Submissive Male or slave or both? Where next?

Go back to work. Use your mind, reclaim your dynamic self. Give her some sense that she owns something valuable.

Maybe he's happy not working. I know the narrative is that a man has to work outside the house to be useful, but that may not be true all the time.

Maybe it's her. Find out what's bothering her. And maybe, yes, maybe you DO need to get back into the "out there" and she's resenting the pressure. Maybe that's the least of her worries. Maybe you're too in her way, maybe you're ignoring her, maybe anything.

Too little info. Dunno. Talk to her.
No, not to be useful-- to be interesting, entertaining, valuable. Just my guess.
You should just try communicating whether she's unhappy with you, or it's because of something else.
However, she seems very unhappy these days, in particular, unhappy with me. How can I serve her better to make her happier?
Ask her. Because it could be anything.

You don't seem to know, we definitely don't know - she has the best chance of knowing what's bothering her and what you can do to help her through it.
Helpful comments

Thank you all for your very helpful comments.
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