Support Rhodes Scholar Susan Rice, or you're a racist Read more: Support Rhodes Scho


I'm Not Your Guru
Sep 12, 2002
WASHINGTON, D.C., November 19, 2012 — When Senator John McCain attacked U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s account of the September 11 attack in Benghazi, he prompted a biting response from a group of female House Democrats.
McCain said that Rice was “not very bright” in her comments about Benghazi. The women retorted that Rice was a Rhodes scholar and a Stanford graduate, while McCain was at the bottom of his class at the U.S. Naval Academy. Because Rice is clearly brilliant and McCain is not, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) and the others concluded racism as the basis for his comment. Said Fudge, “It is a shame that any time something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities.”

Clearly, McCain is a racist......

except when DUMZ/LIBZ/PROGZ called Powell and UNCLE TOM:)
McCain just has bad memories of Rice from his days in Vietnam.

Sorry, that was a tortured joke.
WASHINGTON, D.C., November 19, 2012 — When Senator John McCain attacked U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s account of the September 11 attack in Benghazi, he prompted a biting response from a group of female House Democrats.
McCain said that Rice was “not very bright” in her comments about Benghazi. The women retorted that Rice was a Rhodes scholar and a Stanford graduate, while McCain was at the bottom of his class at the U.S. Naval Academy. Because Rice is clearly brilliant and McCain is not, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) and the others concluded racism as the basis for his comment. Said Fudge, “It is a shame that any time something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities.”

Clearly, McCain is a racist......

If he thinks Sarah Palin was an intelligent pick for a leadership position and Susan Rice isn't, I think his reasoning deserves thorough examination.
All true, but I just cant believe she dropped the "race card" so quicklly....
All true, but I just cant believe she dropped the "race card" so quicklly....
By "she", do you mean Susan Rice or some congressperson nobody ever heard of that wants to get in the news?
As a woman, I think that if Susan Rice would have been honest, after she was told what to say by the White House, or whomever......just have been honest and said that her information was incorrect and give the correct information, then none of this would be an issue.

I actually think that she would have much more credibility and respect from BOTH sides in that she did make a mistake and then corrected it.

Women are not the perfect gender, neither are men. Both mess up. What is wrong with being honest instead of calling names and making things worse?
As a woman, I think that if Susan Rice would have been honest, after she was told what to say by the White House, or whomever......just have been honest and said that her information was incorrect and give the correct information, then none of this would be an issue.

I actually think that she would have much more credibility and respect from BOTH sides in that she did make a mistake and then corrected it.

Women are not the perfect gender, neither are men. Both mess up. What is wrong with being honest instead of calling names and making things worse?

The one common thread between both parties in Washington is they both cover crap up rather than just stepping to the plate right away and saying, "sorry we made a mistake". Regardless of their party affiliations, most folks would just say OK, and move on.
As a woman, I think that if Susan Rice would have been honest, after she was told what to say by the White House, or whomever......just have been honest and said that her information was incorrect and give the correct information, then none of this would be an issue.

I actually think that she would have much more credibility and respect from BOTH sides in that she did make a mistake and then corrected it.

Women are not the perfect gender, neither are men. Both mess up. What is wrong with being honest instead of calling names and making things worse?

My guess, they told her what to say, she said it, now she/they, dug a hole and it looks worse than it had to. She is the fall guy....
My guess, they told her what to say, she said it, now she/they, dug a hole and it looks worse than it had to. She is the fall guy....

I agree.... How nice it would be to just say that they were wrong and tell what they know now.

Both parties do it...they just lie.....and then wonder why the people have such distrust of Washington and the government.
I agree.... How nice it would be to just say that they were wrong and tell what they know now.

Both parties do it...they just lie.....and then wonder why the people have such distrust of Washington and the government.

It's the arrogance of the Obama administration, he thinks he is Teflon, and he is kind of correct, I dont see the mainstream media pushing this, but hasn't anyone learned from Watergate? Just admit you were wrong up front, and all this goes away......
By "she", do you mean Susan Rice or some congressperson nobody ever heard of that wants to get in the news?

why do you INSULT yourself and say a CongressPerson no one ever heard of?


It's the arrogance of the Obama administration, he thinks he is Teflon, and he is kind of correct, I dont see the mainstream media pushing this, but hasn't anyone learned from Watergate? Just admit you were wrong up front, and all this goes away......

Again...agreed. They are all this way. The truth is just to "truthful"...:D. I just wonder how the government would be run if all were honest (no matter what party is in the oval office).

Im certain non of you pretend TOLLY RANTERS

Recall what YOUR side did to C Powell and indeed C Rice back in 2001-2008


Didn't Barbara Big Box tell Connie Rice she wasn't qualified because she was a single mom and had no skin in the game?


and she was called UNCLE TOM (or whatever the term is) what about C Powell?

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 19, 2012 — When Senator John McCain attacked U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s account of the September 11 attack in Benghazi, he prompted a biting response from a group of female House Democrats.
McCain said that Rice was “not very bright” in her comments about Benghazi. The women retorted that Rice was a Rhodes scholar and a Stanford graduate, while McCain was at the bottom of his class at the U.S. Naval Academy. Because Rice is clearly brilliant and McCain is not, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) and the others concluded racism as the basis for his comment. Said Fudge, “It is a shame that any time something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities.”

Clearly, McCain is a racist......

I'm sorry, but any fool that thought the attach was a spur of the moment is high on drugs....and the worst part is that they are not sharing those drugs. just saying

Rice is a fucking idiot, or a sheep. either way, she is not fit to be a spokes person for Charles Manson