Sometimes you feel like a nut...


Bound and willing
Apr 9, 2002
Sometimes you don't!

How you feelin' today??

I'll let you guess how I'm feeling
Are sunny's boobies bouncing, or should I lay off making coffee with caffeinated water?
Shouldn't come as any surprise, I like nuts.

I'm feeling good, to say the least.
naudiz said:
Are sunny's boobies bouncing, or should I lay off making coffee with caffeinated water?

Hmm...I was wondering if someone had slipped me coffee the first time I saw the AV myself!
Summery said:
I have Almond Joys.
You know what I can do with those.;)

Um, yah...I've heard that quite clearly over the phone...dayum baby!
LOL. You two are too funny. Good afternoon. I've been away for a few days, been busy shopping a little too much.
They aren't bouncing! They are waving. lol I can't look at it and not laugh.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
LOL. You two are too funny. Good afternoon. I've been away for a few days, been busy shopping a little too much.

Got nuts? ;)
marksgirl said:
I'll take Brazilian nuts please, their big!:D

Hmm...I'm thinking back...hmm...nope never had Brazilian nuts. I'm willing to try anything atleast ONCE!