Tears after sex


Really Really Experienced
May 8, 2010
I maybe a little weird but I find a girls tears after sex
Either from total satisfaction or from
Regret really sexy I love to kiss them off their cheeks
Or wipe thm off and hold them tight after the experience
What do other guys think or girls
Anyone else experience this sensation?
Tears from regret

Not to good if you get "tears from regret". I have been married to long.
I maybe a little weird but I find a girls tears after sex
Either from total satisfaction or from
Regret really sexy I love to kiss them off their cheeks
Or wipe thm off and hold them tight after the experience
What do other guys think or girls
Anyone else experience this sensation?

Hi Jasper!

Not sure about the tears of regret but I have cried after two of the best orgasams I have ever had and it was amazing! It was one of the most emotional, sensual, and erotic experiences of my life. . . :)

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Let me explain the tears of regret
Are not from my wife
But from other lovers I have had
Either they are cheating
Or it was their first