Teachers.. your help is needed.


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2001
On the first day of school, we are handed a questionnaire about our children. It asks things like their name, date of birth, address, phone number, emergency contact numbers, who can pick the child up, parents names, medical conditions, medicines they may be on and if they take them at school, allergies etc.

It’s about 2 pages long. You have to list everything including shot records. I have no problem doing this. And I promptly fill it out and send it back to school with my child’s earthquake kit (canned food, juice and a blanket.. just incase they get stranded at school for some reason for an extended period of time).

On this piece of paper I listed my daughters hearing problem. Saying she had limited hearing in one (right) ear.. and loses, on occasion, the hearing in her left ear. And that it required a twice a day dosage of a decongestant medication. But the meds would be given at home. No meds were needed during school. That the medication did cause drowsiness for the first few days until her body adjusted to them.

On Sunday night Kimber told me she was having problems with her ears. No hearing out of the right ear.. and a “foggy” sound out of the left. To her.. I guess “foggy sounds” is muffled sounds. Anyway I started her meds.. 1 teaspoon in the morning and 2 at night. I called the doctor on Monday and he told me to bring her in and he’d check it. That was done bright and early this morning. Before school. The doctor tested her ears and upped her medication. 2 teaspoons in the morning and 2 at night. I took Kimber to school and attempted to talk to the teacher. She had a meeting of some sort this morning, so the children had a teachers aide until noon. I explained to the aide what was up and she gave me a blank stare. I asked her to please tell the teacher about Kimbers hearing problem. I figured I’d also talk to the teacher after school.

After school I went to pick Kimber up and I asked the teacher if there were any problems with Kimbers performance. The teacher said she had to yell at Kimber to get her to listen. And if things didn’t get better Kimber would be moved to another class. One for children with ADD. I instantly got pissed. What person wouldn’t? To make a long story short.. the teachers aide didn’t tell the teacher what I had told her. *she forgot* And the teacher hasn’t had “time” to read the papers that we had to fill out at the beginning of the year. She didn’t know Kimber had hearing problems. (I had also talked to her at Open House, 3 days after school started, about Kimbers seating in the classroom. I didn’t feel that the back of the room was best for her because of her limited hearing. )

Sorry that is so long.. I’ll get to my questions now.

Does the school you work for require parents to fill out these forms? Do you read them? What can I do to make my daughters education a little less stressful? I don’t want her in special classes. She does well and even exceeds in a “normal” class room. Her hearing is not so bad that she can’t hear normally. She has damage in her right ear from reoccurring ear infections. It’s not normal.. but it isn’t to the point of being able to classify her as legally deaf. The hearing in her left ear is normal.. unless she has the fluid buildup and then it is a little below normal.

I’m so frustrated!
Sorry to hear of the distress caused by insensitive teachers. That always gets to me.

My school does require the same sort of papers you mentioned. Our secretary reads them and passes on the important details to each teacher.

If you're daughter is in a public school, they should have something in place called the Student Support Team, (SST). This is an intervention program for any students with special problems or needs. Sometimes it leads to testing, sometimes to special placement, but more often than not, it serves as a forum for teachers, administrators and parents to meet regularly to discuss problems and concerns and progress. The SST process is usually initiated by the teachers, but it can certainly be done so by the parent. Every thing is documented and the teacher cannot use the lame excuse of "I haven't had time."
All it should take is a formal request by you.

I hope this might help.
I am not a teacher Freaky, but I am so sorry for your frustration. If I were you I would go the administration with this issue. Her response to Kimber was inappropriate at best, and her negligence at making herself aware of Kimbers problem is in and of itself a problem. How old is the little one, may I ask? The fact that she did not feel comfortable saying that she could not hear her to her teacher speaks volumes.
No advice here...except to tell you to raise hell. The fact that your daughter is hearing impaired is no reason to put her daughter in classes designed for learning impaired children. Personally, I'd schedule a meeting with the teacher and principal to make sure your daughter gets the attention she deserves...it certainly can't be pleasant for her to be yelled at by her teacher.

Above all...good luck!:rose:
Thank you for the advice and all

I think I will talk to the principal tomorrow. I am on the PTO of the school.. Judy isn't the big bad principal that I used to think she was. (She was the principal when I went to the same school)

Kitte, Kimber is 7. And doesn't like people to know about her hearing. Most of the time she is fine and can hear. Its just when she gets a cold and her ears fill up. I'm hoping we can avoid tubes being put in her ears.
FG- In the teacher's defense, I do have to say that the amount of work and paperwork for teachers in the beginning is unbearable. My school requires the parents to fill out blue emergency cards. I also send home a questionnaire of my own, asking parents about the child's life at home. It isn't always possible for me to look at the emergency cards until the second or third week of school, but I make sure I read the questionnaire I sent home for any possilbe alerts (it asks parents about allergies, concerns, etc).

Teacher's aides are usually not required to have much of a college education; many- not ALL- that I have come across lack common sense as well (I apologize in advance to the aides that are on LiIt, but I'm just giving my experience). The one you had to deal with seems to fall in the lack of common sense category.

The teacher's reaction was just plain wrong. You had already told her about your daughter's hearing loss, and she should have made a note of it. If I noticed that a child did not answer when I called him or her, my first concern would be hearing (unless I talked to the parent about it already and there was no hearing loss).

I had a child last year who had no hearing in one ear and hearing loss in his other ear. He was a child with special needs, but he functioned ok in an inclusive setting. In the middle of last year, my supervisor gave me a clip-on microphone to use and a headset for him to use. I have to tell you that he was SO MUCH more attentive! Think about taking her to an audiologist and getting something similar for her.

If you fear her being ostracized, what we did in my class was explain to the kids why "Danny" had the headphones, and let them try it as well. They loved it, and during free time, Danny would let them take turns while someone else talked into it (of course it was supervised by me).

It's just a thought. Your child should not be put in a special classroom just for hearing loss. That's what modifications and adaptations are for. If you have any other questions and want to ask me, feel free to post them here, or PM me.

*edited for typos
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minxy.. thank you for your imput.

I understand that the teachers are busy. My daughter classroom only has 18 kids in it. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the teacher to be able to read over those papers.

If I was a teacher.. I wouldn't worry so much about what parent the child lived with.. but I would learn what problems.. medical or otherwise each child has.

Again.. Kimber has limited hearing in one ear.. and normal hearing in the other. Until she gets a cold.. then she has almost or none in the right.. and limited in the right. She also suffers from, that disease that most children have.. "Selective hearing." She isn't stupid.. she knows when to use her ear problems as an excuse. ;)

The microphone idea would be great if this was an ongoing problem.. or if the classroom was large.
I realized after I posted that it was only an occasional problem. Sorry about that.

The teacher was just plain wrong then. If a parent tells me that a child has a problem seeing the board or hearing, I make sure I place that child in a part of the classroom that lessens the difficulty.

I think part of the problem is that special education teachers automatically know to look for problems like this; many general educations teachers haven't been taught to think that way. They usually see the difficulty as a behavior issue, not a medical one.
Something else that probably doesn't help is..

my 40 year old brother had this same teacher for first grade (and she wasn't young then)..

That was rude of me.. *slaps own hand*
I know this is wrong but, has a teacher I can see how easy it would be to over look the medical forms. If it was something I sent home, I would of course look at it when it came back, but often if it is not MY paperwork I just hand it over to the office. I did make a point to look at the Med. forms this year so I did not need to wait for the nurse to make a class medical sheet. Freaky, if it will be an ongoing problem that your daughter needs help with contact the Child Study Team. They will give an IEP or a 504 (maybe different names in other states). This paperwork would REQUIRE the teacher to make certain accomodations for her.
Why the hell should I have to fill out MORE forms to get the fucking school to understand that my daughter has this problem?

Seriously.. I filled out one form.. they didn't read it. How is another form going to make a differance? I've talked to the teacher in person, to her face. We were alone in the classroom. We talked for almost 20 minutes about it.

If she hasn't figured it out yet.. more forms isn't going to help.


Can anyone else see my frustrations here? There are 18 children in the classroom. 1 teacher and one teachers aide. How can they not remember that one child has problems on occasion with her hearing.

Sorry about the harsh post.. I'm seriously frustrated at this.
I completly agree with you Freaky, but a IEP would be offical paperwork saying the child MUST have certain accomodations. For example I have seen IEP's where the child MUST sit in front, get extra time for test, have test read aloud etc... If you had an IEP or 504 the school could be sued if not followed. It would insure your daugher received the help she needs.
FG- I understand your frustration.

Your daughter shouldn't have an IEP if it's only an occasionaly problem; the teacher jsut needs to get off her ass and make accomodations for her. That's it- end of problem.
lilminx said:
FG- I understand your frustration.

Your daughter shouldn't have an IEP if it's only an occasionaly problem; the teacher jsut needs to get off her ass and make accomodations for her
. That's it- end of problem.

I agree BUT if the teacher is not doing her part this would help. Some teachers (terrible ones) won't make accomdations unless required.
I think what I'll do is wait to see what tomorrow brings. I will talk to the teacher again tomorrow after school.

Then I will go talk to the principal. See what she recommends.

Thank you all for your information and help.
I am not a teacher.. but I can relate to your frustration as a parent. I am in an never ending battle with the school about my son. Any more they all take deep breaths if they see me walk in.

To start, I would plan a meeting with the childs teacher, aide, and principle. I would honestly and fairly tell them of your frustration and what you require for your child. I would also request minutes be taken during the meeting, and request a copy of said minutes afterwards.. so that if the problem continues you will have it to refer to.

An IEP or 504 is really for "special needs" children. Some would say your daughter would fall into this category.. and some would say all children do to some extent.. it is really a matter of how far you want to take it. The school would be legally bound to accomodate your child in the least restrictive atmosphere.. which means if she functions fine in a general ed classroom w/o causing disruption to the classroom then that is the most appropriate place for her to be. The school CAN NOT place your child in a special ed classroom w/o your direct permission to do so. Many people do not know this.. and oft times schools will not tell you of all your options. Don't get me wrong.. there are many laws in place.. and most often you are sent a copy of parental rights.. it is not something that is hidden.. just not always well defined. As the parent, YOU decide all things for your child.. regardless of what the school corp. will tell you.

Be aware.. as very frustrating as this is.. unless you take very firm steps right now.. it will all have to be repeated with every grade she advances to. With a firm goal in place at the school, the teacher that gets her next will be made aware of the condition... and hopefully level off some of your frustration.

Good luck!!

freakygurl said:
I think what I'll do is wait to see what tomorrow brings. I will talk to the teacher again tomorrow after school.

Then I will go talk to the principal. See what she recommends.

Thank you all for your information and help.

If it is only an occational problem, an IEP or 504 are not the way to go. It takes time to test and process both and that doesn't always guarantee that your daughter will qualify. Then, if she does qualify and the problem goes away, it then takes time to test and process to remove the "label" from the child. While both a 504 and an IEP will allow your daughter to have the accomodations that she needs, I don't think that it will be in her best interest.

I would recommend going to the principal and having a conference with the principal and the teacher. Make sure you let them know that this is not an everyday occurance, but that if it is not addressed, your daughter will not get the quality education she needs.
Freaky, my youngest daughter has a similar problem. She had the tubes done when she was about seven yrs old (she's now 11, going on 16..LOL). It was the best thing , her hearing and her attention and her schooling rapidly improved. She attends an ear clinic once evey six months to have them cleaned out and she's 'good to go" for about 5 months, then they start to play up a bit. Her attention span drops away in that last month and her work starts to suffer.

On the whole (while not knowing the whole situation) it made a huge difference to Shinny (short for Shenade)

Failing all else, why dont you format her ears....???

Draco said:
Freaky, my youngest daughter has a similar problem. She had the tubes done when she was about seven yrs old (she's now 11, going on 16..LOL). It was the best thing , her hearing and her attention and her schooling rapidly improved. She attends an ear clinic once evey six months to have them cleaned out and she's 'good to go" for about 5 months, then they start to play up a bit. Her attention span drops away in that last month and her work starts to suffer.

On the whole (while not knowing the whole situation) it made a huge difference to Shinny (short for Shenade)

Failing all else, why dont you format her ears....???


The doctor is the one that is trying to avoid the tubes.. This is a new problem (well it's newly noticed). We aren't sure how long it has been going on. So instead of jumping into surgery he feels it's best to wait. We only became aware of this problem last June. He thinks it might correct itself (not the right ear though, that is something that will never be "normal").

The loss of hearing in her left ear is from fluid building up. With the aid of medications.. the fluid goes away. He is trying to see if eventually her body will get rid of the fluid on it's own.

So far her schooling isn't suffering. She is way above the other kids.. I just don't want her falling behind during her bad times.

CC-Thank you for your advice.

Casper-Thank you for your advice.
Yup, thats exactly the same thing that Shinny has. A waxy fluid build up that dries out and blocks the main ear canal. We went thru the medication route, but the specialist didn't seem to think it was making any difference. I have to agree, but with regular cleaning and the visit every 6 months, she gets by. Hopefully it is something she will grow out of in later years, because it has held back her education. She's not half the student her older sister is, which is a shame. She doesn't seem to have the dedication or the attenion span Tammi has.

Good luck with Kimber, Freaky, I hope it all goes well.

And keep stirring up those teacher, we faced and overcame that same sort of thing. One of her teachers just would not help her, not even move her to the front of the clessroom. So, we had a meeting with the principal and got her moved to a different class with a better teacher. The results were immediate, her grades improved and she got serious about her school work again...which was good.

Best of luck :)

Thanks for bumping this thread. I meant to do it earlier but I had forgotten.

I talked to the principal this morning to set up an appointment to talk to her, the teacher and the teachers aide.

Mr Freaky has tomorrow off so I made the appointment for then. That way he can be there also. Both parents need to be involved. Anyway.. I have a notepad of things I want talked about and resolved.

I have already talked to the school district that my other kids go to. They are more than happy to take my daughter if I can't get anything resolved here. I had to get special permission to move her, because we live 15 miles away in another city. The school said I can register her through my ex husbands address.

Hopefully that doesn't have to happen but it's nice to know they are willing to do it.
Good luck and keep us posted.....:)

Oh yeah...BTW......Mr Freaky ...!!!??? :eek:
Sounds like a sex toy.....:D