Racism is alive and well.


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
There is sexism and racism in l’affaire Rice — but sadly it is all originating from the Obama administration and its supporters. First, having a woman or a minority as secretary of state has been accepted as the new normal for over a decade. Indeed, we have not seen a white male in the office since Warren Christopher stepped down in January 1997. Over that period, Bush’s first secretary of state, Colin Powell, was ridiculed by liberal critics for his misleading testimony about weapons of mass destruction on the eve of the Iraq War; I don’t recall him alleging racism. Vocal liberal senators tore into Powell’s successor, Condoleezza Rice, during her confirmation hearings; throughout her tenure, she was subjected to venomous criticism over her role in the Iraq War. Was Senator Barbara Boxer, who mercilessly grilled her, a racist? A disinterested observer over the last decade would conclude that the chief critics of black and female secretaries of state have been liberal Democrats — with no countervailing criticism of them from the Black Caucus, the Washington Post, or the Democratic party. Note in that regard that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales left the Bush administration under vicious liberal criticism — although not quite as harsh as the vitriol directed at Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Again, their critics were not tarred with allegations of racism or anti-Latino bias.

For all the president’s condescending talk daring Rice’s critics to come after him instead, we should note that Rice herself apparently welcomes being in the arena. Here is what she undiplomatically remarked about potential critics in an interview for a book earlier this year: “People know not to mess with me. And if they haven’t learned, and they try, then they will learn.” So it is left to her supporters to make the case that Rice had an inspired diplomatic career in the Clinton administration, or that her current tenure at the U.N. has been characterized by adroit diplomacy, which we perhaps saw on display with the U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.

It also was recently announced that Susan Rice reported a net worth of somewhere between $30 and $40 million – information that appeared in the popular media only after one of the nastiest campaigns in modern memory, whose central theme was that Mitt Romney and his supporters were 1 percenters whose affluence was prima facie proof of some sort of moral or legal failing.

There is nothing in Rice’s past to suggest that her own race, gender, or class was a disadvantage in her cursus honorum. In the nexus of elite universities and Democratic politics — whether Stanford University, the Rhodes Scholarship, or the Clinton administration — being black, female, and elite is far more advantageous that being white, male, and poor. In postmodern America, it is considered noble to prejudge people on the basis of their race and gender, but it can be ignoble to postjudge them on the basis of merit. Note, in this regard, that no one seems worried that Susan Rice and her husband have ample investments — among them energy companies involved in the Keystone-pipeline project — that might have posed a conflict of interest for a high-ranking State Department official.

So what are we left with in this racial psychodrama that is no longer about whether a potential secretary of state serially misled the American people, but rather is about whether to point that out is racist?

We are asked to believe that a multimillionaire African-American woman, who boasts that those who “mess” with her end up badly, is a victim of racism for not being welcomed as a nominee for secretary of state — a position that has not been held by a white male in 15 years — after she went on five television shows the Sunday after the Benghazi attack in an effort to convince Americans of the absurd myth that their ambassador had been killed in the course of a demonstration gone bad, rather than being murdered in a preplanned al-Qaedist hit.
Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
merc - stay out of my threads.

You know you are on ignore for your continual childish behavior.

If you wanted to have discourse with me, you should have kept it civil.

Now, you are just trolling, the same behavior that got you ignored, and you know it...

Grumpy Cat should tee off on him.

Indeed. Stalk him. Follow him into threads that have nothing to do with politics!

Demand answers before the article has been read or the debate even seen!

Unleash the Grumpy Cat of WAR!!!

:D :D :D
The Bolsheviks had Trotsky, our Liberals have Jim Crow.
No, the war on the angry old white man begins with the Founders...

;) ;) ... nothing noble about rich old white slave owners...

:) Like Ben Franklin!
I see it's time for the morning pasta throw against the wall to see what sticks.

Nope, nothing this time.
merc - stay out of my threads.

You know you are on ignore for your continual childish behavior.

If you wanted to have discourse with me, you should have kept it civil.

Now, you are just trolling, the same behavior that got you ignored, and you know it...


That's right, Chief. You tell him!

You're a victim, a VICTIM, DAMMIT!

Tell us about your right to come in here and lie your situational Native American ass off without fear of consequence!
I see it's time for the morning pasta throw against the wall to see what sticks.

Nope, nothing this time.

This is how you spend your morning?

I am sure that you have been involved in this thread for days now with well over 47 posts, so you cannot be engaging me just for the sake of morning ad hominem...

There truly is no difference between you merc and Throb.

Why the hell do you think I included you in the ship of tools?

Now you're following me from thread-to-thread just like merc did before I put him on ignore.

Is that your desire? To be put on ignore so that you can have the only opinion on any subject?
This is how you spend your morning?

I am sure that you have been involved in this thread for days now with well over 47 posts, so you cannot be engaging me just for the sake of morning ad hominem...

There truly is no difference between you merc and Throb.

Why the hell do you think I included you in the ship of tools?

In the other thread I had been posting for several days and had over 40 posts on the topic before you popped in and accused me of ad hominem even though my comments were about the article you posted.

But you're not man enough to EVER admit you're wrong.

So why should I care what you think about me? Go ahead and put me on ignore and limit your conversations to Miles, Ish and Koala.

You seem to have difficulty understanding how discussion boards work. When you post your daily misinformation on here, people are going to comment on it.

And for fuck's sake man up and stop being such a cry baby.
Birds of a feather flock together...

This message is hidden because RobDownSouth is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because zipman is on your ignore list.
Especially her investments with companies doing business with Iran. face it, she isn't fit for the job.

Did she pay her fair share on the way up???

Or did she cheat like TIMMAH! and the rest of the fearless crew on the USS Minnow?

Luvey, must I tell the servants to pack the good caviar and Kobe?
Stfu Throb

Get me out of your head you delusional asshole.

Awww. Did your widdle feelings get hurt by the truth?

Tsk, tsk.

I'll tell you what, why don't you take a little time out and come back when your emotions haven't gotten the better of you.
What do you know about being a man?:rolleyes:

All of the metrosexuals assure him that he is still a man...

;) ;)

Note how he says people are going to comment, but note how rarely his comment is about the topic when it comes to me.

It is personal. He is the one who cannot stand being criticized, which I did once, years ago pointing out that whatever the Democrat position of the day was, was his despite his declared position of centricity and the loud protestation, "I vote by the issue/candidate and I actually voted for two Republicans in my life!"

He is a tool. Well he can yammer away with the rest of the tools now.

We see what they have managed to do to the economy.
She's another insufferable butt suck who puts the interests of the first black President's re-election before the American people. Shit can her nomination and move on to the man called "Horse."

She's as honest as Elizabeth "Cherokee" Warren.

When truth and righteousness are on your side, you can say anything at any time for any reason.

Ain't that right zip?

Contemporary leftists, on the other hand, view their opponents as people you send off to the Gulag, unworthy of any respect, deserving of any kind of low blow, no matter how foul. So you accuse Goldwater of insanity, slander Justice Thomas as a sexual monster, casually publish plays, books, and films calling for the assassination of President Bush, and assault the first serious Republican female candidate at her weakest point -- her family. And of course, you scream to high heaven if any form of turnabout occurs in your direction, as in the case of the Obama family, which was declared "off limits" early in the presidential campaign, at the same time that Palin's family was being stretched on the media rack.

This style of political loathing has become effectively innate. It has been systemized to such a degree as to become integral. Modern liberalism cannot do without it. An entire structure has been erected on the basis of political hatred, and from that structure a whole new strategy has arisen.

J.R. Dunn

How about the strict separation of english and stupidity?

Ordinality isn't a word.