Song verse attribution rules

You'll probably get away with it here. Doesn't mean you are doing it either legally or ethically right. And, as has been pointed out by more than one on the thread, giving full credit means absolutely nothing in terms of copyright violation. What it primarily does is say, "possible violation can be found right here."

And, in a lawyer's hands, "they knew they were using somebody else's material and they did it anyway".

On the occasions when I quote lyrics, I do attribute them, but that's because I see it as ethical and courteous. It doesn't give me any legal protection.
I have a few cover songs with attribution on YouTube, recorded and posted by third parties. A couple of them now have ads that were not attached by the poster that pop up before you can view them. Neither the poster nor I get any of the proceeds. I wonder if they go to the original autor. That would be cool if my recording was making money for the writer...

Hopefully so, though there's also an industry in people falsely claiming to be the original author in order to monetise other people's videos.