Story in approval process, can I link to it on ASSTR for feedback while waiting?


Writer of sorts.
Jun 11, 2013
Was interested in getting feedback on my first attempt at a story, I was curious if it is OK to post a link to it on ASSTR while it is in the approval process on Literotica. No makes complete sense, but just thought I would check. Thank you!!!
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No. This site is for stories on this site (Forum rule #6). Can understand you are anxious, but the story will be no different in four days than it is today.

There's no guarantee it will ever be posted to this site.
Understood, thanks for the quick reply! I read the " Writers: Please Read" sticky post and couldn't find a link to any other rules.

And I know what you mean about maybe never getting approved, but one thing is for sure, if I don't stop clicking "pending" to change things, it will never even have a chance! Thanks again!
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