Special ed placements


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Whenever I hear about someone being diagnosed as learning disabled and put into special ed, I think to myself boy, they have an excruciatingly difficult life ahead of them...

Regardless of what school staffers say, the real reason for their problems is flat-out low intelligence and bad genetics. Of course, people are TERRIFIED to make any truthful statements about that person's level of intelligence in fear of a multi-million-dollar harassment or discrimination lawsuit against the school and school district.

In fact, you could score as low as 60 on an IQ test and the school psychologists, administrators, and teachers would still insist that you are a bright and intelligent individual.

Of course, there are some extremely exceptional cases where special education students have IQ's on the right half of the bell curve, but they are very few and far apart.

Just like the homeless guy on the street corner holding up his cardboard sign, I almost feel sorry for these extremely unfortunate short-straw grabbers...
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