
in a minute :D just need fresh milk :devil:



Fresh always tastes better, much appreciated.
they're all great if You ask me :D but if You don't fancy any i can bring You a random one :D

linked due to size

:whispers: and as You can see these green sprinkles indicate there's also some special ingredient in 'em :D

Oh my I cant wait to taste....

I whisper back and lick my lips as I then ask softly

And if I make a mess on my pretty lips?! Wouldnt want to look bad for when Mr. X for when he gets back
@ wolfie & Anja

*puts arms around the girls waists*

Thanks girls for stepping up to the plate and running the show today! I'm at ease knowing that you two are looking after the place and customers, but kinda upset that I'm missed out on all the fun! :rolleyes:

Gives each of them a kiss on the cheek and then a firm and playful slap on their bare behinds! ;)

Hmmm... I believe I could use a donut as I wait for Mr. X


Hi Little_Tease :)

Sorry I'm back late, but the meeting over ran and then hit traffic :confused:. but I'm glad you're still here and that you waited! ;)

I hope the girls and magic looked after you today? ...and judging by how you're dressed (...or not!), it looks as though you had fun!

*turns key in lock and locks the door to STARFUCKS
,throws a dead-bolt across and pulls down the blind!*

*brings over a large tumbler of whiskey and places it on the table in front of Little_Tease ...and then places a pair of metal handcuffs along-side the tumbler*

"Are you ready for your tour:devil:?"
Hi Little_Tease :)

Sorry I'm back late, but the meeting over ran and then hit traffic :confused:. but I'm glad you're still here and that you waited! ;)

I hope the girls and magic looked after you today? ...and judging by how you're dressed (...or not!), it looks as though you had fun!

*turns key in lock and locks the door to STARFUCKS
,throws a dead-bolt across and pulls down the blind!*

*brings over a large tumbler of whiskey and places it on the table in front of Little_Tease ...and then places a pair of metal handcuffs along-side the tumbler*

"Are you ready for your tour:devil:?"

*I smile stretching some and nodding*

Oh yess they were all very nice to me Mr. X..

and I just cant wait to see this place...well a little but closer...

*nibbles my lips looking at the cuffs*

So were are we going to start...
*I smile stretching some and nodding*

Oh yess they were all very nice to me Mr. X..

and I just cant wait to see this place...well a little but closer...

*nibbles my lips looking at the cuffs*

So were are we going to start...

First ...finish your drink :)

*I sit opposite you watching you intently as you bring the glass up to your red lips - the ice clinking in the silence of the shop!*

You're not really a whiskey drinker, but somehow you feel you're going to need it! You down it in one - hating and loving the burn on the way down.

"Now what?" you ask, feeling the heat of the drink radiating out.

"Now I'd like you to strip! ...we don't want to get those nice clothes of yours dirty and messed up and ripped in the basement, do we?" ;)

You stand and slowly start to remove items of clothing. The drink giving you the confidence, the sights you've seen today giving you the desire.

"Oh, leave the panties, stockings and heels on!" :)

You finish doing what was asked of you and stand there - a little self-conscious but confident.

I smile and stand up - you notice the bulge in my jeans and the corners of your mouth turn up a little.

I slowly walk around you once, twice, three times - inspecting the 'goods'.
You keep your eyes focused forward - you weren't asked to do that, you feel it's what is expected.

I pick up the cuffs from the table - "Hands behind you"
You bring your wrists to rest on your butt cheeks and I move behind you, taking each wrist in turn and place it in the cold metal - the ratcheting sound of the cuffs closing deafening in the silence!

i move round again in front of you. Your breathing is faster and I can see your chest moving up and down.
I reach out and take a tit in each hand - admiring their weight and softness. I run a thumb over each hot little nub hearing that little intake of breath as I do. I smile - but you're not sure whether that's comforting or not!

I let go of breasts and reach into my pocket ...and bring out a wide black leather collar with a ring at each end and a large ring in the middle and a small padlock hanging from one of the end rings. I hold it in front of you to see and then encircle the two ends around your throat and neck. I bring the two small rings together behind your neck - my face inches away from yours, and I can smell the coffee and whiskey on your breath. I fiddle blindly with the little padlock behind your neck - never breaking eye-contact, and then you feel the tightness of the collar and again the 'deafening' almost inaudible click of the padlock. Your already soaked flimsy panties struggling to contain the additional flow from your pussy!

You swallow a couple of times - getting used to the snugness of the collar. Next you see me reach into my pocket again and this time I bring out a pair of nipple clamps! :eek: swallow again but this time it's not for testing purposes!
I hold a clamp in each hand and squeeze them open and place the clamp ends either side of your nipples and slowly release the pressure and allow the clamps to grip your hard little fleshy nubs.

As the pressure increases, your mouth opens but before you can make a sound I say "Shhhhhh!", so instead you close your eyes and bite your lip in the cute way you always do.

You stand there trying to block out the pain in your nipples from the clamps as the chain connecting them swings back and forth between them.
I go behind the counter and come back carrying a leash. I clip this to the big ring on your collar...

"OK Little_Tease" I say, tugging on the leash "...let me show you around the place - and then we'll finish in the basement!" :devil:
First ...finish your drink :)

"OK Little_Tease" I say, tugging on the leash "...let me show you around the place - and then we'll finish in the basement!" :devil:

Its like unspoken words telling me what I should or should not do and I follow I stay standing straight and tall to show the best part of myself. I would never want anything else then to show my chocolate side. The whiskey was not my taste as I am a rather sweet tooth but its delightful burning till down in my tummy did give this little push, I do believe I would need if not for now but for later.

The cuffs the cold metal against my hot skin and then resting against my cheeks makes my heart pick up a beat or two as I stand curious of what is all to come but seeing the bulge in your pants, I know definitely what I hope will come.

This all makes me excited and aroused more than I thought it would and seeing the collar I must fight the urge to wiggle and shiver with my hips and show my excitement. I lick over my lips playfully as my eyes lock to yours also never breaking away as my eyes tell you I am more to handle then the sweet little thing that stands before you. As the paddle lock makes its deafening click I swallow a few times to test the nice snug feeling of the collar.

It was then that I had to swallow again as you pull out the clamps but also had to fight the smirk that crept upon my lips. Though when you put them on my lips O, and I gasp ever so slightly wanting to react and say something but your “Shhh” tells me better not to.

So, my thighs shiver slightly as I let my nipples get used to the pain that was the sweetest pain on my nipples and I nibble my lip and try to keep my breathing calm at least for now. As you come back with a leash I have to giggle and smirk with a lick over my lip.


I whisper as I follow you other than my name in silence, so you know what awaits you as my name is program. I also make sure to sway my hips as delightful and playful as I can while I follow and my hands cupping my ass cheeks.
Hmm, seems to be closed. I think I'll walk down to the bus stop and see if one of the girls would like to share my umbrella out of the rain....
That's odd...

I thought they opened at 7:00 a.m. Sounds like some kind of noise in there. Hope everyone is okay.
That's a good point. Do you think it's being burgled and they've taken hostages? Maybe we should rush in, follow the noise, and save Mr X!! :cool:
Good morning friends and lovers!!

Hhhmmm... odd things are still closed up. Sorry about that guys, let me get things going here
*opens the doors and rolls up the shades, turns on the lights and gets things started, then hears noises from the Boss's "special room" and grins :heart:*

*Takes Bossy-Sir and Little Tease a tray with some bottles of water, a couple towels, some cinny-buns and coffee and with a light tap on the door, leaves it on the floor*

"just leaving some treats out for you Sir"
NOW! *rolls up sleeves... (er, at least I would if I wasn't naked)*

Lets get those creamers rolling and get this place happening!!




