Sweet, Bitter, Luscious...

Secret Pleasure

dawning of a new day
Sep 28, 2002

I'm craving chocolate in such a big way right now, I can almost taste it! It's that bad.

My personal favorite is bittersweet chocolate. Specifically Perugina Baci chocolates. Mmmm, can almost taste them.

What's yours?
Luscious Lioness said:
Okay, I thought for once someone was calling my name...:(

You know, I've never had a man call out my name! Ever... Sad life I lead.

;) Thought about that as I was typing it out. Sawwe ;)

It'll happen, don't you worry. And when it does, watch out! There's nothing more heady than having a man calling out your name while in the throws of a powerful um, moment. *grin*
Luscious Lioness said:
Okay, I thought for once someone was calling my name...:(

You know, I've never had a man call out my name! Ever... Sad life I lead.

I can change that if you want ;)
Damn, after reading this I think I could really go for an Aero bar..
Luscious Lioness said:
We are talking chocolate remember? However, I like melted chocolate on body parts as well, hersey's is really good. :D

No Hershey's in the UK! Although chocolate Haagen Dasz is a chilly and exciting substitute ;)
Perugina Baci

My, we do have exotic tastes. I like the dark chocolates, particularly those irregular chunks in Breyer's Natural Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
Mmm, there was a frozen yogurt I used to love. Black raspberry chip.

Yes, exotic and erotic. One of those Baci's is like an orgasm upon the tongue. ;)
Depends on my moods, but I like dark rich chocolate and if it has almonds... I am in chocolate heaven! :)
Just give me chocolate.

I'll make do with whatever kind it is.;)

I adore your av, SP...very hot.
Thank you JL! Yours ain't so bad either. :D

Star... *begins chanting softly* Chocolate, chocolate...
At the moment, I'm enjoying Dorina Kuhanje by Kras of Zagreb.

Plug for Twin Citizens:

Wine and Chocolate Celebration at Calhoun Square!
February 6, 2003

Join Calhoun Square at the First Annual Wine and Chocolate Celebration to benefit the American Heart Association. You'll choose among dozens of wines, exquisite chocolates and delectable food from Calhoun Square restaurants; as well as take part in our silent auction featuring a variety of gift packages from Calhoun Square merchants and restaurants.
Maud Borup Chocolates, Rocky Mountain Chocolates, Hansens's Goodies, The Wedge Coop, and Coffee & Tea, Ltd. are just a few of the chocolatiers that you'll be able to sample.

Tickets are $23 in advance and $25 at the door. A $10 designated driver ticket is also available. You must be 21 years or older to attend.
Re: Re: Re: While you're looking...

Secret Pleasure said:
Mmm, would you like some whipped cream with that too? :p

How about you and me in a tub full of it?

:p :kiss: :devil: :eek: