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The entire world is defined by racial is the case with most racist s*** birds......he can't help it.

Racialism, or even mere observation of the fact there are different races isn't "racism." Acknowledging the factual reality that there are racial and ethnic groups in the world is a positive and beautiful thing.

How exactly would you define the world? By species lines? Why do you hate animals? :confused:
How exactly would you define the world? By species lines? Why do you hate animals? :confused:

Yea...pretty much....I treat and view all humans equally until they give me a reason not to (demonstrates scum bag behavior or some kind). Color, religion, nationality....whatever, they are human beings and deserve to be treated as such.

I have been around the planet several times...only took me once to learn that the overwhelming majority of people are GOOD people. Even in the worst middle eastern/african hell hole you can think of....

I don't hate animals....they are delicious, esp the cute ones. :cool:
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