Can't change post.


Literotica Guru
Feb 19, 2021
I mistakenly made a post in Story Feedback that was supposed to go in Author's Hangout. I changed the title and content to say Sorry.... in Story Feedback, and reposted in Author's Hangout. But the "Sorry..." insists in showing up in Author's Hangout, after repeated tries. I'm giving up and will start over tomorrow. (This post is my way of erasing the wrong text.)
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Did you post this in feedback by mistake?

The word Rhythm. I have struggled with this word for years, and to the point I now just type it, know it will be wrong and let spellcheck fix it.
Did you post this in feedback by mistake?

The word Rhythm. I have struggled with this word for years, and to the point I now just type it, know it will be wrong and let spellcheck fix it.
Somewhere!!!! Either in Author's hangout or Story Feedback, I've posted... Oh! I'm so confused.
I removed the one-post thread from here. If you want me to change the title of this thread, I can do that for you. The moderator of the other forum will have to handle moving any threads from there or modifying them, but if you need any assistance here, let me know and I'll do what I can to help.
I removed the one-post thread from here. If you want me to change the title of this thread, I can do that for you. The moderator of the other forum will have to handle moving any threads from there or modifying them, but if you need any assistance here, let me know and I'll do what I can to help.
Ahhh, you're still here. Thought we'd lost you.

Have you received messages I've sent in the past?
Somewhere!!!! Either in Author's hangout or Story Feedback, I've posted... Oh! I'm so confused.
I saw the one in Feedback, but I'm not sure where it went now. I don't see it in the usual place with the other one.
I mistakenly made a post in Story Feedback that was supposed to go in Author's Hangout. I changed the title and content to say Sorry.... in Story Feedback, and reposted in Author's Hangout. But the "Sorry..." insists in showing up in Author's Hangout, after repeated tries. I'm giving up and will start over tomorrow. (This post is my way of erasing the wrong text.)
That's why I don't see it. The thread was moved and SF shows Redirect, but you edited this post, which is really the one that was moved.

Yumpin' Yimminee.

I remember your word was 'sleight' and you were using 'slight of hand' in error.

I also agree with Crafty's trouble with the 'r' word.
I removed the one-post thread from here. If you want me to change the title of this thread, I can do that for you. The moderator of the other forum will have to handle moving any threads from there or modifying them, but if you need any assistance here, let me know and I'll do what I can to help.
Thanks. I'm just going to re-post in the correct forum with a slightly different subject. Thanks again for getting back to me.