Why are they always so angry, bitter and personal?


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
I bitched about Bush for six years, and through all that time the Republicans on this board never trashed me the way the Democrats do now that "their guy" is "in charge."

They were angry when Bush was President, but they seem even more angry now that Obama is President.

Maybe it's just disappointment.

The Great Progressive Church
Robert A. Hall, The American Thinker
December 13, 2012

Psychologists say that people need religion in one form or another, and will always invent a theology if they are not given one. I'm not the first to notice that the rise of thetic, unchurched, Godless Secular Humanists has resulted in liberals meeting this human need by converting Progressive Ideology into religious doctrine and admiration for Progressive leaders into unquestioning worship. Self-righteous calls for civility aside, this explains why they get so angry and vicious when you challenge any of their tenets. You are not disagreeing with them over policy. You are attacking the core of their religion, and their reaction is often the same as if you told a member of the Westboro Baptist Church that Jesus wasn't divine or a member of the Muslim Brotherhood that Mohammad was a fake. Blasphemy cannot be tolerated by fundamentalists of any stripe.


To understand the Progressive Church, you must first understand that for them, intentions matter, not results for real people. If they can feel all warm and fuzzy about intendions, the actually outcomes are of no interest. Note that they find no cognitive dissonance when their principles collide with each other or with reality -- they just ignore it, in the grand tradition of many great religions.


The Progressive Elect are Muslims, Gays, Blacks, Hispanics, Women, the Poor, and Union Members. I've tried to put this in order, but it changes frequently as the Progressive Mullahs issue a new Fatwa. And I'm sure I've missed some. Thus, right now, Gays trump Blacks, but Muslims trump Gays. So if conservatives oppose gay marriage it is an atrocity, but if Muslims call for the murder of gays, it is a heartwarming display of Multiculturalism.


Among the Canons of the Progressive Church are:

Multiculturalism. This trumps almost everything right now. Any mention of Islamist violence is, for example, "Islamophobic," and truth is not a defense.

Environmentalism. Progressives make much of their support for the poor, but are willing to grind them into poverty to feel all green and fuzzy. So pumping corn into alternative biofuel while starving the Third World is tough for the hungry, but high on the list of revered behaviors. The Third World poor don't vote here, after all. Global Warming must be accepted and believed, and the poor must tithe to Al Gore to reduce carbon emissions, regardless of cost. The cascading failures of tax-supported green energy companies don't signify, because intentions matter, not results. Looking at any contrary evidence is blasphemy, and not permitted, just as the Medieval divines convicted Galileo of heresy for claiming that the Earth revolved around the sun-and to look at the evidence was not permitted.

Gay Rights. Universities kept military recruiters off campus because of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy ordered by Progressive Mullah Bill Clinton. Go figure. Gay rights in the U.S. are sacrosanct. Gays being executed in Muslim countries are not worth mentioning - they don't vote for or contribute to Democrats, after all.

Feminism. Progressives think it's an outrage if you don't want to pay for free birth control for yuppie law students, but completely ignore the stoning of women, child marriages, female genital mutilation, honor killings of female relatives for even speaking to a strange man and oppressive inequality of women in Muslim countries under Shari'a Law, because to notice it would be heresy against their multicultural canon.

America is evil and must apologize to the world. They don't often say it, because it might lose votes among the bitter clingers, unless you catch one preaching "God Damn America" without challenge from any noted parishioners. But you can see they believe it from their actions.

Israel is evil. Israel is not only an American ally, but the only multi-party democracy in the Middle East, and tries to preserve freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and equality for women. Naturally, all good Progressives despise Israel, even Jewish ones. Scratch a Progressive, and if you don't find a Star of David, you'll likely find an anti-Semite. It's more advanced, of course, in more Progressive countries like France, but violent anti-Semitism will grow here as the Progressive Faith grows.

Race matters a great deal, culture not at all. As a conservative, I believe the opposite, but this is how it is, though they talk about a post-racial America. (If you actually had a way to eliminate all racism, they'd murder you, because it's their rice bowl.) One of the interesting features of the Progressive Church is their ability to believe that any policy disagreement with Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Susan Rice or Charlie Rangel grows out of your brutal Jim Crow racism, but that their most egregious, vile attacks on Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Colin Powel, Allan West, or Mia Love were entirely based on disagreement with their policies and actions. Sure. And Jesse Jackson can declare Budweiser racist, not fit to drink for Progressives, until Bud rewarded his sons with lucrative beer distributorships, when a fatwa was issued making Bud hahal for Progressives to consume again. Racial blackmail is perfectly acceptable to the Progressive Church.

Racism drives everything non-Progressives do. So White Rule in Rhodesia was evil and had to be destroyed. Never mind that Black Rule there dropped black life expectancy by 10 to 15 years, destroyed the economy through hyperinflation and turned the country from a food-exporter to one stalked by starvation. Intentions mattered, not the deleterious results for the poor black folks who actually lived -- and died -- there. And 59% of whites voting for Romney is clear evidence of terrible racism, while 95% of blacks voting for Obama is not. Thus, the media can edit tapes and pictures to make that "white Hispanic" George Zimmerman look racist, but can ignore black flash mobs attacking whites, Hispanics, and Asians. Also not to be mentioned is that 53% of the murders are committed by the 13% of the population that is black, with upwards of 85% of the victims also being black. But tough law enforcement would be racist, so black folks must die on the Progressive altar. Truth, again, is not a defense.

The Rich are evil-but only if they earned their money in business and are not Progressives. So mega-millionaires Michael Moore, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, George Soros, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Jim Johnson, Franklin Raines, Tax Cheat Tim Geithner, Angelo "Friends of Angelo at Countrywide" Mozilo and any number of entertainment and athletic stars are all righteous people, while a couple each working 60 hours a week to bring home $260k are among the evil rich who aren't "paying their fair share." Of course, Progressives who get caught with their hands in the cookie jar become invisible. See Obama's real estate angel and convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko or Obama bundler Jon Corzine, who misplaced a billion bucks of the customers' money. Hey, I bet you've misplaced at least $100M yourself more than once.

The Bush Tax Cuts Benefited only the Rich. Never mind that the tax bill for average folks also went down, that many on the lower end stopped paying any taxes at all, and that after the tax cuts, the wealthy paid a larger share of the total tax revenues -- which went up. Raising taxes is about theology, not revenue.

Guns are evil. Never mind that the cities with the strictest gun control have the worst crime, or that as gun ownership has gone up crime has dropped, or that thousands of decent citizens save themselves from violence every year with their legally-owned guns. The Progressive Church decrees guns evil regardless. And don't think of making your hunting rifle into an "assault rifle" by putting a black folding stock and bayonet lug on it. Guns that look more dangerous are more dangerous.

Everything depends on who says it. If Obama said in 2008 that raising the debt ceiling was unpatriotic, and in 2011 that voting against raising the debt ceiling was wrong, both statements were true, because Obama said them. If Democrats and George Bush both looked at CIA intelligence and concluded there were WMDs in Iraq, the Democrats were using the best data they had, but Bush lied. When Obama and Susan Rice repeated CIA talking points about Benghazi (mysteriously changed by persons unknown) they weren't lying, they were repeating the intelligence they had. If Bush had said it was a spontaneous demonstration, that would have been a lie, because Bush said it.

Children are a high priority. As long as they are children of the Progressive Elect voting blocks in the US. So banning DDT to save the birds to feel good about the environmental was wonderful, and several million dead black, brown, and yellow kids from malaria in the Third World mattered not at all. Nor did the birds, of course, when it was time to build eagle-chopper wind farms in homage to Big Green.

A Progressive fatwa making something Halah (allowed) or Haram (forbidden) may be issued by any of the Progressive Mullahs such as Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Harry Reid, Jo Biden, Paul Krugman, Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times or many others and will be instantly adopted without question or thought by all Fundamentalist Progressives. There is, it must be noted, a theological debate right now in the Progressive Church as to whether Barack Obama is the reigning Progressive Pope, or actually a Progressive God -- our "Lord and Savior" as Jamie Foxx recently preached.

The issuing of fatwas means that new Progressive Canons pop up all the time. The most recent is that requiring voters to identify themselves to vote is racist, there is no real voter fraud and thus requiring ID is evidence of conservative voter suppression. (The NBPP thugs with nightsticks outside polling places in Philadelphia are, of course, not voter suppression because they are black.) Never mind that voters were required to have voter cards for a long time without Progressives noticing the racism. Never mind that voter fraud has a long history in the city political machines (mostly Democrat) from Tammany Hall to the First Ward in Chicago, where "floaters" were paid 50 cents a vote to chain vote as often as possible. (I recommend The Lords of the Levee.) Never mind that Lyndon Johnson became a senator through voter fraud and JFK may have been elected president in 1960 due to it. The Church decrees now that fraud doesn't exist.

But if you ask why it isn't racist to require minorities to identify themselves to cash a check, fly, drive, buy a gun, buy alcohol, buy tobacco, sign up for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Welfare, or to enter a government building, Obama rally, or the Democrat National convention, they will deflect or ignore the question. Apparently it's fine with liberals that a large number of Blacks and Hispanics are prevented from doing these things because they can't get ID, as long as they can vote as often as they want, no questions asked. The Fatwa was issued by Mullah Holder and others and they all now really believe that any effort to eliminate fraud is racist. And they will not look at the evidence. One Progressive told me there was no evidence, but if I sent him some he'd look at it. When I did, he decided the site that linked to the evidence was biased, therefore it would be blasphemy to look at the links -- thus saving himself from having to look in the telescope or challenge his beliefs.

As with any great religion, there is a lot more to the Progressive church than this brief overview, but I hope I have put it into perspective. I will continue to engage with Moderate Progressives, who are willing to discuss policy rationally. But I'm going to try to avoid the Fundamentalist Progressives, who believe anyone who disagrees with them is evil, stupid or both, because disagreement is heresy. It's not worth the conflict. And, eventually, they'll justify violence as a response. The extreme Left, like the extreme Right, always does. Progressive Jihad is coming.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran

Looks like we can't trust the white man.
The Tithe

The two taxes that most effect the financial decisions of the wealthy are income and capital gains taxes. A cursory examination of these rates and the percentage of overall tax revenue paid by the top one percent of tax filers since 1979 reveals:

Top Marginal Income Tax Rate
Maximum Capital Gains Tax Rate
Percentage Overall Tax Revenue Paid by Top One Percent
1979 - 70.0% - 28.0% - 19.0%
1982 - 50.0% - 20.0% - 19.2%
1989 - 28.0% - 28.0% - 27.0%
1996 - 39.6% - 29.0% - 31.0%
2010 - 35.0% - 15.1% - 37.4%

As the top rates dropped not only did the percentage of overall taxes paid by the wealthy increase, but also the amount of revenue received by the government, since investment and income decisions no longer included excessive and at times absurd tax planning.

In 1986, a tax reform bill was passed which eliminated virtually all the tax shelters created to minimize taxes. These were, oftentimes, simply very poor and risky investments driven by the need to reduce tax liabilities. The dramatic increase in the share of overall taxes paid by the top one percent reflects this change and also greatly increased the actual revenues realized by the Treasury. As a further benefit, the nation's gross domestic product grew by an average of over 4% per year after the reform bill was passed.

Since 2003, the key drivers in the increase in the share of taxes paid by the top one percent was the reduction in the capital gains rate, which helped to offset the increased top marginal rate passed in the Clinton years as well as taxing dividends at a flat 15%.

Despite the lesson of the above, the Obama proposal is to raise the top marginal rate to 40.5% (39.6% plus .9 for ObamaCare), increase the capital gains rate to 20.0%, and dramatically raise dividend taxation rates for the top one percent to 44.3% (40.5% plus 3.8% for ObamaCare).
This is being sold as absolutely necessary to raise revenues. It is projected by the Congressional Budget Office that these changes could raise $84 billion per year. That is assuming those in the top one percent do not change their economic behavior, an absurd assumption. There will be a dramatic change in behavior, particularly for those who live in high income tax states such as California and New York, who will be staring at an effective marginal tax rate for every dollar of income over $200,000.00 (single) or $250,000.00 (married) of over 53.0% before Medicare of 2.9% and other local taxes.

Beyond the damage these policies will do to small and medium sized businesses, not to mention job creation, the revenue eventually realized by the government will fall far short of the estimate and will in all likelihood drop below what is being collected today, as many taxpayers will move to assure that their income stays as close to the $250,000.00 threshold as possible, and will look to make investments overseas rather than in the United States.

But the bloodlust ginned up by the Obama cabal will be satisfied. The campaign to raise taxes on the rich has nothing to do with additional income for the government. Those in the halls of power in Washington know it will not raise the revenue they claim; rather it is purely a political ploy by Obama to destroy his opposition and shift the focus and blame for the terrible economy and joblessness to others as he and his fellow-travelers go about their stealth transformation of America.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/12/an_overlooked_constant.html#ixzz2EvYmf319
The Guilty White Man looking for penance for crimes she did not commit.

Watch how angry they get...

Funny how the more guilty ones seems to have had less to do with whatever it was they're feeling guilty for, and are more judgmental of some of us who seem not to be acting guilty enough.

I know, a bit early for that.

I'll tell you a funny story sometime . . .

when the horned toad says it's the right time.
The Hallelujah Choir:

I’d like to share two points from the event. One concerns my title. Cardinal Newman once observed that, about most matters, to think like Aristotle was to think correctly. I believe that is true. Aristotle went wrong in a few areas—biology is a conspicuous example—but by and large his anthropology is spot on. It was with some chagrin, then, that I found myself disagreeing with a central Aristotelian observation in the light of Andrew McCarthy’s presentation. At the beginning of the Metaphysics, Aristotle says that “All men by nature desire to know.” Curiosity, he suggests, is native to the human animal. That is why were are so clever (that and the opposable thumb). But consider these questions Andy articulated about Obama and Benghazi:

Who told the president about the siege on our consulate in that Libyan hell hole?
When did Obama learn about the siege that left four Americans, including his official representative to Libya, dead?
What were his orders about dealing with the siege?

Who, when, what. In the normal course of events, you would think that the men and women whose whole professional life is, or is supposed to be, driven by the desire to answer such questions would be busy as terriers digging for the truth about this extraordinary event. Four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador, murdered on the anniversary of 9/11 by offshoots of al-Qaeda. You’d think, wouldn’t you, that every Pulitzer Prize-craving journalist in the country would be all over this one.

Sniff the air. What do you smell? I smell scandal, a bug juicy scandal emanating from an administration that watched the seven and a half hour siege unfold in real time while U.S. military assets stood by nary an hour away and did . . . nothing. What happened in Benghazi contravened the official narrative about the beneficent “Arab Spring” that was breaking out all over, therefore it didn’t happen. Or rather, it happened because some dodgy character in California disseminated a cartoon-like melodrama about Mohammed. Did anyone—anyone—believe that? Where are the watch dogs of the fourth estate? Why is it that The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and CNN have stood by in mute, simian idiocy, seeing, hearing, speaking no evil? Why? What happened to the desire to know? Who first told the president, the commander in chief, the man whose first responsibility is to provide for the national security of the United States, who first told him about the siege on our sovereign property in Libya? When did they tell him? It had to have been within minutes of that day-long siege beginning. And what was his response? What orders did he issue—or fail to issue—to safeguard those American citizens?
Funny how the more guilty ones seems to have had less to do with whatever it was they're feeling guilty for, and are more judgmental of some of us who seem not to be acting guilty enough.

I know, a bit early for that.

I'll tell you a funny story sometime . . .

when the horned toad says it's the right time.

The toad tells me I should be moving very early today...

I will listen and read later in amusement.

The predictable comanchero raid.

When you have decided you are right, your mind closes and then your efforts go to defending your "rightness" and pointing out "their" "wrongness".
When you have decided you are right, your mind closes and then your efforts go to defending your "rightness" and pointing out "their" "wrongness".

And, as pointed out in Karen Armstrong's "Holy Wars," despite their intense hatred of Christianity, they still retain the cultural drive to Crusade while screaming about how Christian morality is being shoved down their throats...


I wonder why this little titbit was left out of the American non-thinker's stats:

Data from tax returns show that the top 1 percent of households received 8.9 percent of all pre-tax income in 1976. In 2008, the top 1 percent share had more than doubled to 21.0 percent.


Maybe because it explains why the rich are paying more tax?
The Great Progressive Church
Robert A. Hall, The American Thinker
December 13, 2012

Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran

Robert Hall does ascription almost as good as you do, Chief. :rolleyes:
Psst... tell me I'm on ignore if you think President Obama is the best president ever!
Please pass the plate.

I need some change...


Last time I went to church and the collection plate was passed, I thought Gee, that sure would make a nice looking fruit bowl at my kitchen table.

I wonder how many congregation members have thought about taking the envelopes of money out of the collection plate and saying, "Thank You, Lord. I shall sin no more."?
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White guilt? Dont believe it. Lincoln called it the oldest form of tyrrany...THE PROPOSITION THAT YOU TOIL AND SWEAT AND EARN YOUR DAILY BREAD, AND I GET TO EAT IT.
Nah. I'm just trying to survive and mind my own business. Every time I pull my head out of the sand, I see only see a bunch of busybodies trying to tell everyone else how to live and what to do with their money. I must be getting cynical and tired of people.

Why can't people just mind their own business and leave everyone else alone? Be a little nicer to each other and try to get along? Stop blaming their own problems on everyone else?
4est you seriously need to give that American 'Thinker' crap a rest. It's ironic you open with this from Byron:

I bitched about Bush for six years, and through all that time the Republicans on this board never trashed me the way the Democrats do now that "their guy" is "in charge."

They were angry when Bush was President, but they seem even more angry now that Obama is President.

And then follow Byron's whinge to the letter by posting up a load of right wing dogma so full of holes calling it a sieve would be undercooking it.

Republicanism, the party of unregulated, Darwinian capitalism - look at doo doo their 'result-oriented' approach have left us with.

and there are just as many 'doers, IQ 160+, result oriented dems/liberals however you want to dress up the left as Republicans.

Republicans had their shot for 8-odd years and we're now trying to deal with it as best we can.
Nah. I'm just trying to survive and mind my own business. Every time I pull my head out of the sand, I see only see a bunch of busybodies trying to tell everyone else how to live and what to do with their money. I must be getting cynical and tired of people.

Why can't people just mind their own business and leave everyone else alone? Be a little nicer to each other and try to get along? Stop blaming their own problems on everyone else?

Its how they structure their free-time.

I had a full life and now prefer to stay home, tending my garden, working in my garage shop, reading etc, and its a rare day when neighbors dont try and fuck with me. I call it INTERPERSONAL SPAM.