Spam Gone Wrong


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
This was posted by B Smith over at
you need to check out inktank anyway. but this was pretty damn funny.

I know most of you guys know about the little tricks spammers use to get you to open their messages. "Make your penis larger, NOW!" (yea, by rubbing it). "I represent the dethroned king of Nigeria and we want to put our untold millions in your bank account, please." (but of course we need your bank account number to pull all your money out first just to make sure we have enough room for all our money). "Hey Roger, here are those naked pictures of me you asked for." (behind the pay for porn website you asked me to put up as well).
This last one is the one that gets me. You know some "marketing" guy was saying "I know, let's make it look like a misdirected email. People can't help but read mail that's not theirs." Ok, that may have worked once or twice when the scam first came out, but now it's just getting ridiculous.

I just got this little beauty in my inbox: "Jim - here are the discounted toner and inkjet cartridges prices I mentioned earlier."

Oooohhhh. I just can't wait to get a peek into the lurid world of "Jim" and his toner fetish. Hey, maybe I'll even pretend to be "Jim" and see if I can't snag these sweet deals for myself. Ohhhh. I feel so dirty. Man, you can't hold me back. I'm a wild man with no regard for proper email etiquette. I mean, C'MON! An inside track to discounted toner cartridges! Who can pass that up?!

Well at least that didn't ask to let the owner of the dethroned king of "Low, low, prices!" keep his untold millions of nude co-eds in my penis enlarging bank account.