Talia's campus fun (closed)

There shouldn't, but I do appreciate you saying so

You could feel the electricity between them whenever they were together

Do you have an outfit like I described or should we take you out for a little shopping...I want to show my girl off
I packed plenty but I am always up for a little shopping

She winked and held him close with a smile and a kiss
He kissed her playfully, and he was looking forward to a real date enjoying time with her dressed up and doing something they both enjoyed

Let’ s grab something to eat and go into town

I think I would enjoy watching you try on fun, sexy dresses that I get to enjoy you in
Well then let's go get ready and hit the town.

She winked and slipped from his arms
They never got to do things like this...normal, fun, date like things, like a real couple...it made him sad for a minute...they weren't a real couple...it was his fault...but he wasn't sure if she totally wanted that either...she was young sill enjoying her freedom

Great, let's get ready...maybe grab some lunch or ice cream while we are in town

Any ideas on what my sexy lady might want to go looking for?
She slipped away to go get ready and relax a little enjoying the peace and happiness of it all. She could get used to this. And that realization scared her a little.

Walking back outside she smiled sitting on the porch
Rick tossed on a decent pair of short, shirt and sandals

And was ready to go, but then he found her beautiful and relaxing in a lounge chair

Do you want to go now or relax a bit? I can get us a snack or drinks first?

She stood and turned to him.

Let's go
He watched her stand, marveling at how sexy she was filling out her outfit

Jesus Talia, we will go...

But when you look like that I just want to keep you holed up here and in my bed
Idle threats or a change of heart about going out?

She purred and snuggled against him.
More like idle desires, I find it quite difficult to allow you outside the purview of my physical needs and enjoyment

But we have those moments at home

We can be free here to be normal, enjoy a real date, have fun without fear of persecuting eyes

So, no, let’s go and play, be a normal couple, lovers shopping, and tonight dinner and dancing

He guided her to the car, opened the door, and then got in and started the engine of the convertible
Well then I may just have to wear this to class one day.

She purred nipping at his earlobe.

But yeah let's go.

Getting into the convertible she smiled at him
Only if you want to drive me crazy with desire?

He held her hand, played the music loud and they enjoyed the wind in their hair as they entered the town

It was a quaint lakeside village...made for affluent tourists there were salt water taffy and ice cream stores a plenty, but there were also plenty of restuarants and clubs where they would come back tonight, and there were also some very nice ladies stores which carried all sorts of fashions

They entered into a nice store and were the only customers there...Rick smiled at the sales girl

I want you to help my lady here...she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met...and tonight I want her dressed for us to go out dancing
She purred at him crazy with desire in class and winked. She rolled her eyes and laughed a little at his words to the sales lady.

I can just look around it's fine.
He had embarrased her and leaned in to whisper in her ear

I’m sorry...but

...I never get to take you out, and I want to see you at your most beautiful and sexy, pick out anything, I want to remember tonight, on thise long nights alone back at campus
She whispered in his ear with a purr.

But you have her... If anyone is all alone it's me. Wondering exactly when you are going to use that key to break into my apartment and take me.

She walked away to shop without another word letting him stew in that image while she tried on clothes.
It was true, he could never explain how he was more lonely when he was with his fiancee than when he was alone

But that was not Talia’s fault, he had sold his soul for a career, and she paid the price

He tried to brighten up, enjoy this moment, not think about tomorrow

If only she knew how much he loved her, and how confused he was in trying to find a way they could be together...just them...no one else
She had hoped her words might have turned him on. She could imagine them toying with each other under the table at dinner and then her dancing keeping him wanting to do more. Walking out to show him a couple of favorite dresses.


She leaned in and whispered in his ear as she nibbled at his earlobe

So which one makes you want to join me in that dressing room.
He watched her come out...he thought about her words...surprising her...taking her...she would get her visitor...she better be ready

"So which one makes you want to join me in that dressing room?" he swallowed, sweat forming at his temples and nap of neck, breathing stuttered, and so hard, so, so, hard

"The white, er no peach, no no red..white, peach, red..."she looked amazing, she was the sexiest woman he had ever seen, could ever want and oh how he wanted her..."Jesus, by them all, I want to see you in all of them, and then I want to peel you out of them"

He pulled her in close, "you have no idea how much I want you ...now!"
She smiled to the sales lady and bought the dresses and decided to wear the peach one now.

Oh really

She purred in his ear.

Do tell lover
He returned her purr with a low growl as he nuzzled her cheek

He paid for the dresses, the store was located immediately next to a darkish ally

As they walked out, he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him, spinning her, hands on her toned bare waist, he pressed her up against the cool brick wall and kissed her passionately, pressing into her

Show you, tell you huh? Happy to
She fadped getting pulled into the alley. Her eyes sinking into his curious what he would do here.

Yes... Tell me lover
He looked out into the street, they were in the dark with little to no chance of being seen

He kept her pressed against the wall and reached down and pulled up the hem of her short skirt well up her thighs, he then reached down and grabbed her beind her left knee with is right hand, pulling it up and pressing into her

If you say stop, I will stop, otherwise I won't be stopping until we are finished
Taking...your... Defenseless student... In an alley...

She gasped out purring looking into his eyes.

He smiled, and kept kissing her through everything

HIs one hand kept holding her leg up and open waist high, he pushed her dress up until it was exposing her panties

H slid his hand inside her panty waist and with one hard tug ripped them off

He heard a gasp, but no "Stop", so he didn't

He flattened his palm and cupped her bare sex, squeezing her, and sliding a finger inside to make sure she was aroused, her wetness answered his question

His had found his belt, no time, he found his zipper and unleashed his throbbing cock

Pulling it out he guided it to her opening and slid it up and down her warm wetness as he pulled her leg wider

He pressed his mushroomed head into her opening and then grabbed her other leg and lifted it up while driving inside her silk opening

Her legs off the ground, his hands pulling her in to straddle him while he drove her back against the bricks

He drove his cock deep inside her and felt every inch of her amazing silky wetness

"Oh My God, Talia, YESS"