment was never “debunked” and has been deemed the most likely by two highly qualified government agencies.
Like the DOE’s lab leak assessment, the four natural transmission assessments are with “low confidence.” The FBI lab leak assessment is with “moderate confidence.” The lab leak assessment was never “debunked” and has been deemed the most likely by two highly qualified government agencies.
You're missing the point that I made. Shocker.

People literally believe it was created in a lab and leaked from it.

Ive never seen either theory debunked or attempted to be debunked I have seen lay people dismissing one or the other and I've seen people discuss lab creation theories.

Nothing will come from it because China won't increase any regulatory actions in response
There's a lot to unpack here. Let's start with 'confidence' levels.

Confidence levels reported from government agencies are notoriously political and even more so in this case in that a foreign power is implicated in the report. And there is the pro forma 'cover your ass' aspect as well. Generally speaking you can elevate any confidence level they report by one notch, which makes the FBI's "moderate" assessment quite eye opening. As these are all administrative agencies only the administration has the option of elevating the confidence level to 'high' or 'certain.' And the administration certainly will elevate the level if it suits their political goals. For example if the administration is certain that China is shipping arms to the Russians.

As to the 'creation' aspect. There are so many ways that can happen. From purposeful engineering to purposeful recombinant acceleration to just plain sloppy lab technique. Obviously the key word is 'purposeful.' At this point in time there is no question that that lab was engaged in 'gain of function.' The remaining question is "was the Wuhan Flu virus part of that 'gain of function' research?"

Next is the question regarding its release on the world. Again we return to the word 'purposeful.' We know that that lab had some serious problems with their ventilation system, that is a matter of record now. Again we get down to sloppy lab technique and/or building engineering. Me? I fall on the side that the release was inadvertent until proven otherwise. The unofficial reporting out of China puts their death toll in the millions. Barring a regime change in China we may never know the truth.

Back to the international politics of the matter. If it were to become known with certainty that the virus did come from that lab China would become a pariah among nations. AND if the US had a hand in it our international image would certainly suffer as well. From a 'real politik' point of view it's in everyone's best interest that the facts never be known. If hard evidence that the virus did come from that lab were to be made public it would probably knell the end of the CCP and a complete overhaul of viral research here in the US and other nations as well.
There's a lot to unpack here. Let's start with 'confidence' levels.

Confidence levels reported from government agencies are notoriously political and even more so in this case in that a foreign power is implicated in the report. And there is the pro forma 'cover your ass' aspect as well. Generally speaking you can elevate any confidence level they report by one notch, which makes the FBI's "moderate" assessment quite eye opening. As these are all administrative agencies only the administration has the option of elevating the confidence level to 'high' or 'certain.' And the administration certainly will elevate the level if it suits their political goals. For example if the administration is certain that China is shipping arms to the Russians.

As to the 'creation' aspect. There are so many ways that can happen. From purposeful engineering to purposeful recombinant acceleration to just plain sloppy lab technique. Obviously the key word is 'purposeful.' At this point in time there is no question that that lab was engaged in 'gain of function.' The remaining question is "was the Wuhan Flu virus part of that 'gain of function' research?"

Next is the question regarding its release on the world. Again we return to the word 'purposeful.' We know that that lab had some serious problems with their ventilation system, that is a matter of record now. Again we get down to sloppy lab technique and/or building engineering. Me? I fall on the side that the release was inadvertent until proven otherwise. The unofficial reporting out of China puts their death toll in the millions. Barring a regime change in China we may never know the truth.

Back to the international politics of the matter. If it were to become known with certainty that the virus did come from that lab China would become a pariah among nations. AND if the US had a hand in it our international image would certainly suffer as well. From a 'real politik' point of view it's in everyone's best interest that the facts never be known. If hard evidence that the virus did come from that lab were to be made public it would probably knell the end of the CCP and a complete overhaul of viral research here in the US and other nations as well.
My sentiments exactly. The article points to the fact that the virus was leaked from a lab. The creation of the virus is another issue. To admit to the creation of the virus in a lab would certainly implicate Dr. Fauci and ** gain of function research** funded by the anointed one himself Dr. F, which would implicate him in a lie. What fucking government agency would admit to that. Without Chinese cooperation this issue is dead. We have a Chinese virologist in the states that admitted to gain of function and now she's disappeared. Fauci considered by the left as the second coming of Christ, second only to Sleepy Joe himself, is immersed in more teflon than Hillary herself.
My sentiments exactly. The article points to the fact that the virus was leaked from a lab. The creation of the virus is another issue. To admit to the creation of the virus in a lab would certainly implicate Dr. Fauci and ** gain of function research** funded by the anointed one himself Dr. F, which would implicate him in a lie. What fucking government agency would admit to that. Without Chinese cooperation this issue is dead. We have a Chinese virologist in the states that admitted to gain of function and now she's disappeared. Fauci considered by the left as the second coming of Christ, second only to Sleepy Joe himself, is immersed in more teflon than Hillary herself.

You believe it was created in a lab and then not having evidence of such a thing actually bolsters your claim.

And you're proud of this position.
You believe it was created in a lab and then not having evidence of such a thing actually bolsters your claim.

And you're proud of this position.
The more time that passes without a natural vector being found the higher the probability. The longer the CCP blocks any meaningful investigation, the higher the probability. The CCP has actually floated the idea that the virus was created at Ft. Deatrick and released in Wuhan by Special Forces operatives. As preposterous as that assertion is there is one interesting component to it, the notion that the virus was 'created.' I read that as a preemptive strike on their part.
You believe it was created in a lab and then not having evidence of such a thing actually bolsters your claim.

And you're proud of this position.
Pride has nothing to do with it. I don't rule out the ability to genetically engineer nucleic acid whether it be DNA or RNA into a synthetic mutation resulting in a completely different viral strain. IMHO
Nope. I got yours and never disputed it. You're not one of the stupid ones like millionaire who believe it was created in a lab.
I said the DOE and FBI believe the virus most likely spread via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory,
Nope. I got yours and never disputed it. You're not one of the stupid ones like millionaire who believe it was created in a lab.
I said the DOE and FBI believe the virus most likely spread from a leak at a laboratory in Wuhan, China and not from natural transmission from an animal to humans. The WSJ broke the story and all the major news outlets have picked it up.
Goddamn the RWCJ are ignorant pieces of Jello shit.

So now an agency of the “Deep State” puts out a low confidence assessment regarding the point of origin of Covid-19 and the RWCJ proclaims it the “WORD OF GOD” vindication / validation for a “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” irresponsible public pronouncement???



👉 RWCJ 🤣
