

Nov 7, 2002
i have had a story waiting to be posted for about a week. um, how long does it usually take for a story to be reviewed and added? thanks for your time.
cruelwarrior said:
i have had a story waiting to be posted for about a week. um, how long does it usually take for a story to be reviewed and added? thanks for your time.

It can be a quick as 24 hours, and as long as two or three weeks. It all depends on how muh time Laurel cn devote to the site each day and how much time is needed to approve all the pending stories.

There always seems to be a backlog of stories this time of the year for some reason. There is also a holiday story contest running, and if your story is NOT part of the holidy story contest, it has a lower priority than the time sensitive contest stories.

Others have noted that stories always seem to be posted the day after they give checking on it's status. ;)
To add, if we are referring to the extreme section, as I have been informed, stories can go at least several months without being posted.

Other sections may have more of a priority, at least that is the impression one may receive.

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