Support Author Feature


Sep 19, 2022
Im with Patreon and trying to use the Support Author Feature so the SUPPORT AUTHOR button appears at the end of my stories. Ive added the Patreon Number and follwed the intsructions but the Button does not appear ??? Does anyone out there know how to do this or can advise on what I could be doing wrong.... its frustrating so would be really grateful for any help .. thanks Jess x
I just uploaded mine Friday and have yet to see the button appear yet either. Not sure how long its supposed to take to activate.
I have had smashwords and Amazon up for a month. Neither one was showing. So, I decided they wouldn't let you do two different locations, took out the Smashwords and left the Amazon. It's been 48 hours and still nothing.
So what's the average? A week to show up? A month? I've been getting nothing for so long, I'm a little anxious here.
Took several weeks but once I deleted the SW one and only had one link it went through pretty quick. Maybe a week, I think.
I was an early adopter and it happened within a couple of hours for me. Others I have spoken to have taken a few days.

Hopefully it's sorted for you now
Maybe you guys can help me. I recently created my Patreon, and I'm trying to get the link out there, since people have been asking for it, and my readers asking me to make one is the main reason I made it. But every time I go into my options and put in the link from the widget (like it tells you to) the test link never appears and if I try to save, my screen goes blank and just hangs. I've tried it on mobile (Chrome), and on my Desktop using Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and even the Brave. Any idea why It is failing so hard?
No, when I made my like to amazon, it took two weeks for it to appear. But no, my screen never vanished on me.
When you put in your link to Amazon, did the test link appear below the field you put the link in?
I was on the beta, so I don't think it did. But it may have. I've posted a few things here and there since then and can't remember that part of it.
When you put in your link to Amazon, did the test link appear below the field you put the link in?
Thanks. Any idea where I could reach out on this issue? All I can find to do is post on the forum, and I've seen a few people posting about their screen going white when they tried and nothing seems to come from it.
Maybe you guys can help me. I recently created my Patreon, and I'm trying to get the link out there, since people have been asking for it, and my readers asking me to make one is the main reason I made it. But every time I go into my options and put in the link from the widget (like it tells you to) the test link never appears and if I try to save, my screen goes blank and just hangs. I've tried it on mobile (Chrome), and on my Desktop using Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and even the Brave. Any idea why It is failing so hard?
Don't take the link, just take the number.
I swear I tried that, but I think it worked this time! The test link appeared! Than you so much! Here's hoping it worked.
Does anyone know if they're planning to add SubscribeStar to Support the Author any time soon?

Thanks much!
Don't have a clue. So far, you can only have one link. I publish on several sites. I had to pick the most popular platform, not necessarily where my work does the best. I chose Amazon.

I'm aware of what subscribeStar is.
Don't have a clue. So far, you can only have one link. I publish on several sites. I had to pick the most popular platform, not necessarily where my work does the best. I chose Amazon.

I'm aware of what subscribeStar is.
Right. I'm not using either Amazon nor Patreon. So I cannot even use the one link available via Support the Author. Was hoping someone knows if they're going to add SubscribeStar at some point. I'm guessing that's a no but hey I've put it out there now so here's hoping.
So, wait... people will send us MONEY after reading our stories???
So, wait... people will send us MONEY after reading our stories???
I am not at all above asking people to support my work if they like my stories. To that end they may either subscribe over on SubscribeStar or there are other ways they can make one time donations. I'm not greedy but I am hoping to one day be able to write full time. I'ma writer and storyteller damnit! Not some corpo drone!
I clicked my support button, and something blocked the page from opening. To add insult to injury, it was trying to send me to some malicious page. I have checked, and the address is correct. However, if I click the link below the window you past the address in, it still gives a redirect. But if I copy and past, it goes through fine. It happens the same way on all my browser settings. I check other author links, and they go through fine. GEEZ, why am I the lucky one?
I clicked my support button, and something blocked the page from opening. To add insult to injury, it was trying to send me to some malicious page. I have checked, and the address is correct. However, if I click the link below the window you past the address in, it still gives a redirect. But if I copy and past, it goes through fine. It happens the same way on all my browser settings. I check other author links, and they go through fine. GEEZ, why am I the lucky one?
Millie, I think it's just your computer. When I clicked your link I went to your sales page at Amazon.
I clicked my support button, and something blocked the page from opening. To add insult to injury, it was trying to send me to some malicious page. I have checked, and the address is correct. However, if I click the link below the window you past the address in, it still gives a redirect. But if I copy and past, it goes through fine. It happens the same way on all my browser settings. I check other author links, and they go through fine. GEEZ, why am I the lucky one?
I get a warning "Deceptive site ahead". I could still choose to proceed, although I doubt many people will actually decide to go through with it. 😕