Stupid Party Tricks ~ Ever seen one or done one?


Nov 27, 2002
You know, those things like Elaine and her dancing on Seinfeld. The getting so blasted at the office Christmas party that you photocopy your ass or screw your boss or the mailguy/gal...

Anyone? Anyone?
Spinaroonie said:
I gave one of my coworkers anxxxxx and blamed it on terrxxxxs!

WOW, Spin, you're courageous. You put two words in the same post that will sure excite the gubment computer word filters. Is that a black helicopter on your front lawn?

Texan said:
WOW, Spin, you're courageous. You put two words in the same post that will sure excite the gubment computer word filters. Is that a black helicopter on your front lawn?


CNN is driving the gov't insane.

Edit: Not a terrist.
I cannot believe that out of all our posters not one of you has not ever done something stupid at a party. Sheesh.

I remember at a SuperBowl party about 17 years ago we hung around with about 3 different men's soccer teams and all the girlfriends and wives that went with them. There must have been about 100 people at least at this one party. My boyfriend used to own a restaurant and brought 5 large kegs of beer for everyone to drink. (they paid per glass) Anyways, I have NO idea how much I drank or how much anyone else had drunk by the time my "incident" happened.

All I can remember is two large guys scooping me up and tossing me back and forth across the kitchen floor pretending that I was the football. All of a sudden, I can remember being airborne and then crashlanding on the floor as one of the guys missed me. There was a deathly silence throughout the room and then one voice started chanting...and before we knew it, the entire floor of people were yelling..."they dropped her on her head....they dropped her on her head" I lay in a puddle of beer giggling.

We still run into some of those people at parties and sure enough that story always comes up. :D
Apparently, I can make Canadians come to the U.S.

Ain't that some fancy shitte.
islandman said:
Apparently, I can make Canadians come to the U.S.

Ain't that some fancy shitte.

You have the POWAHHHH. (Just don't tell anyone.)
The stories I could tell you, about Santa's Christmas parties.:)

Elves and eggnog don't mix either.
Part of the done them crowd... the group I hung around with was dangerous if you passed in their presence.

We shaved peoples eyebrows off and mustaches off. We even did the old faithful hand in the warm water prank... put a candy cane in his mouth, shaving cream in his hand, and on his head like a bullseye, stole his wallet, borrowed his car and bought a pizza. By the time we got back, the candy cane was half gone, he had shaving cream up his nose, and he had pissed himself...
ahhh it's good to have buddies.
Party Tricks.......

I would love to tell you some great, hot, sexy story about my wifes female boss coming back to our hotel room after the Christmas party......Unfortunately I am sworn to secrecy.:eek:

The only party trick I can think of was this guy at a party like five years ago sucked a condom up his nose and pulled it out of his mouth. :rolleyes:

Needless to say he went home alone like the yoyo does every nite.

But I thought it was pretty cool.....:nana:

A few years back I worked for a major player in the home medical field. They always screwed those of us driving and we tended to miss out on company parties. One wintery day we decided to hang around until everyone was gone and have a party of our own. The back parking lot was very large and had a soil berm at the end that divided the office park with the woods. We found that by taking an oxygen cylinder and laying it on the ground, knocking the stem off with a pipe wrench they create a pretty good missile. So we had us one good old time..Drinking adult sodas and seeing how far we could get one to travel into the woods. Needless to say someone called the boss to say that there were a bunch of "lunatics" out behind the building and as he made the curve in his new Lexus he found out just what we were doing...Needless to say none of us ever thought the bottle would actually penetrate the side of the car, but he drove around for the next two days with a softball sized hole in the passenger door. I don't remember getting a raise that year either.
firefighter02 said:
A few years back I worked for a major player in the home medical field. They always screwed those of us driving and we tended to miss out on company parties. One wintery day we decided to hang around until everyone was gone and have a party of our own. The back parking lot was very large and had a soil berm at the end that divided the office park with the woods. We found that by taking an oxygen cylinder and laying it on the ground, knocking the stem off with a pipe wrench they create a pretty good missile. So we had us one good old time..Drinking adult sodas and seeing how far we could get one to travel into the woods. Needless to say someone called the boss to say that there were a bunch of "lunatics" out behind the building and as he made the curve in his new Lexus he found out just what we were doing...Needless to say none of us ever thought the bottle would actually penetrate the side of the car, but he drove around for the next two days with a softball sized hole in the passenger door. I don't remember getting a raise that year either.

When I was an EMT, we all heard the dangers of knocking the stem off a cylinder...We never had the guts to do anything like that!

I bet you were fun to party with eh?

Welcome to Lit by the way!! Glad you're here!
The X-mas Angel has been known to photocopy pictures of a certain elf's ass. Then sends them out as Christmas cards titles "Wish you were here! Happy Holidays!"
Re: Re: Stupid Party Tricks ~ Ever seen one or done one?

MischievousSprite said:
The X-mas Angel has been known to photocopy pictures of a certain elf's ass. Then sends them out as Christmas cards titles "Wish you were here! Happy Holidays!"

You are funny.:D
When my friends and i get together and get hammered, we start chants. Like stupid chants. One will scream out something random, then we'll all put our drinks together and scream "1,2,3..." and whatever said statement was. The last one i remember us screaming was "late night drinking". So stupid

I also tend to bust out the whole "Clit Commander" speech from jay and silent Bob strike back. I'm such a stupid drunk.:D
At outdoor campfires, I used to light a marshmallow on fire and eat it.

Haven't done it in a while, though, so I may be out of practice. I like my lips and tongue without blisters, thanks.

Thanks Skyblu...Oh to be Santa this year :) Another infamous time there was leaving photos of some strange guy (who was a good friend of one of the drivers) taking a leak into what looked to be the exact coffee maker at the office. Of course the photo was always posted about 10AM after everyone one of the office staff had had thier morning pot full.

And then there was the geletan capsules full of Ritz dye that we put in the shower heads......
I was and still am my own worst enemy. LOL....