Stunned Silence...


Chillin' like a villain
Feb 4, 2003

I just clued into the entire Yayati/Sad/Sabrina93/HugoManOfAThousandFaces thing going on here...

All the racist, misogynist, knee-jerk stuff I can take in stride, because it’s prevalent on most boards.

But this Yayati is a whole new Shakespearian level of fucked-up. I know an evolutionary behavior theorist who would *pay* to fly this dude down to Cali and think-tank his ass.

Just when you think you’ve seen it all...

/me shudders
HeavyStick said:
You haven't had a good dose of Frimost and busybody yet have you?

Or one or two others around here... shh let's not scare him off yet. :D
Yall may be used to it, so it seems ordinary by now.

But I read some of that shit, and the amount of effort and complexity of some the fabrication indicates a *deep* pathology...

If you are saying there are more noodles like that on this board then I may be out of my freakin' league ;p

Time to smoke some more.
When I first got here, Yayati was the biggest annoyance there was 'round here. There have been times since then when I've missed those days.
Nora said:
When I first got here, Yayati was the biggest annoyance there was 'round here. There have been times since then when I've missed those days.

You too, eh?

What scares me is that I was actually voted "Most Likely to be a Stand in for Leatherface in the next 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' movie " while I was attending school. On this board, I'm a moderate at best.
Nora said:
When I first got here, Yayati was the biggest annoyance there was 'round here. There have been times since then when I've missed those days.

Ahh I remember those days.. funny how so many bitched about him.. and he seems almost harmless in comparison to some.

Just realized that you joined two months after I did.. for some reason I thought it was within a few weeks of each other.
Nora said:
When I first got here, Yayati was the biggest annoyance there was 'round here. There have been times since then when I've missed those days.

Your tactics are weak Texas.

Get some new material doll.
k¡tty said:
Ahh I remember those days.. funny how so many bitched about him.. and he seems almost harmless in comparison to some.

Just realized that you joined two months after I did.. for some reason I thought it was within a few weeks of each other.

Time flies when we're having fun, eh? I kinda miss yaya's "i'm a poor white girl marrying an indian man whose family hates me" stories. The angst was wonderful.

Killjoy, you're still lame. Try again.
I'm telling you... I'm a screenwriter, and if I wrote half this shit into my work no one would believe it.

Ahh well...

A little wiser, a little wearier, I end my day.
Nora said:
Time flies when we're having fun, eh? I kinda miss yaya's "i'm a poor white girl marrying an indian man whose family hates me" stories. The angst was wonderful.

Killjoy, you're still lame. Try again.

omg how could I forget those?

And the ones about should I trust my Indian bf who is controlling me?
nitelite33 said:
I'm telling you... I'm a screenwriter, and if I wrote half this shit into my work no one would believe it.

Ahh well...

A little wiser, a little wearier, I end my day.

That is the problem with fiction, it has to be believable.

The stories I could tell you......
nitelite. I think the story of Yayati would be...well, ok, it would actually make a really boring movie. Welcome and uh...*shrug* You get used to it.

Kitty, the controlling bf ones were great, but not nearly as great as the ones where the guy's mother was pressuring him to ditch "her" and run away with an indian girl they'd picked out for him.
Nora said:
nitelite. I think the story of Yayati would be...well, ok, it would actually make a really boring movie. Welcome and uh...*shrug* You get used to it.

Kitty, the controlling bf ones were great, but not nearly as great as the ones where the guy's mother was pressuring him to ditch "her" and run away with an indian girl they'd picked out for him.

heh oh the good times.

Lets not forget the zillion "I'm leaving and never coming back threads"

In 3 months or less we'll be having this conversation about another poster or three. :D
eXXXcuse me you shitheads

Yayaa asshole is a fucking MOO-lam killer.......and wants to do you all in.........

ME? Im a peace luvin guy.......who wants to kill all you all are safe..........

Dont compare me with that vermin!