Story Prompt Ideas


Aug 6, 2011
These are stories I don't necessarily have time to right but which I think have enough potential for another writer to do.

1.) The Grand Tour: Black guy takes gap year between high school and college to tour Europe, in the process recreating the Grand Tour
Along the way he beds a different white beauty (a British Girl, a French Girl, an Italian Girl, a Greek Girl, a German Girl and a Dutch Girl, possibly even a Swiss girl). Whether or not he impregnates them is up to the reader.

2.) An Elven princess is fucked by an orc. Note: There are a lot of nonconsensual stories about this. I think a consensual story (as in they both want each other right away rather than her being raped and liking it) would be an interesting twist.

We also see the entire elf nobility getting knocked up by orcish seed.

3.) Satan the Prince of Darkness fathers 7 children on 7 women, each one representing one of the seven deadly sins.

4.) Sex in South Africa; white girl gets fucked by black guy at party.
Just curious, have you ever been to any of the counties mentioned above, including South Africa? I'm not saying that you or any writer absolutely had to do that, but it does much a difference in the approach to the story. Is it based on research or is it impressionistic?

A lot of science fiction and fantasy stories require "world building," which is something I mostly wouldn't try myself, but some people have done it quite convincingly. Anyway, I haven't been to any of those places myself, so I would be reluctant to use them as as a setting.
So, a British girl, a French girl and an Italian girl walk into a bar, and the Italian girl offers to get the first round.
"Beer!" the British girl says.
"Wine!" the French girl says.
"There you go," the Italian girl says. "You two stay here and drink. There's a Greek girl, a German girl and a Dutch girl waiting for me outside..."
Nah, she drank the Kool-Aid.
Not to be a didactic nit-picker - always that is always fun - but it was actually a locally-branded powdered juice from Guyana. One survivor said during an interview that she couldn't remember the name, so she said it "was like Kool-Aid." And thus a detail of history was set forever.
Not to be a didactic nit-picker - always that is always fun - but it was actually a locally-branded powdered juice from Guyana. One survivor said during an interview that she couldn't remember the name, so she said it "was like Kool-Aid." And thus a detail of history was set forever.
Please do be a didactic nit-picker. Makes me feel less like a dick when I'm one. Not that that would stop me in any way.
Just curious, have you ever been to any of the counties mentioned above, including South Africa? I'm not saying that you or any writer absolutely had to do that, but it does much a difference in the approach to the story. Is it based on research or is it impressionistic?

A lot of science fiction and fantasy stories require "world building," which is something I mostly wouldn't try myself, but some people have done it quite convincingly. Anyway, I haven't been to any of those places myself, so I would be reluctant to use them as as a setting.
Britain and France, and Berlin in Germany. Greece and Italy as well. Though it was more than a decade ago in the case of Italy.

That's fair, I thought it could be a cool concept.
These are stories I don't necessarily have time to right but which I think have enough potential for another writer to do.

1.) The Grand Tour: Black guy takes gap year between high school and college to tour Europe, in the process recreating the Grand Tour
Along the way he beds a different white beauty (a British Girl, a French Girl, an Italian Girl, a Greek Girl, a German Girl and a Dutch Girl, possibly even a Swiss girl). Whether or not he impregnates them is up to the reader.
Black guy from the US? Best clarify.
It would also be more of series I imagine, each country on the way a chapter (or for a longer work, maybe even each city on the way).

2.) An Elven princess is fucked by an orc. Note: There are a lot of nonconsensual stories about this. I think a consensual story (as in they both want each other right away rather than her being raped and liking it) would be an interesting twist.

We also see the entire elf nobility getting knocked up by orcish seed.
This would be very hard to pull off in Middle Earth. So you'd have to go D&D, WoW or similar settings. One way I can imagine is more of a middle way, like an arranged marriage, to solidify an alliance between (the dwindling) elves and orcs, maybe against a common enemy (humans? dwarves?).

3.) Satan the Prince of Darkness fathers 7 children on 7 women, each one representing one of the seven deadly sins.
Who represents the deadly sins, the children or the mothers?
4.) Sex in South Africa; white girl gets fucked by black guy at party.
That's a quite touchy one, and I wouldn't touch with a 10" pole, since it involves a strongly political component of a society that in that regard is in flux.
I love how a ten foot barge pole can become a ten inch 'pole'...
2.) An Elven princess is fucked by an orc. Note: There are a lot of nonconsensual stories about this. I think a consensual story (as in they both want each other right away rather than her being raped and liking it) would be an interesting twist.
This one, as a consensual tale, is probably actually fairly easy to set the stage and then play out nicely.

First, you could always go for a political marriage, where the orc slowly overcomes the elf's prejudices, until she falls for him. A real romance tale. Or you could play a Beauty and Beast approach, if you wanted to be a tad more traditional.

But if you were to take a different tact, in quite a number of fantasy worlds, orcs are often elven in nature. Twisted sometimes, fallen sometimes. Sometimes just a more brutish kind of elf. But still related to the elves. It's not a leap for them to get close, even if they only stumble across each other in a tavern. Orcish bard, elven archer? Orcish waiter and elven tourist? Endless possibilities.
This would be very hard to pull off in Middle Earth. So you'd have to go D&D, WoW or similar settings. One way I can imagine is more of a middle way, like an arranged marriage, to solidify an alliance between (the dwindling) elves and orcs, maybe against a common enemy (humans? dwarves?).
You forgot Shadow Run. Cyberpunk elves and orcs. In the Shadow Run setting elves and Orcs interact all the time.
You forgot Shadow Run. Cyberpunk elves and orcs. In the Shadow Run setting elves and Orcs interact all the time.
I did forget Shadowrun. Though on the other hand the OP mentioned an Elven princess, which evokes a more medieval/renaissance type setting, though I suppose the Elven nation(s) in that setting could have a nobility (I'm not really up to date with Shadowrun lore). I also don't think there is the same racial enmity that would otherwise be one of the themes of the story.
I think the Elven nations has a Nobility. And Orcs and Trolls are still looked down on. But come on, cyber noir elf/ orc love story. If that doesn't interest literally 10s of people, well I don't know what will.
I think the Elven nations has a Nobility. And Orcs and Trolls are still looked down on. But come on, cyber noir elf/ orc love story. If that doesn't interest literally 10s of people, well I don't know what will.
Oh, I agree.
I mainly explain why Shadowrun didn't come to my mind.
Black guy from the US? Best clarify.
It would also be more of series I imagine, each country on the way a chapter (or for a longer work, maybe even each city on the way).

This would be very hard to pull off in Middle Earth. So you'd have to go D&D, WoW or similar settings. One way I can imagine is more of a middle way, like an arranged marriage, to solidify an alliance between (the dwindling) elves and orcs, maybe against a common enemy (humans? dwarves?).

Who represents the deadly sins, the children or the mothers?

That's a quite touchy one, and I wouldn't touch with a 10" pole, since it involves a strongly political component of a society that in that regard is in flux.
Yes an American Black Guy. And the mothers represent the sins. A stick up model represents pride for instance
Yes an American Black Guy. And the mothers represent the sins. A stick up model represents pride for instance
Hmm. So you could have Satan in each case (in disguise of course) play to that sin to entice/entrap/seduce them. See how far they really go in that sin.