Story Rejected - How Can I Get Details?


Jun 3, 2012

I recently submitted a story. After a week, it was rejected due to "As our submission FAQ states, we do not accept stories involving people under the age of 18 in sexual situations."

There are no situations with a minor in a sexual situation. At all. And i don't seen how any reading of this story could draw that conclusion. Is there any way to reach the editor who read this story and find out what the offending passage was?


Read your content more closely, and think like a word bot. There must be a sentence, a reference, an age, that has triggered an auto-response.

If you can't find anything, resubmit with a note to the editor saying you can't find anything that could be misconstrued. To be clear - what's the context of the story?
Agreed, but keep in mind as well that the site standards for 'under 18' include more than being involved in sexual activities. A 17-year-old boy seeing a girl undressing through her window next door is cause for rejection, as is hearing one's parents' bed banging against the wall in the night. The status of high school students is hotly debated on occasion, as they may or may not be 18 or older; it's best to spell it out in the story.

Good luck.
EB's advice is good, but I would change one thing. Telling Laurel that you don't see the problem might not get her to do more than roll her eyes. Of course you don't see the problem!

It might work better to find *something*, ask in your note it that was the problem, and explain why it isn't. At least that way you'll demonstrate that you tried, and maybe you'll engage Laurel a little more.

And keep in mind that for the under-18 rule the site uses the broadest possible definition of sexual relations, sexual activity, or ... er, sex.
Or post some details of the story here and in the editor's forum, asking nicely if someone could read over it looking for the trigger.

Believe me, it can be the smallest thing. As the author, you may just gloss over it. Woods - trees sort of thing.
If you can't find anything, resubmit with a note to the editor saying you can't find anything that could be misconstrued. To be clear - what's the context of the story?
I agree with this. The first scan of submissions isn't the best. I've only had a few rejected. None of them have had the supposed material in them that would justify rejection and doing what EC66 suggests here worked every single time without any change needed in the original.

Don't presume you are wrong. Often you aren't. Conversely, don't presume you know how stringent the site rules are on what sexual activity is. If you have no children below 18 in your story at all, it's a good bet the problem isn't on your end.
Thanks to all for your suggestions and I have taken your advice. "Pharaoh's Taboo Gift" has been resubmitted with a note to the administrator.